With that said, Flora looked at Bai Mo and asked, "Then the chosen commander, can I trouble you?"

In fact, in Flora's view, Bai Mo should not be so boring. She thought about it, if Bai Mo refused, she would ask Lila again, believing that girls should talk a little better.

If it really doesn't work, then find a trainer at will. Anyway, because of the festival, there are still a lot of trainers coming to Asia Island.

However, Bai Mo's performance surprised Flora.

"Of course I can, then I'll go now." Hearing what Flora said, in order to avoid a long night of dreams and accidents, Bai Mo decided to go directly to get the things right now. He didn't like the development of things that he couldn't control. Feel.

"Huh?" Bai Mo's side, seeing that he promised so simply, the girls all cast curious glances, and Nanamei even pouted, but she didn't say anything.

Things that could really make Bai Mo lose face, such as playing tricks, Nanamei would not do.

"Actually, you don't have to be so anxious. The festival won't end until tomorrow, you can wait until tomorrow morning." Somewhat unexpectedly, Bai Mo agreed, and Flora was stunned for a while, but after she reacted, she made another move. He waved his hand, indicating that this matter does not need to be taken seriously.

"I don't like to put things that can be done easily to the back." After giving a random reason, Bai Mo walked straight out of the lobby.

"Then I'll take you on a boat. Go to Fire Island first. This island is definitely the easiest right now."

Seeing Bai Mo agree, Xiaoyou suddenly stood up. However, hearing her words, Bai Mo directly refused:

"No, since you all said that this is the matter of the excellent commander, then I will rely on the power of the elf to pass by myself."

Chapter 0667 The tricks of the beads, the reason for the battle between the three divine birds!

After talking to Nanamei and the girls, and talking to Chaomeng, Bai Mo rejected Xiaoyou's proposal and went to Fire Island alone.

However, what surprised Bai Mo was that just when he released Chenglong to head towards the Fire Island, the original storm suddenly came.


Looking at the sky and the sea with the sudden change, Bai Mo frowned slightly. He didn't expect this unusual weather to come so quickly, but it came much earlier than expected.

"In this way, it is a very correct choice for me to execute the plan as soon as possible." He didn't care about the impact of the storm, but Bai Mo was a little worried about Chenglong. Under such a storm, even though it was a water elf, all Chenglong, who is not fully grown, is not easy to deal with.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo looked down at Chenglong under his feet, and asked with concern, "Chenglong, is there a problem?"

Bai Mo has already thought about it. As long as Chenglong is struggling, he will switch to Minas. With his champion-level strength, it is just as easy to face such an environment.


It seems that he realized Bai Mo's thoughts. Chenglong didn't want to admit defeat. As an elf, he was never afraid of the test given by nature. Although Chenglong had been swimming very hard, he still moved tenaciously towards the Fire Island.

Seeing this, Bai Mo naturally wouldn't blow Chenglong's heart and take her back, but his worries did not diminish.

After thinking about it, a blue light appeared in his eyes, and his super powers were released, which would reduce some pressure on Chenglong. She replaced.

However, with the help of Bai Mo, Chenglong finally persevered, and even the speed of progress accelerated a bit.

Therefore, within a few minutes, Bai Mo arrived at the first destination, the Island of Fire!

Fire Island was only attacked by Jill Lutai's freezing bomb during the day. This is a bomb that can damage the first-level god flame bird. The power is not small, and the impact has not been eliminated at all.

But Bai Mo has super powers, which has no effect on him, and his luck is good. The place where Jill Lutai attacked is just the other side, and the stairs leading to the temple are still well preserved.

Looking at the steps in front of him, Bai Mo, who had put away Chenglong, naturally wouldn't run up stupidly.

A blue light appeared in his eyes.


In the blink of an eye, Bai Mo, who was originally at the bottom of the steps, appeared at the top temple.

In this place, the first thing Bai Mo saw was a strange stone statue. Obviously, this should be the god statue of the flame bird.

But Bai Mo couldn't help but feel a little nauseous, because the shape of this stone statue is really abstract. If he hadn't known earlier, Bai Mo would not have recognized that this was the statue of a flame bird.

Seeing the statue, Bai Mo observed it, and sure enough, he found a red bead stuck there in the mouth of the statue.

Without hesitation, Bai Mo reached out and grabbed the bead in his hand.

"This is the bead of the God of Fire. I don't know if there is anything mysterious in it."

When Bai Mo got the bead, Bai Mo did not rush to leave, but looked at it carefully. The appearance of this bead seemed to give people a not simple feeling, and the lines on it were like a burning flame.

But after watching it for a while, Bai Mo didn't gain much. He didn't give up, and he released his super power again.


At the moment when his superpower touched the red bead, Bai Mo's eyes lit up instantly. He found that there seemed to be some kind of energy in this bead.

Feeling the energy with his super power, Bai Mo's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, and finally he pouted in dissatisfaction.

Now, he finally knew why the three divine birds in the original book wanted to snatch each other's place so unintelligently.

It's not that they have no IQ, but because of an instinct of all creatures, greed.

What exists in this bead is a kind of power of rules, the fiery red bead, as the orb guarded by the flame bird, the existence of which is the rule of fire.

This is a supreme rule. With it, you can constantly comprehend the rules and speed up the improvement of your own strength.

But this orb is useless to Bai Mo, because the power in this orb can only be comprehended by its owner.

And its owner is naturally a flame bird. This red bead is actually an affirmation of the flame bird and fire god, that is, an affirmation of the elemental power in charge of fire.

But in fact, this priesthood is not really given to this flame bird. Otherwise, it will not be so weak, and the flame bird cannot fully withstand the power of the duty, so this bead becomes the carrier of the duty and is placed on this island.

At the same time, there needs to be an existence that can barely stabilize this carrier, that is, a flame bird is here.

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