"Boom!" The huge water column at close range collided with the method, and it exploded with a bang. The strong shock wave force scattered wantonly, Minas screamed and swept back with the water wave, and the water mist was also affected by this. The impact of the impact force gradually dissipated.

However, noticing the situation on the opposite side, Adam's pupils shrank:


Chapter 0262 Badge Collection

"What, it's gone."

The water mist slowly dissipated, and in the vagueness, Adam found that the figure of Super Shanaido was missing on the opposite side. He was about to look for it, and suddenly he felt a strong wind coming from above his head. Nas, Iron Tail!"

"Boom!" The energy ball launched by Super Shanaido from top to bottom collided with the steel tail, and exploded again with a bang. The impact force generated by the grass-type force made Minas even more painful.

At this time, Super Shanaido was also slowly falling, and a golden electric light shone from his body, lasing directly towards Minas, shrouding it in it!

"Boom!" There was a huge explosion, and the huge water wave spread out around the place where Minas was located. When the water wave appeared, the one who appeared in front of everyone was the panting Minas.

"Have you lost your combat power yet, it's not bad that it's Adam's Minas, not bad!"

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and Bai Mo's thoughts were transmitted to Super Shanaido's mind again, and the latter immediately understood and used teleportation again.

Before, he used the power of fire and water to resist each other to generate water mist, and then seized the time to perform Mega. After Mega, he conveyed his thoughts and ideas, and Super Shanaido immediately used teleportation to come to the water mist above Minas and spent [-] yuan. Volt, with unexpected results.

However, Minas has only just undergone self-recovery, and the loss of physical strength is less than half, only one hundred thousand volts. Although the effect obtained is gratifying, it has not yet been able to make it directly incapacitated.

"Minas, self-recovery!" Noticing Minas' situation, Adam still chose to strategically restore his physical strength, but at this time, Super Shanaido appeared opposite Minas and cast a disdainful look.

Noticing this look, Minas inexplicably burst into a lot of nameless fire. Instead of listening to Adam's use of self-recovery, he opened his mouth and shot a water column.

Water cannon trick!

"How could it be?" Adam frowned when he found that Minas did not follow his instructions, although he looked towards Super Shanaido, he immediately knew what was going on.

"Is it a provocation? For a period of time, Minas can only use attack-type tricks." Adam's heart tightened, knowing that he could only hit hard now, and immediately said loudly, "Minas, Iron Tail!"

Adam has read Bai Mo's report, and knows that Super Shanaido is a super energy type and a new attribute, the existence of the fairy type. For the elves with these two attributes, according to the report given by Bai Mo, the beauty Among the skills Nas mastered, only Iron Tail, a steel-based skill, could do the most damage.

"Take it for granted." Noticing that Minas was galloping towards Super Shanaido's metallic tail, Bai Mo let out a light laugh, and let Super Shanaido teleport again.

At the last moment of being hit by the tail, Super Shanaido disappeared again and came to Minas. A green energy light ball condensed in her hand and flew towards Minas' head.

"Destruction!" Adam's voice sounded in Minas' ears.

Minas immediately gave up the use of Iron Tail, and turned to look up in the direction of Super Shanaido and sprayed out a destructive death light.

"Mind control the energy ball, then, keep it!"


Super Shanai Duo's eyes were replaced by blue rays of light, and he used his mind power to control the energy ball to wipe the energy beam that destroyed the dead light and fly over, and did not stalemate with the destruction of the dead light.

After doing all this, Super Shanaido immediately revokes his mind power and uses Hold instead.

A golden light appeared on Super Shanaido's body, covering her entire body. The destruction of death light also came at this time, and the two forces immediately began to stalemate.

At this moment, the energy ball that had been deliberately controlled by Super Shanaido flew straight towards the direction of Minas, hit Minas' head again, and finally an explosion occurred, causing damage to Minas. At the same time, it also interrupted her use of destroying the death light.

"It hasn't been solved yet, as expected of the energetic Minas." With his superpowers, he found that Minas had not lost his combat effectiveness, but fell into a state of rigidity due to the use of the destruction and death light, and was sinking towards the bottom of the pool. .

"However, the outcome depends on the score." The corner of his mouth twitched, and Bai Mo sent a thought to Super Shanaido, "Electric shock wave!"


On Super Shanaido's body, the white light curtain faded, and a flash of lightning quickly gathered, shooting towards the direction of Minas.

Minas, who was in a stunned state, was completely powerless about this scene, and could only watch the clicks swiftly attacking him.


In the end, under the shroud of the electric shock wave, Minas lost his ability to fight and fainted, floating on the water.

"Minas lost his ability to fight, and Shanaido won, so the winner is Bai Mo from Weibai Town!" The referee looked at Minas who had passed out, and immediately announced the result.

"Xiao Nai, thank you for your hard work. Next, you should rest in the Poké Ball first."

This battle can be said to be extremely fierce. It is a major test for the trainer's observation ability, field control ability, ability to cooperate with the elf, the elf's own agility, speed, and the power of the ultimate move. Although Shanai Duo was not attacked a few times, but the continuous and rapid use of unique tricks still consumes a lot of physical strength. Bai Mo quickly took it back to the Poké Ball.

"Come back, Minas!" Adam also took Minas back, looked at Bai Mo with a flash of admiration in his eyes, and walked to Bai Mo's side and said, "Dr. It's time for you to show off your brilliance in battle, take it, this is the proof of defeating my Liuli Gym, the raindrop badge."

"Thank you." Bai Mo reached out and took the three-drop water-shaped badge in a triangular combination, and nodded politely.

After accepting the water drop badge, Bai Mo has now collected all eight badges, which means he has already qualified for the challenge alliance competition.

With Bai Mo's current elf lineup and strength, it's definitely not a problem to break into the top four. As for whether he can go all the way to the championship, it depends on whether there are any children from the big family who are participating in the Fangyuan League competition this time, or Some veteran contestants are out.

0263 The Birth of a Small World

After successfully winning the Liuli City Gym badge, Bai Mo collected eight badges. The next period of time will be the time for him to do special training for the upcoming alliance competition and elves.

This time, Yayi and Touzi still didn't challenge the gym. Adam was a Heavenly King-level gym trainer after all, and there was not only one Heavenly King-level elf, but only took out one when he fought against Bai Mo.

In the absence of a chance to win, Mei and Touko didn't want to compete this time, but they still had time to go to other places to collect enough badges.

The next day was spent playing in Liuli City with Bai Mo, Touzi, Yayi and other girls, and went to the Elf Center to rest in the evening. I planned to take the plane again the next day to return to Luling City, and then go to Yinyu City.

At night, in the center of the elf, there was no shameless thing to do with Shanaido, Touzi or the Monarch Snake as before. Bai Mo sat cross-legged, and in his mind, according to the teachings before Dream, his spiritual power continued to flow. of concentration.

This night, after so many days of condensation, the spiritual power in Bai Mo's mind finally condensed to a seed-sized level.

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