But the bonfire in front of him has already explained the crux of the problem. He understands that even begging for mercy is useless, but looking at the current situation, it seems that he is powerless to change anything.

Suddenly, noticing the Great Wolf Dog, who was now very close to Bai Mo because of the use of frozen teeth on the blood-winged dragon, Jing Jiang's eyes flashed with a mad look, and he said loudly:

"Big wolf dog, use the death light of destruction on the person behind you!"


If it was an ordinary elf, it would still hesitate to receive an order to attack humans, but it would not be the case for the evil wolf dog.

At this point, the Great Wolfhound had already withdrawn and fell into a state of rigidity due to the use of the destruction of the death light.

The moment it got Jing Jiang's order, it forced itself to face Bai Mo with all four of its feet, and began to brew a light of destruction in its mouth.

Afterwards, the destructive death light was sprayed straight at Bai Mo, and behind Bai Mo was lava!

As if he had foreseen the outcome of Bai Mo, Jing Jiang laughed wildly, "It's ridiculous, Bai Mo, this is not a battle of elves, but a battle of life and death. I don't plan to abide by any rules, you go to hell!"

However, the one who answered Jing Jiang was the two words Bai Mo had said for the third time!


However, unlike the previous two times, this time, Bai Mo's voice sounded beside Jing Jiang.

Like a conditioned reflex, Jing Jiang's pupils shrunk sharply, looking to the left, what catches his eye is Bai Mo with a slight curvature at the corner of his mouth.

But at this moment, looking at this face, Jing Jiang's heart was extremely cold.

Until this time, Jing Jiang suddenly remembered that Bai Mo was still a superhuman.

"I've played enough with your elf, and my elf has absorbed enough experience. Next, I'll ask you to die."

Bai Mo's voice was surprisingly flat and flat, and Jing Jiang seemed to see an indifferent death.

The next moment, without waiting for Jing Jiang to say anything, a blue light appeared in the depths of Bai Mo's eyes, and Jing Jiang's body was also shrouded in blue power, and then, it fell towards the lava on one side!


"Bai Mo!"

"I am!"



After dealing with Jing Jiang, Bai Mo exhaled, and a thorn in his heart was also pulled out.

Next, the only thorn in my heart is to solve Chi Yansong, but this day will take some time to come.

But, it doesn't matter, when the time comes, Bai Mo will take over everything from the Lava Team, just as the interest paid by Chi Yansong in those days!

After resolving Jing Jiang's matter, Bai Mo turned his attention to the bonfire beside him.

Seeing Bai Mo looking at him, Bonfire immediately put aside the shocked expression on Jing Jiang's defeat and was killed so easily, smiled at Bai Mo, and was about to say something.

But at this time, Bai Mo did suddenly disappear from her sight, and then, appeared in front of her again!

He took out the Poke Ball and took back the Blood Winged Dragon. After Bai Mo gave Shanaido a look, he reached out and grabbed Bonfire's wrist.

"Dr. Bai Mo, I don't know, what do you mean!?" When Bai Mo grabbed his wrist, Bonfire's body trembled, but he didn't resist, instead he asked with a chuckle.

Hearing this, Bai Mo immediately pretended to be murderous and said, "It's nothing, I killed Jing Jiang, so of course I want to kill all of you!"

"Otherwise Chi Yansong knows, who knows if he will die with me."

"Oh hoo hoo!" Bonfire immediately trembled when he heard Bai Mo's words and said with a tender smile, "Bai Mo, it's so funny that you lie like this!"

"You want to kill us, why did you go early in the morning, and you tried so hard to dizzy everyone around you, and you didn't stun me!"

"Although I don't know your purpose for leaving me, but I know you don't want to hurt me!"

"Now you're here to scare me, you're so cute!"

"Cute!?" Seeing the cute girl in front of him describe him like this, a tic tac toe appeared on Bai Mo's forehead, and he remembered that Bonfire seemed to be a few years older than him.

But looking at this woman's unscrupulous appearance, Bai Mo was very upset.

So, as soon as he used his hands, Bai Mo pulled the bonfire into his arms, picked her up by the waist, turned her hips up, and raised his hands.


Chapter 0233 Tune the sick and delicate M girl bonfire




Because of the bonfire's change of direction and molesting, Bai Mo let her enjoy the treatment she had given to Quan Mei when she first met Quan Mei.





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