"Hello!" The corners of his mouth twitched, Bai Mo reached out and shook Xiaoxia lightly, taking a look at the beautiful girl in front of him.

He has orange-red hair, a very individual braid tied to the upper left of his head, a pair of blue eyes like the eyes of the sea, and a pair of slender thighs that look very slender against the denim shorts with straps.

What attracted Bai Mo the most was the very beautiful vest line under the girl's navel-baring short sleeves.

The girl's chest has begun to take shape, and it looks like a good figure.

"Miss Xiaoxia knows me?" Bai Mo's face showed just the right look of doubt.

"Of course!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Xiaoxia said excitedly, "Introduce myself, I am the little granddaughter of Haiyue Lizi, the previous gym owner of Hualan Gym, I am 17 years old, and my goal is to become a water elf. Grandmaster."

"Last year, Doctor, I also watched your Fang Yuan League competition. Whether it's the Dragon King or Minas, it's really amazing!"

"Thank you!" Bai Mo smiled slightly to express her gratitude to Xiaoxia for her praise of Minas and the Dragon King.

This world is the real world, Xiaoxia has three sisters, all three sisters are famous water dancers in the Kanto District, and they are the current temporary owners of Hualan Taoist Hall.

The previous owner of Hualan Taoist Hall was called Haiyue Lizi, the grandmother of the four sisters of Xiaoxia, and also a heavenly king-level trainer.

It's just that Haiyue Lizi's age has come, and her son and daughter-in-law don't know where to go, Hualan Taoist Hall is facing the problem of no connection.

Because of the four sisters of Xiaoxia, in addition to Xiaoxia, the three sisters of Xiaoxia are more willing to become elf performers, which leads to the fact that even with Haiyue Lizi, a heavenly king-level trainer, the three daughters will Only then can he become a quasi-king-level trainer, and he will also temporarily replace the Hualan Gym together.

Under such circumstances, the original Tenno-level gym has become the weakest gym in Kanto.

However, Xiaoxia is above the three sisters in terms of personality and talent. Haiyue Lizi can be considered to have found a successor. I believe that in a few years, Xiaoxia will be able to revive the Hualan Taoist Hall.

But now, Xiaoxia is going out to practice.

These news were all heard by Bai Mo from Dr. Damu.

"That!" She hesitated a little, but Xiaoxia finally asked Bai Mo, "Dr. Bai Mo, I wonder if you can let me take a photo with the Dragon King and Minas root, I really like them! "


"This!" Bai Mo put on a hesitant look, and smiled in Xiaoxia's expectant eyes, "Yes, yes, but you have to promise me a condition."

"What conditions?" With a flash of blue eyes, Xiaoxia immediately asked.

"Don't call me Dr. Bai Mo, how about calling me Brother Bai Mo?" Bai Mo smiled and gave his request.

"Is it that simple?" Blinking her eyes, Xiaoxia said immediately, "Brother Bai Mo, Brother Bai Mo, Brother Bai Mo!"

"Please be sure to let me take a photo with Minas and the Thorn Dragon King!"

Saying that, Xiaoxia also put her hands together and waved her hands very seriously.

"Okay!" Seeing Xiaoxia's sincerity, Bai Mo nodded immediately, then took out the Poké Ball that stabbed the Dragon King and released it, and gave Minas a look to satisfy the former's wish.

Minas was transformed from a human form into an elf. This scene shocked Xiaoxia directly, but she was very smart and didn't ask more, but just fulfilled her wish.

After all this was done, Xiaoxia put down the camera with satisfaction, and then asked Bai Mo, "Brother Bai Mo, and all of you sisters, are you here to challenge the Kanto Alliance?"

"I'm not a big sister!" Hearing Xiaoxia's words, Xiaoyao immediately said that she was the youngest. Well, she didn't want to let her be the youngest. You know, she was the one who was taken care of the best.

The rest of the girls also introduced themselves with a smile. They have spent a lot of time with Bai Mo. It is clear that Bai Mo's behavior now shows that he has other plans for Xiaoxia!

What the girls didn't know was that Bai Mo had other plans not only for Xiaoxia, but also for her three older sisters.

Think about it, how exciting it would be if four faces with similar appearances were put on the bed together except for their hairstyle and color!

Chapter 0351 Invite Xiaoxia

"Xiaoxia, do you want to travel with us next?" After a few people got acquainted, Bai Mo directly sent an invitation to travel together.

Ram and the girls all guessed Bai Mo's guess correctly, but they didn't have any extra ideas.

The reason is very simple, Bai Mo is excellent in every aspect, and this need not be mentioned, and under such circumstances, so many of them joining forces are not Bai Mo's opponents on one side, and they have no position to be jealous.

Well, Bai Mo said, with the divine whip in hand, the harem can be safe!

Without further ado, Xiaoxia didn't react for a while when she suddenly got an invitation from Bai Mo. At this moment, the little elf fishing rod that Xiaoxia had been putting on the shore suddenly moved, making a string of pulling noises.

"There is a elf!?" As soon as her ears moved, Xiaoxia's temperament suddenly turned aside, her eyes became a bit sharper, and she turned around to pick up the fishing rod and start reeling.


The next moment, a huge sound of water coming out sounded.

To Bai Mo's surprise, what appeared was not Xiao Zhi as he thought, but a blue-colored, vicious-looking elf.

"Break, savage, savage, savage carp dragon!?" Xiaoxia's hand trembled when she realized the identity of the elf she caught, and then she threw away the fishing rod as if in a conditioned reflex, and hid in the white elf closest to her. Mo's behind said, "Ah, Brother Bai Mo, I can't stand the violent carp dragon in the water elves, you help me drive him away."

"Go away?"

"That would be too wasteful. Since you don't want Xiaoxia, I'll take it down."

With a slight smile, Bai Mo didn't move, just gave Shanaido a look.

The next moment, Shanaido moved to the top of the tyrannical carp dragon in an instant, and used a hundred thousand volts!

Shanaido has long been proficient in the image of the human body. Even in the state of the human body, he can use the skills of the elf, but the speed and power will be halved.

But even so, the other party is still powerful enough to kill the tyrannical carp dragon with only high-grade qualifications and elite primary strength in front of everyone at this time.

When the electric light dissipated, the tyrannical carp dragon, who had not done anything, just chaotically passed over and fell on the lake.

Bai Mo immediately recognized a pokeball and captured the tyrannical carp dragon, and then sent it back to the small world. As for the arrangement of the tyrannical carp dragon in the small world, Hu Di, the super brain, took care of it there.

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