"You're very smart!" Bai Mo chuckled lightly after casting an admiring look at the bonfire, "Then do you know why I didn't hypnotize you like the people around me?"

"Is this!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Bonfire stretched out his hand, tapped his lips with a finger, and thought for a while, "Well, I really can't think of it."

"People are curious about this matter, why don't you tell me directly, Dr. Bai Mo, Lord Bai Mo, handsome guy Bai Mo!?"

"Hehehe!" Said, Bonfire blinked at Bai Mo.

"Then just think about it slowly. I'll let me tell you the answer. Jing Jiang will solve it!" Without answering directly, Bai Mo turned to look at Jing Jiang, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were filled with a hint of coldness:

"Jingjiang, show all your strength, don't die too fast!"

Saying that, Bai Mo nodded to Shanaido who was beside him, "Xiao Nai, come on, this is a rare chance for revenge!"

Saying that, Bai Mo reached out and tapped the crystal on his chest.

The pink crystal emitted a burst of pink light, and the next moment, Latias appeared in front of the bonfire and Jing Jiang.


"God beast!"

Noticing that the elf that Bai Mo took out, the expression of the very relaxed campfire, which had always been smiling, also changed.

Divine beasts are rare to see. Bai Mo, he actually subdued one?

"Latias, please stand up!" Said to Latias, and Bai Mo looked at the blood-winged flying dragon again, "You are also on the blood-winged flying dragon, but there are three on the opposite side."

"You and Shanaido join forces and see if the other party can put some pressure on you!"

"Arrogant." Originally, Jing Jiang was still a little nervous when he saw Latias, but after hearing Bai Mo's words, he instantly became angry. Bai Mo's meaning was that he wanted two to three.

The time when Shanaido and the Blood Winged Flying Dragon became Heavenly King-level strength was not a little different from that of the three elves under his command, and it was not that they could not be affected, and he had been a Heavenly King-level trainer for some time.

Bai Mo just wants to deal with him like this, is it too contemptible?

On the contrary, after the bonfire on the side heard Bai Mo's words, his eyes suddenly brightened, and the two began to fight with great interest.

Bai Mo didn't choose nonsense, and directly directed his two elves to attack.

"Xiao Nai, keep your mind strong!"

"Blood-winged dragon, water cannon!"

Shanaido's strong mental thoughts instantly enveloped the forked bat in the air, and the forked bat, which was twice restrained by the super power system, was instantly controlled to death.

It was at this time that the water cannon spewed by the blood-winged dragon spewed in the direction of the fire-breathing camel.

"Fire-breathing camel, hold on!"

"Great Wolf Dog, come on, use Frozen Teeth on the Blood Winged Dragon!"

Seeing Bai Mo attack directly, Jing Jiang's face was gloomy, but he was not passively beaten, and immediately organized a counterattack.

The fire-breathing camel defended and blocked the water cannon of the blood-winged flying dragon. At this time, the big wolf dog quickly ran to the blood-winged flying dragon, his mouth opened, and a trace of coldness appeared on the teeth in his mouth!

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's eyes flashed with mockery:


Chapter 0231 Jing Jiang was played to death


Bai Mo's disdainful voice reached Bonfire and Jing Jiang's ears.

The next moment, when the Great Wolf Dog was approaching the Blood Winged Flying Dragon, Shanaido suddenly gave up his continuous congratulations to the cross-shaped bat, and a strange blue light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, when the Great Wolf Dog was about to hit the blood-wing flying dragon, the figures of Shanaido and the blood-wing flying dragon disappeared, and when they reappeared, they were already in the air on the side of the cross-shaped bat!

In the air, Shanaido did not distract himself from using his superpower to control his flight, but stood on the back of the blood-winged dragon. Because it was closer to the cross-shaped bat, he used his mental strength again to control the fork. At the same time as the word bat, it continued to hurt it.

The blood-winged flying dragon kept flapping its wings to maintain its flight. A hint of purple flashed in its fierce eyes, its mouth grew, and a powerful dragon wave flew straight towards the fire-breathing camel.

The fire-breathing camel's holding light just dissipated at this time, sturdily ate the blow of the blood-winged flying dragon, and kept retreating to one side, and couldn't help but let out a miserable roar.

It was not until this time that Bonfire and Jing Jiang reacted, and at the same time they both understood what Bai Mo meant by "stupid".

Now it is a battle of life and death, and it is a race against time, but Jing Jiang actually wanted to make the Great Wolf Dog run the same way to carry out ice-type attacks in order to cause more damage when the blood-wing flying dragon was not restricted by special circumstances and could not move. Just being funny.

"Xiao Nai, use your mental strength with all your strength!"

Bai Mo's indifferent voice sounded again at this time, without any trace of emotion.

Jing Jiang's three Heavenly King-level ace cards are all of the highest quality, but among them, the weakest is the cross-shaped bat. It can be seen that it has not broken through for a long time, and the super energy system has restrained the poison system.

Shanaido's strength is the peak of the junior king level.

Continuous use of the super-power-type attack with super-power-type profound meanings is relatively powerful, and the damage to the cross-shaped bat is very large.

Now, Shanaido made a full effort, and the cross-shaped bat fainted directly, and the defeat was very simple.

One of his own elf left in an instant, Jing Jiang's heart trembled violently, and his eyes became extremely serious. Seeing that Shanaido had dealt with the cross-shaped bat, he turned his attention to the fire-breathing camel, and he immediately shouted:

"Fire-breathing camel, spraying flames, aiming at the blood-winged dragon!"

"The Great Wolf Dog, the wave of evil!"

Hearing Jing Jiang's order to his elf, Bai Mo immediately ordered Shanaido and the Blood Winged Flying Dragon to attack.

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