"Unfortunately, this also makes the water arrow turtle a target!"

"Ice Elf, Blizzard!"

However, upon hearing Bai Mo's order, Xiaoxia showed a smile on her face and shouted loudly, "This is what we're waiting for, Water Arrow Turtle, bluff!"

"Buffing!" Bai Mo's heart tightened when he heard these four words, but it was too late to do anything now.

In the venue, to launch a blizzard, the ice elf naturally has to lock the position of the water arrow turtle, but this time it happened to be caught in Xiaoxia's trap!

When the ice elf opened its mouth, on the ground, the shell-locked water arrow turtle suddenly stretched out its limbs and head, posing as "I am the boss", with a strange red light shining all over its body.

She really noticed the red light, and the ice elf also had a red light all over her body. After that, she fell into a state of confusion. Not only did she stop using Blizzard, she also started to attack herself.

"Ice Elf, wake up!"

This time, Bai Mo cast an admiring look at Xiaoxia. He really didn't expect that Xiaoxia would use the elf to attack, and use her skills as a target.

Although the ice elf's attack power has increased due to the opponent's bluff, it is also in a state of chaos, a big crisis.

"Cannon Light Cannon!" The steel-type skill doubles the restraint on the ice-type elf. It is a rare opportunity. Xiaoxia decisively directs the water arrow turtle to use this skill!

Chaos doesn't mean that you can't attack, it just might hurt yourself. As the situation develops, Bai Mo has to gamble once, and shouted again:

"Ice Elf, use the blizzard to fight back!"

The chaotic ice elf seemed to hear Bai Mo's voice, no, to be exact, the ice elf has nine personalities, and then one personality became confused, but the other personality was still very clear.

As the most similar elves to ice elves, water elves have to use their skills to gain body control right away!

But this time, this move seems a bit late!


Just when the water elf was about to control the ice elf's body to use the blizzard, the time was too long, and the water arrow turtle's cannon shot straight at it.

Chapter 0586 The world's first show of the self-exploding magnetic monster!


With an explosion, the water arrow turtle's cannon light cannon successfully hit the ice elf, and the ice elf suddenly let out a scream and was blown up and flew out, without losing its fighting ability unexpectedly.

"The ice elf lost its combat effectiveness, and the water arrow turtle won!" The referee announced the result immediately.

"Dr. Bai Mo lost his first elf, so what will his second elf be?"

The narrator's voice also sounded, causing the audience to have a lot of discussion. After all, the first elf who was able to defeat Bai Mo at the third elf, it can be seen that Xiaoxia is still a bit level!

"Come back, ice elf, it's good for the first time!" He took out the elf ball and took back the ice elf, and praised, Bai Mo took out another elf ball and threw it out:

"Come out, exploding Magneto!"

"Player Bai Mo took out... um, self-destructing magnetic monster!?"

Seeing Bai Mo take out an elf that he had never seen before, the narrator was at a loss for words and didn't know how to introduce it, but fortunately he responded quickly. Thinking of what Bai Mo said before when he released the self-exploding magnetic monster, he immediately responded. come over.

But in the audience, except for Xiaoyao and others, many people are talking about this, because this is the first time everyone has seen the elf, the self-destructing magnet.

Because the opponent was Xiaoxia, and he didn't need to care about the time, Bai Mo smiled and explained to the crowd a little: "The self-destructing magnetic monster is evolved from a three-in-one magnetic monster under certain circumstances, with electrical properties and Steel properties."

"The evolution of the three-in-one magnet monster?"

"Can the three-in-one magnet monster evolve?"

"Let's go, the original three-in-one magnet is a powerful elf with an advantage among the public. I didn't expect the three-in-one magnet to evolve!?"

"It should be the same as the duck-billed fire dragon evolved into the duck-billed fire dragon. Dr. Bai Mo is really amazing, and he can study so many results."

"I happen to have a three-in-one Magneto. Originally, his position in my lineup was awkward. Now that I know that it has an evolutionary type, I decided to join WT. I should be able to obtain the method of evolution!"

"Envy, the self-destructing magnetite should be very powerful, if I have a chance, I will go to those places where there are small magnets to catch one!"

Regardless of what these people were talking about, in the arena, Xiaoxia looked at the elf sent by Bai Mo, and pouted her lips speechlessly, "It's a self-destructing magnet, and it's a powerful opponent, and restrain me!"

Although helpless, Xiaoxia knew that Bai Mo had no choice. After all, most of Bai Mo's hands were Heavenly King-level elves, and if they sent them, it would really be abusive.

Bai Mo can take out the more suitable elves to deal with her, probably the big needle bee, the elf, the self-destructing magnet, the fire-breathing dragon Y, the dumb hippo and a few other quasi-king-level elves.

Of course, if she sent a heavenly king-level elf, Bai Mo would probably also.

"Self-exploding Magneto, triple attack!" Bai Mo first directed the Self-exploding Magneto to launch an attack.

The two magnetite-like hands of the self-exploding magnetite floating in the air, as well as the yellow-like signal column on the head, all lit up, and all three o’clock gave off white light!

Immediately afterwards, a triangular three-color energy quickly formed and launched towards the water arrow turtle on the ice.

"Water arrow turtle, jump up to avoid it, use the water cannon!" Facing Bai Mo's attack, Xiaoxia quickly responded.

The water arrow turtle kicked its legs hard on the ice, and then suddenly jumped into the air, and the two large waters behind it turned to use water cannons.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, and he said loudly, "Mirror Shot!"

In the arena, the whole body of the self-exploding magnetic monster suddenly appeared strange light, the light became more and more shining, and the moment it disappeared, it covered the eyes of the water arrow turtle, and it couldn't help closing it. At the same time, in the self-exploding magnetic monster After the light on the body gathers to a certain level, it turns into substance and shoots with a sharp penetrating power!

"Oops!" Noticing the situation on the field, Xiaoxia suddenly felt bad...

Outside, the girls all shook their heads!

"Mo is going to win this game, Xiaoxia has entered her mind set, and she actually chooses to jump into the air to avoid the skill. She didn't notice that the self-exploding magnet is floating in the air!" Ram shook his head helplessly, but she also Clearly, I am an outsider, so I can see clearly, if I really enter the state of battle, or if I fight a monster like Bai Mo, that kind of battle rhythm really won't let you have too much time to think about this, it is very likely that both It's just like Xiaoxia, it's too late to think about it.

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