"Of course it is to inherit the priesthood of the God of Fire."

Bai Mo didn't hide this, but explained carefully: "Lightning Bird does this, not just for this small island, but to let its own breath cover this island, so that before the Fire Bird returns. , take away the priesthood of the Firebird."

"Lightning bird inherits the priesthood of the flame bird?"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, it only felt like a fantasy in the ears of everyone. What would a divine bird of the electricity system want the position of the God of Fire?

"The situation of the three divine birds is special. Their priesthood is not integrated into the body, making them the only spokespersons." Seeing the lightning bird's eyes turned deep, Bai Mo said lightly:

"Because they don't really have a priesthood, like temporary workers, they can hold multiple jobs."

"In addition, don't think that the fire god must be a fire-type beast to be able to hold it. It's just a position, as long as it can be used. If nothing else, everyone knows Lugia and Kyoka. Kyoka is the creator of the sea. It's still a water elf, and Lugia's super power and flying type exist, but it is Lugia who has become the god of the sea!"

"Although I don't know the specific reasons, it can already explain a lot of problems."

Hearing Bai Mo's explanation, everyone's eyes flickered, and then they all nodded clearly. Indeed, what Bai Mo said, the priesthood did not seem as simple as they had guessed.

"Then what should we do now?" Maybe it was because Bai Mo felt very reliable, Lila asked instinctively, "I can't just sit back and watch the Lightning Bird take away the position of the God of Fire."

"It always feels like there's going to be trouble."

"I'd love to fix this too, but right now, I don't think that's what we have to think about."

Seeing Lila questioning herself, Bai Mo showed a wry smile. You must know that in order to help him become stronger, Lightning Bird came to inherit the position of God of Fire. Now occupying the place is only the first step.

And the last step is to replace the brand of the flame bird on the red bead.

This is also the reason why Bai Mo is helpless. You must know that this red bead is in his hands now. Once Lightning Bird finds out, there will be a big battle!

Although there are a few elves in Chaomeng, Bai Mo is not afraid, but now many things are ahead of schedule, it is hard to say what will happen in the end!

You can't let yourself change from a oriole to a mantis!

Chapter 0670 Bai Mo's fan brother: Jill Lutai

"What should I do!?" Looking at the lightning bird in the sky, Bai Mo began to think about countermeasures.

But soon, Bai Mo didn't want to.

Because, trouble!

Just forget it, wait for Lugia will also appear, then, with the super dream, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It's really not good, let the dream come back for a while, anyway, now, Bai Mo feels that there is no need to be empty, and it's fine to touch it head-on.

As for Jill Lutai's flying fortress, this flying fortress is very special and isolates superpowers, which prevents anyone from using teleportation to enter.

However, if it is a dream, it is really hard to say how to control the superpower rules.

But the next moment, Bai Mo realized that he didn't need to think too much.

I saw at this time, in the sky, the body of the lightning bird fiercely emitted countless electric lights, and a steady stream of powerful currents emerged from its body, directly submerging into the clouds above everyone's heads!

"Wow!! Help, this guy is going to explode!"

The movement of the lightning bird caused too much movement, thinking that he and others were going to suffer. Musashi and Kojiro were directly hugged in fright. Several girls approached Bai Mo and Chaomeng, and communicated with the leaves of the small world. Ready to activate at any time is also considered ready to retreat.

Among the girls, Nanami, who was closest to Bai Mo, grabbed the corner of his shirt with a look of fear, and her entire chest was clinging to his back.

"Hey, I didn't expect such benefits..."

Feeling the touch behind him, Bai Mo was secretly happy, but his eyes were tightly locked on the clouds in the sky, and he didn't even look at the lightning bird.

Noticing Bai Mo's appearance, everyone was curious and raised their heads. Then, they saw the huge steel flying fortress that impressed them slowly emerging from the clouds.


With the appearance of the huge flying fortress, the Lightning Bird suddenly let out a wailing, awakening the shocked people. With a hint of curiosity, they looked in the direction of the Lightning Bird:


The situation in the sky once again shocked everyone except Bai Mo, because the aura of Lightning Bird, who was still invincible before, was weakening crazily at an alarming rate.

The lightning bird's body flashing with lightning seemed to be sucked by something, and the current in its body flowed towards the huge flying fortress in the sky at an extremely exaggerated speed.

But these are not the lightning bird attacking the huge flying fortress, but the huge flying fortress forcibly absorbing the electricity in the lightning bird.

The Lightning Bird is like a sustainable battery at this moment.

"So it is." Seeing this scene, Bai Mo understood that Jill Lu Tai caught the lightning bird earlier, but this was good news for him, because he could continue to be his oriole.

At the same time, Bai Mo now understands why Jill Lutai took so long to shoot after catching the flame bird. He obviously planned it.

If the Lightning Bird is still on its own island, then with the power of the golden beads, its combat power may not be improved much, but the available electricity is absolutely endless, and there is no way for Jill to consume the Lightning Bird as easily as now. .

However, when things have developed to this point, except for the advance of the time, everything else has developed into the plot of the original work.

This made Bai Mo sigh and at the same time, he also decided to come up with a preliminary plan and start the next plan.

All kinds of light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, obviously calculating something.

Over time, just like the original book, the lightning bird was running out of power, and his stamina was lost. A series of mechanical square rings whizzed out from the bottom of the flying fortress, and then just like when catching the flame bird, he easily caught the lightning. bird!

The recognition systems of those machines should have special settings. In the surprised eyes of Nanamei and others, they were caught before they could react, and finally returned to the flying fortress together with the lightning bird.

"Don't panic, these mechanical square rings won't hurt anyone." In the mechanical square ring, paying attention to Nanamei's frightened appearance, Bai Mo comforted:

"If you are afraid, you can go back to the small world. If you don't go back, don't worry. With me, nothing will happen!"

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