
Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded in the air.

It is conceivable that the collision between Blood Winged Flying Dragon and Bidio this time was quite intense.

A cloud of smoke quickly filled the area of ​​the explosion, covering the sight of everyone present.

In this regard, Bai Mo directly has superpowers to sweep it away.

In the smog, the blood wings in the air were already waving their wings very briskly, and Bibi Diao looked more miserable. With the wings that were injured by the dragon's breath before, it was a little difficult to fly now.

As his eyes narrowed, Bai Mo immediately seized the opportunity and said loudly, "Blood-winged dragon, right now, use a large-scale jet of flame directly in front of you."

After the smoke, although the blood-winged dragon could not see it, after receiving Bai Mo's order, it did not hesitate, and immediately spewed out a fiery flame.

When all this happened, Xiang Fei and Bi Diao who were also in the smoke were completely unresponsive...

In the smoke, he only felt that a huge flame enveloped him, and Bi Diao screamed, lost, lost consciousness, and then fell straight down to the ground below him.

Looking at its tightly closed eyes, it is obvious that it can no longer fight.

"Beautiful carving!"

Seeing this scene, Xiang Fei immediately screamed and ran over.

He hugged Bi Diao and found that it was only stunned by a powerful force and was not seriously injured. Xiang Fei was immediately relieved.

After the sky, the smoke slowly dissipated at this time, revealing the unscathed figure of the blood-winged dragon.


Noticing that Bi Diao had lost his ability to fight, the Blood Winged Flying Dragon suddenly let out a roar.

At this moment, the blood wing dragon is like the overlord of the sky.

Afterwards, Bai Mo came to Xiangfei. After the two of them were polite, Xiangfei took the initiative to take the Mega Evolution Stone from his chest and handed it to Bai Mo.

This Mega Evolution Stone, Xiangfei didn't know what it was, it was just something he came across during his travels, because Bi Diao seemed to like it very much, and he thought the stone was pretty, so he took it with him.

This time, in fact, Bai Mo proposed to use this as a bet in the battle before, but Xiangfei still realized something. After all, the youngest doctor in the alliance would never like a meaningless thing, right?

At this moment, Bai Mo took out another water stone as his bet.

The material of this water stone is average, and it is worth several thousand alliance coins.

This gave Xiangfei a general idea, that is, the evolution stone in his chest, which is probably the price, and finally adds a few thousand.

This money, he Xiangfei does not see it.

And these were actually calculated by Bai Mo early in the morning.

This time, Bai Mo has won two games in a row, Xiangfei's strongest Biaodiao has also lost, and in the third game, the two of them have a tacit understanding and will not compete again.

After being polite again, Xiangfei walked in the direction of Buyan Town and continued his journey.

And Bai Mo and others went through another hour and came to the top of Yantu Mountain.

At the same time, on the side of Yantu Mountain, the helicopter marked with the Lava Team logo slowly landed.

Chapter 0226 Elf eggs to hatch, attacked in the air

The plane of the Lava Team slowly landed on the side of Yantu Mountain, and a group of people walked out of it, led by a man with a bandage on his face.

Behind the man, there is a purple-haired heroine. The heroine is not tall, and she keeps swinging her hands when she walks, giving people a very youthful and playful feeling.

A group of people came to the open space.

The man headed slowly turned his head, and the only pair of cold eyes that were exposed glanced at the girl's face, hiding a trace of possessiveness.

"This time, the old rules!"

"Captain Bonfire and your third elite team follow me to the experiment site, bring instruments and stuff!"

"The rest of the people stayed, led by the fire path, and scattered."

"Once a suspicious person is found breaking in, drive out!"

"If those guys from the Water Fleet continue to make troubles, don't hold back!"

"Yes, cadre Jing Jiang!" Hearing Jing Jiang's order, all the members of the lava team stood up straight. Only the bonfire seemed to have yawned, and stretched out his little hand and slapped his mouth. After a while, he said lightly, "Okay, cadre Jingjiang!"

Jing Jiang glanced at the bonfire and said nothing, turned and walked in one direction.

At the same time, on the side of Yantu Mountain, on the way to the cable car ride, Ya Yi leaned over to Bai Mo's side, rubbed his arm and asked, "Mo, are we going to take the cable car this time? "

"Looking at you, it seems like you don't want to?" Looking down at Ya Yi, Bai Mo stretched out a finger and gently flicked her forehead.

Mei Yi immediately stretched out her hand to cover her forehead, with tears in her eyes, looking like she was in pain.

"Okay!" Shaking his head hilariously, Bai Mo smiled, "I don't know you yet, don't I just want to sit and watch the blood-winged flying dragon."

"I promise you it will be!"

"That's great!" Seeing that Bai Mo immediately understood her intention and agreed, Ya Yi waved her arms excitedly.

In this regard, Tou Zi and the others on the side shook their heads speechlessly, because the Crustacea had just evolved into a blood-winged flying dragon, and was adapting to its own strength and enjoying the joy of flying, Bai Mo did not take back the Poke Ball but let it be Fly there.

Along the way, Ya Yi has been looking at the wide and spacious back of the Blood Winged Flying Dragon. Anyone with a discerning eye can see what she has in mind.

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