"Maybe!" Ya Yi said excitedly: "There is a beautiful lake here. It should be a water elf, a big pincer crab, a sun coral, or a carp dragon or a dragon?"

Hearing this, Bai Mo was about to speak, but Xiao Nai and Chao Meng all seemed to have discovered something at this time. Among them, Latias suddenly reminded:

"Everyone be careful, something seems to be coming out!"

As the voice of Latias fell, a huge water curtain was pushed up by something in the lake in front of everyone!

After the water curtain disappeared, everyone was surprised to find that a huge body covered in crystal clear appeared there, and kept roaring loudly.

"This is……"

"It turned out to be a big rock snake whose whole body is made of crystals?"

After seeing the true face of the elf in front of him, apart from Dream, the few girls who knew the situation for a long time, the rest of the girls all exclaimed in unison!

Afterwards, they all turned their gazes to Bai Mo, who was very calm and composed. Although they had always trusted Bai Mo, they really didn't expect a flashing elf to appear here, because the flashing elf was real. of rarity.

Among them, there was a flash of brilliance in the beautiful eyes of Kona and Nana, and there was a sudden sigh of relief.

Kena knew very well that with Bai Mo's strength, he would definitely be able to conquer this big crystal rock snake. Then, the three-day appointment was naturally completed.

On the other hand, Nanami smiled when she saw the crystal big rock snake. She understood that the decision she made silently in her heart three days ago had come to fruition!

"Why do I feel like I'm a little bit happy?"

Suddenly, realizing a certain emotion in their hearts, there was a blush on the pretty faces of Nanami and Kona.

"Huh, it's fortunate that I'm really here, otherwise I will not only lose face, but even the woman will run away." Also looking at the big crystal rock snake in front of him, Bai Mo was actually relieved, and he didn't seem to have the same feeling on his face. It looks so peaceful.

"How is it, I didn't lie to you!" The emotions in his heart did not show, Bai Mo said to the girls very stinky after looking at the crystal big rock snake:

"This is obviously a flashing big rock snake. Just by looking at the structure of its body surface, we know that its special abilities are definitely related to this crystal body!"

"In addition, you have also seen that it is different from the ordinary big rock snake that is afraid of water. Instead, it lives directly in the water. From this, it can be seen that its flashing characteristics make it not afraid of water!"

"As for whether there are any other special places, we will have to wait for us to subdue it and conduct further research."

After finishing speaking, Bai Mo gave Kena a slightly provocative look and smiled and said, "The strength of the flashing elf is not bad. I will give it to you, but the first condition between us has been completed."

"Hmph, wait until you subdue this big crystal rock snake." Kera folded her arms around her chest and tilted her head slightly. Now she doesn't want to see Bai Mo, and she is upset!


Bai Mo smiled and didn't say much. He handed the Porkby that he had been holding in his hand to Xiao Nai, then his eyes flashed, and he took out a pokeball and threw it:

"Crystal body, let me see if it is the same as my guess!"

As Bai Mo's voice fell, the figure of the fire-breathing dragon Y appeared in mid-air, directly posing for a battle against the crystal big rock snake.

The strength of Fire-breathing Dragon Y is the peak of the quasi-king level, and the crystal big rock snake in front of him is also the strength of the peak of the quasi-celestial king, so it is best to use it as an opponent.

Feeling the oppressive force from Fire-breathing Dragon Y, the large crystal rock snake immediately entered a fighting state, straightened its body, and then opened its mouth and sprayed out crystal blocks that smashed at Fire-breathing Dragon Y!

This is a rock-falling trick, but the original rock has turned into a harder crystal stone!

However, it may be because the weight and hardness of the crystal stone have increased, and the speed of the ultimate move is obviously not fast, and it is not in the eyes of Fire Breathing Dragon Y at all.

Seeing that he didn't succeed, the crystal big rock snake let out a roar, the whole body emerged from the water, and hit the fire-breathing dragon Y in the air with all his strength.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo was about to speak, but at this time, the super power he released suddenly sensed that several people appeared in the passage they walked through before!

Seeing that an outsider came, Bai Mo frowned slightly. Originally, he wanted to play slowly for a while to see the depth of this big crystal rock snake, but now it is obviously inappropriate.

After all, it's a flashing elf, and it's a bit of extravagance. Bai Mo decided to defeat the crystal big rock snake first, so he decisively let the fire-breathing dragon Y launch a big move:

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, the big characters burst into flames!"


The fire-breathing dragon Y let out a low growl, and when the body was full of power, he opened his mouth and spewed out a flame. This flame directly hit the crystal rock snake that hit it. The powerful and fiery flames directly stalemate with the rock snake. .

But soon, the flame suddenly turned into a big character, and after the power increased, the crystal big rock snake was repelled.

Wrapped in flames, the big crystal rock snake suddenly let out a wailing sound, and the white and bright crystal body was also burned red by the flames.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo turned to look at Kona beside him.

With Kona's strength and eyesight, it is natural to see at a glance that after suffering a powerful blow from Fire-breathing Dragon Y, the current Crystal Rock Snake is no longer available!

Noticing Bai Mo's eyes, Kona understood what he meant, but didn't move. Instead, he turned to look at Xiaoyao and said with a light smile, "Xiaoyao, I'll give you this big crystal rock snake."

"I'm only interested in ice-type or water-type elves. Even if this big crystal rock snake is captured by me, it's useless."

"Ah!" Hearing Kona's words, Xiaoyao, whose eyes were sparkling after seeing the big crystal rock snake, was shocked, and then asked in disbelief:

"Miss Kona, what did you say?"

"Give me this elf?"

Chapter 0650 Conquer, Xiaozhi appears!

"Let me subdue!?"

Xiaoyao cast a surprised look when she heard Kena's words, not only her, but also the other girls around looked at Kena with surprise. shot.

You know, the flash elf has the worst qualifications and top grades.

Moreover, the relationship between Kona and the others is different. For the time being, they are at best a good friend. It is really surprising to give the elf so generously.

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