Just now, the Kirby beast that ate the energy cube found that he felt a sense of fulfillment.

Since they don't care about the taste, for the kibbi, the food only has the function of filling the stomach.

If you can fill your stomach faster, Kirbymon said that he would not refuse this method.

As for the reason, um, Kabimon said that the process of eating is not a process of enjoyment for it, and every time it eats, it has to repeat the actions of taking food and moving its mouth so many times.

It's not really good for a Kirbymon that sleeps all the time except for its ability to eat and supplement.


But this time, before the meeting, this strange kapi beast looked at him, and a flash of surprise flashed in Bai Mo's eyes. The energy cube in his hand was specially made. Under normal circumstances, the kapi beast would be full after eating one piece.

"Sure enough, it's a strange kapi, and even its food intake is so different." I didn't expect that this kapi would not be full after eating so many Wendan and adding an energy cube, and Bai Mo was also interested. He took out an energy cube again.


Still making a strange cry, the Kirby beast moved quickly, and as soon as he pulled it out, he took the energy cube in Bai Mo's hand and put it in his mouth.

After eating another piece, Kirby Beast still seemed unsatisfied and looked at Bai Mo again.

Bai Mo took out another energy cube, and Kirby took it and ate it again, and asked for it!

In this way, after repeating this action six times in a row, Kirby finally patted its stomach with satisfaction and let out a burp.


"This Kirby beast is too powerful." On the side, seeing that the Kirby beast ate a total of six energy cubes, plus so many Wendans before, Xiaoxue was also surprised. She made it together with Bai Mo. The energy block, clearly know the effect of this energy block.

Looking at it this way, this Kirby beast has an appetite that is six or even seven times that of an ordinary Kirby beast, which is truly astonishing.

Seeing that the Kirby beast was full, Bai Mo planned to abduct it.

But what left Bai Mo speechless was that, before he could speak, the Kirby Beast actually lay down on the ground and started to sleep soundly after burping his head up.

"Really..." Bai Mo was really dumbfounded when he saw this Kirby beast fall asleep like this.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the employees around the island couldn't believe their eyes. They had just experienced being robbed by the Kabi beast, and everyone knew how hard this big guy's stomach was.

But now, after eating a few small energy cubes in Bai Mo's hand, this Kirby beast is actually full?


It's not that these people don't know energy cubes. On the contrary, they know how to make energy cubes. They also know that the ratio of calories and nutrients in energy cubes is indeed higher than that of ordinary food!

But it doesn't seem to be much different for Kirbymon.

How could they know that these energy cubes were not simply made from tree fruits, but were researched and made by Bai Mo and Xiaoxue together, and there were many other things in them.

"Would you like to wake this guy up?" Looking at the sleeping Kirby beast in front of him, Bai Mo touched his chin, he couldn't just wait for this guy to wake up naturally.

His time is precious!

At this moment, the young woman who had previously commanded the staff came to Bai Mo and bowed heavily:

"Hello, my name is Nana, thank you so much for your help, otherwise we will definitely lose a lot today."

For the girl's thanks, Bai Mo shook his head, saying that it was just a small matter, don't worry too much.

At this time, Nanamei and several others also came over. After everyone introduced themselves, Nana looked at Bai Mo with a surprised look. I didn't expect that this person was the world-famous Dr. Bai Mo. No wonder It looks a little familiar.

The real one is more handsome than the real one.

Thinking of some gossip, Naina suddenly looked at Bai Mo and said, "Dr. Bai Mo, it is not easy to cultivate Wendan to such a large size. We have been robbed by the Kabi beast twice in a row!"

"In case the Kirby beast wakes up before we complete the collection, we can't afford the consequences, so can I trouble you to capture this Kirby beast?"

Chapter 0657 The principled Kirby beast King!

"Don't worry, I'm definitely going to subdue it." Nana's request, even if she didn't say Bai Mo, she would do it.

The value of this Kabi beast in front of him is higher than all the wendans combined.

Seeing Bai Mo's agreement, Nana breathed a sigh of relief. As for why she didn't subdue it, it wasn't that she didn't like Kabi beast, and there was really no way.

First of all, this Kirby beast is not an opponent, and she cannot tame it. The most important thing is that the Kirby beast has such a good appetite that even eating energy cubes is not something that an ordinary person like her can afford.

Of course, the most important thing is that now the Kirby beasts were put to sleep by Bai Mo, and they helped them get out of the siege.


After a while, seeing that Bai Mo didn't do anything after expressing that he wanted to capture the Kirby beast, Nana asked suspiciously, "Dr. Bai Mo, why don't you take the Kirby beast while it's sleeping?"

"Let's talk about it when it wakes up. I'll talk to it, or talk about it after the battle." Bai Mo replied casually, "It's my own habit."

"Okay!" Although he didn't understand Bai Mo's approach, Nainai didn't say any more, but invited Bai Mo and the others to a wooden hut next to them, and treated them to some Wendan.

The taste of Wendan is not bad, Bai Mo decisively put some seeds into the small world, and plans to find an opportunity to plant them.

After eating Wendan and chatting for a while, Bai Mo saw that the time was almost up, and he didn't know when the Kirby beast was going to wake up, so he took the initiative to come to its side and winked at Geng Gui beside him.

"Hey, I like to do this kind of thing." After receiving the meaning in Bai Mo's eyes, Geng Gui girl smiled, and a black light from her slender hand shone on the head of the Kirby beast.

Suddenly, there was an uncomfortable expression on Kirby's face, as if he was suffering some kind of pain.

This is because Gengar uses Dream Eater.


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