Compared with the doubts of the four daughters of Sakura, Haiyue Lizi thought of something, a ray of light flashed in her bright and clear eyes, "Did Dr. Bai Mo see which of my granddaughters?"

"Ah!?" Hearing Haiyue Lizi's inexplicable words, the girls present were suddenly puzzled.

"Grandma Lizi has misunderstood." Bai Mo naturally wouldn't admit Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, and put on a calm look on his face, "Xiaoxia and I are good friends traveling together, so naturally I have to help!"

"Anyway, as long as you are old enough to go to the alliance for notarization, I will help you to the end about the Hualan Taoist Hall. As for which sister you are with, you have the final say. If this sister finds true love then, Let's go through the formalities again!"

"Really!" Haiyue Lizi was noncommittal about Bai Mo's words, but she knew that this was a good solution, and after pondering for a while, she explained to Sakura and the girls, "Dr. Bai Mo means, one of you Just register with him as husband and wife!"

"The alliance has regulations that both men and women can register for marriage after the age of [-], and if one of them is of age and one of them is younger, they can also get engaged, which is considered a future husband and wife relationship!"

Hearing this, the girls all understood what Bai Mo meant.

That is to say, Bai Mo and one of the three Sakura girls are married or engaged, because in this case, Bai Mo is considered to be Haiyue Lizi's immediate family and one of the heirs of the gymnasium, so there are guards of the gymnasium. qualifications.

Bai Mo is seventeen years old this year, and he is not yet eighteen years old. If he can't get married, he can only get engaged to one of the three Sakura girls who are over eighteen years old. It is still valid!

No one expected that Bai Mo would come up with such a solution. The girl was surprised and at the same time understood why Haiyue Lizi asked that before.

But this time, Ram and other girls felt sour in their hearts, because their men actually registered with other unrelated women first.

Xiaoxia's heart is also sour. She feels that if she is one year older, then she doesn't mind implementing this method.

Thinking of this, Xiaoxia's face suddenly turned red, thinking to herself what happened?

"What do you say?" Haiyue Lizi threw the question to the three Sakura daughters, "If you think this is not good, then forget it and let it be your fate!"

"I can only thank Dr. Bai Mo for his kindness!"

"This!" The three Sakura girls all looked at each other and hesitated for a while. To be honest, they didn't want to, not because they didn't like Bai Mo, or because Bai Mo was not good. On the contrary, just talking about various conditions, Bai Mo couldn't fault it.

The reason why they are unwilling is just because the three daughters feel that this is a bit sorry for their future real husbands. For marriage, the three daughters still look at it very sacred.

But now, this seems to be the only way to solve the problem of the gym. Bai Mo's strength is placed there, and they can solve the problem of the gym. They don't seem to doubt it.

Noticing the hesitant look of the three girls, Xiaoyao suddenly said in a sour voice, "What, I don't know happiness in the midst of happiness, and I don't know how many people will be the women of Brother Bai Mo!"

"It's really registered. If this matter is reported, I don't know who will be affected the most!"

Although Xiaoyao's voice was soft, it was still passed into every girl's mouth, and the expressions of the three girls in Sakura were also stunned.

But in terms of social popularity and influence, indeed, Bai Mo seems to be more affected.

But it's not like that. After all, they are girls, and this matter is that men have greater rights, which can be seen from the fact that polygamy is possible.

If a girl really has a history of marriage, it is really not easy to marry.

Of course, the fact is that the three girls of Sakura will not tell Xiaoyao, but Sakura, who is the eldest sister, smiled apologetically to Bai Mo, "Dr. You are not good enough!"

"Just as a girl, this kind of thing has to be careful."

"I can understand!" With a sly smile, Bai Mo waved his hand and said indifferently, "I'm also a good friend of Xiaoxia, and I want to help you. It's just a suggestion. If you don't accept it, it's fine."

"As a friend, at least the delayed challenge you said before is no problem!"

Speaking of which, it was Bai Mo's strategy, but more importantly, Bai Mo wouldn't show it. His likes and feelings were not so cheap.

"Mo!" Xiaoxia on the side obviously listened to Xiaoyao's words. Now that she heard Bai Mo's words, she looked at her with emotion in her eyes. Xiaoxia felt that Bai Mo did all this for her.

This man is really nice, if possible, she wants to repay with her whole life.

Even Haiyue Lizi's eyes are a little more inexplicable!


At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came from the door, and then a man in a suit walked in with a young man in a suit.

The young man's appearance was average, but there was a faint lustful light flashing in his eyes.

Especially after discovering the big and small beauties around Bai Mo, the light in his eyes became even more intense, and he looked at him like a hungry wolf.

Being stared at by such a gaze, the girls felt a little uncomfortable, and the eyes they used narrowed slightly.

At this time, the middle-aged man walked up to Haiyue Lizi and said modestly, "Hello, Madam Patriarch!"

"My father asked me to ask, how are you thinking, we have already obtained the information, and the quiet family has paid for a heavenly king-level trainer to come over!"

"There is one more game, do you want to think about it?"

"The dog's heart for the three young ladies is real!"

The young man also said at this time, "Grandma patriarch, I am sincere, you can fulfill me, and Xiaoxia too, I will be good to them!"

Hearing the words of the two, Haiyue Lizi's eyes showed undisguised disgust, and she said directly, "This, don't bother you, we will solve it ourselves."

"What you have to worry about is that Ajun comes back, you can't bear the anger!"

Chapter 0370 I don't like the way you look at my women's eyes!

A Jun in Haiyue Lizi's mouth is Hai Yuejun, the name of Xiaoxia's father.

Hearing Haiyue Lizi's words, the middle-aged man's face immediately became a little ugly. To be honest, the power of the entire family is now in the hands of the elders, but when the water arrow turtle can't take action, they don't. Dare to use force against Haiyue Lizi and the four Hualan City sisters.

This is not only because of Haiyue Lizi's own strength and connections, but also because of Haiyuejun's existence. Haiyuejun became a quasi-king-level trainer in two years, and became a heavenly-level trainer in four years. The potential to become a champion trainer before the age of 27, but at the age of [-], Xiaoxia, the young daughter, disappeared with his wife.

To be honest, if Hai Yuejun was here now, he would definitely be a champion trainer. If the Haiyue family had his leader, he wouldn't have to guard a water arrow turtle, and he would be the most inferior among the first-class families who encouraged him. face.

Because Hai Yuejun just disappeared, and the light in the past was too strong, which is why these elders never dared to exercise power.

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