Of course, there are exceptions, such as the dark Lugia of the Lugia clan, she got power and turned black for stronger power.

I have to say that this Lugia is definitely the most talented one born after Lugia's ancestor chose to reproduce.

That is to say, that Lugia, like Mewtwo, has no priesthood, and may become an existence like a superheroic beast.

You know, priesthood is both a help and a limitation.

Power without limits is definitely dangerous.

So, that Lugia turned black.

This is also the reason why Dream agreed to bring Mewtwo. She didn't want this potential elf created with her own genes to become the second Lugia.

Fortunately, since following Bai Mo, Chaomeng's character and three views seem to have changed a lot, which makes Dreams relieved.

Even Dream is happy, why?

Because Mewtwo was born with her power, she felt that Mewtwo was strong enough to follow her to teach Ho-oh a lesson.

Unfortunately, Dream finally expressed that he wanted to cry.

Because Chao Meng also has big breasts, she is naturally with Ho-wang!

Not to mention these for now.

At this time, the flying fortress was transferred, and the three divine birds were deprived of priesthood by Lugia and would be expelled.

Everything settled in dust.

Bai Mo resisted the excitement in his heart and did not go back to the small world to talk to Gillu too deeply. He first returned to Asia Island.

First, he was interviewed by reporters.

After all, he is a positive character who appeared in this huge event. Bai Mo naturally wanted to take the opportunity to promote himself and WT. Recently, the Mega thing is on the cusp of the storm, and free advertising cannot be avoided.

Afterwards, Bai Mo chatted with Dr. Damu again, and at the same time talked about the GS ball. It just so happened that Dr. Uimu was also present.

After Bai Mo said that the GS was made from Howang's feathers and Lugia's feathers, and said that he might be able to solve the secret of the GS ball, the two doctors did not hesitate to say that this thing belongs to White Street.

Pay, as long as the research results are told to them at that time.

After getting the GS ball easily, Bai Mo told the girls that they decided to stay on Asia Island for one more night, and then he made an excuse to conquer the talking hippo king now.


Sitting on the blood-winged flying dragon's broad back, Bai Mo directed him to fly in the direction of the Hippo King. He naturally wanted to subdue the Hippo King. This was not a lie.

However, behind Bai Mo, there is still a fossilized pterosaur, and standing behind its endorsement is the three team of Rockets.

The reason why I brought them is because Bai Mo will make arrangements for them later.

"Yo, are you here to visit my old man?"

Standing on the back of the blood-winged flying dragon, Bai Mo easily found King Hippo. When the latter saw it, his heart suddenly froze, and he had a bad premonition, but on the surface, he still put his hands behind him, showing that Extraordinary air.

"Hey, this guy can actually talk?" The hippo king spoke before meeting, and Kojiro and Musashi were surprised. This was the first time they had seen a pixie other than Miaomiao speak.

"Meow, this is the first time I met a talking elf." Miaomiao also looked at King Hippo with a strange look on her face, feeling like she had found a partner.

Of course, the first time it said it did not include those transformed existences like Xanadu.

People like Shanaido have turned into human beings, and speaking is just a trivial matter.

"Hey? Old man, this is the second time I've seen a talking elf who hasn't reached the championship level." With his hands behind, the king's magnanimity was fully displayed. The Hippo King took a serious look at Miaomiao. After a while, it shook his head and sighed. He said:

"Unfortunately, your potential is exhausted. Not just any elf can learn to speak by itself. With this perseverance and potential, if you use it in training, it is not impossible for you to become a champion in the future."

"At that time, you can still talk, but it's a pity!"

"Meow!?" This is the first time Meowmeow has heard an elf talk about its potential.

On the side, Bai Mo is not surprised, because he has observed Miaomiao with his superpowers. Miaomiao's aptitude is superb, but he has exhausted his potential.

With normal training, it can become a king-level elf without pressure. Everything is just a matter of time.

Combined with all kinds of perseverance displayed by Miaomiao, it is indeed possible to forcibly break through to the championship level.

Of course, Bai Mo didn't feel pity, because he had a way to help Miaomiao regain her potential.

In addition, the Miao Miao mentioned by Hippo King is the second elf he has seen who can speak before the championship level.

The corners of his mouth twitched together, and Bai Mo looked at the hippo and said:

"King Hippo! Follow me, how about it?!"

Chapter 0687 Development of subordinates, arrangement!

"Did you mess with you!"


Hearing Bai Mo's words, Hippo King thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

To be honest, Bai Mo felt a little surprised by the Hippo King's simplicity.

This Hippo King's experience and IQ are obviously very high. Noticing the expression on Bai Mo's face, he took the initiative to say:

"Don't be surprised, I am a champion-level existence, just like the blood wing dragon under your feet and the fossil wing dragon behind you."

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