"Not good!" Adam secretly shouted not good, and quickly made a remedy, "Love fish, use the water cannon on the ground!"

"Use the reaction force, avoid the ground, and get back into the water quickly."

The field outside the pool has been turned into a favored field by the Lizard King. If the love fish falls there, it is almost no different from losing.

Hearing Adam's cry, Bai Mo also shouted at the Lizard King, "Energy Ball!"


The Lizard King controlled his body to fall to a stone pillar, and then began to quickly condense energy balls.

The love fish hit the ground with the water cannon, and then flew towards the water surface with a strong recoil. Seeing that it was about to fall into the water again, the Lizard King threw an energy ball at this time.

The love fish is now using the water cannon, obviously unable to avoid it, and finally was thrown straight by the energy ball.

The moment the energy ball hit the love fish, it exploded, blasting her to the wall beside the pool and smashing a big hole.

Bai Mo's voice sounded again at this time:

"Lizard King, the lightning flashes!"

"Lightning Fist!"

Chapter 0259 Unexpected Catfish King

The Love Fish is very close to the Lizard King. It takes him far more time to prepare long-range skills than it takes to get close with a flash of electric light!

After the Lizard King got Bai Mo's order, he used his legs to turn into a green shadow again. The opportunity was the love fish that came in front of him in an instant. Its hands clenched into fists, and the electric light began to be condensed continuously.

Then, when the love fish didn't react at all, the lightning fist hit it and pushed it deeper into the wall, and the whole body was constantly flashing with lightning.

"Lovefish lost its combat effectiveness, and the winner is the Lizard King!" The referee immediately announced the result when it was discovered that the Lovefish had been stunned!

"Come back, Love Fish, you've worked hard for you, and rest well." He took the Love Fish back to the Poké Ball expressionlessly, Adam threw a Poke Ball again, and said seriously, "My No. [-] player Come, go, Catfish King!"

"Lizard King, this game will continue to be hard work!" After using his superpower to discover that the Catfish King was only at the advanced level of the Quasi-Tianwang, Bai Mo thought for a while, considering that the Lizard King chance in the previous game was not damaged, let him It keeps fighting!

"Will the Lizard King continue to fight!" Adam immediately ordered after hearing Bai Mo's decision, "Catfish King, surf!"

In the water, the Catfish King received the order, and the tentacles on both sides of his mouth flicked slightly, and a strange wave radiated out, immediately setting off a huge wave, pressing towards the Lizard King overwhelmingly.

"Lizard King, do it again, Feiye Storm!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, countless sharp blades flashing with green light began to appear around the Lizard King's body, and then a huge storm rolled towards the Catfish King.

"King catfish, get into the water!" The storm of flying leaves was fierce, and Adam was shocked and shouted quickly.

Catfish King is a combination of ground and water, which makes it no longer afraid of electricity, but relatively, grass-type restraint it up to four times.

This is also the reason why Adam looked dignified when he saw Bai Mo continuing to use the Lizard King. The difference between the two elves was only a few times smaller, so it didn't hurt at all, but if the Catfish King was hit by the Lizard King's grass skills, he would lose the points. combat power.

Moreover, the power of the Flying Leaf Storm is too great, and it is the second trick of the grass type after crazy plants.

It is absolutely unwise to go head-to-head!

"Don't let it escape!" Bai Mo hurriedly shouted after seeing the King Catfish who had given up surfing and headed for the water with his extremely fast response.

"Hmm~" The Lizard King called out softly. The Flying Leaf Storm was a unique trick that he began to practice when he was in Mu Shougong under Bai Mo's special training. Although it was very powerful, it was also very easy to control.

The catfish king is not a love fish. He has no speed blessing. On the contrary, because of his slow movement speed, Bai Mo naturally has to change his strategy.

The sharp eyes locked on the Catfish King, and the Lizard King kept waving his huge broom-like tail, easily adjusted the trajectory of the flying leaf storm, and directly hit the Catfish King's back, which could not dodge as well.

Driven by the huge force and the storm, the lizard king's cumbersome body was knocked out.

"Pursue while you win, Lizard King, do it again, Feiye Storm!" Bai Mo ordered again.

"King Catfish, hold on, and then use Destruction Death Light!" After a quick observation of the next field, Adam immediately ordered.

After getting the order, the catfish king immediately understood and looked at the situation around him. The next moment, it grabbed a stone pillar with its beard.

Immediately afterwards, using the power of the beard, King Catfish's bulky body started to rotate directly around the stone pillar. When the direction of rotation was turned to the side of the Lizard King, it immediately loosened its beard and threw it forward with the help of the power of rotation.

At the same time, a khaki energy beam spurted out of his mouth.

The strength of the catfish king is slightly stronger than that of the lizard king, and destroying the death light is a general big move, and its power is stronger than the flying leaf storm.

Everyone only saw that a huge golden beam of light was launched against the flying leaf storm, directly breaking the countless leaves, and then directly hitting the Lizard King.


With the appearance of a huge explosion, the Lizard King was thrown into the air...

"Lizard King!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo also exclaimed. What happened in front of him was completely beyond his expectations. He really didn't expect the Catfish King to make moves so quickly under such circumstances.

But soon, Bai Mo's eyes became firm again.

The destruction that was offset by the Flying Leaf Storm was not enough to take down the Lizard King in one blow, and now that the Catfish King was in a state of rigidity, it was time for him and the Lizard King to take revenge.

Hearing Bai Mo's voice, the Lizard King understood, controlled his own balance with his tail, and quickly adjusted his body in the air. A green energy light ball also condensed between his hands and flew directly towards the Catfish King. .

The energy ball did not accidentally hit the catfish king and knocked it out.

Moreover, I have to say that the catfish king had bad luck. After being hit by the energy ball, he flew upside down to the field around the pool.

All this, because King Catfish has fallen into a state of rigidity that destroys the death light, Adam can only watch it.

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