"Meow, Bai Mo, you are a very good trainer. Following you is my conviction. However, I have a request, no, it should be a request or a goal, meow!"

"Oh?" Noticing that Miaomiao's eyes suddenly became firm, Bai Mo was a little interested and smiled:

"tell me the story."

"I hope I can never evolve." Grabbing her hand, Miaomiao looked at Bai Mo seriously, she naturally knew what evolution meant to an elf, it was a qualitative change.

However, Miaomiao has her own perseverance.

If it evolves, Miaomiao feels that she is not Miaomiao anymore.

"What else?" Bai Mo didn't rush to give the answer, but continued to ask. He saw that Miaomiao's words were not finished.

Hearing this, Miaomiao didn't know what Bai Mo meant, but continued: "No matter how strict the training is, I'm willing to endure it, meow!"

"I only hope that I can prove myself by defeating the cat boss in the hands of the boss Sakagi in the future, meow, and, I want to defeat the little devil's Pikachu! Meow!"

"Nice ambition." Nodding, Bai Mo's mouth twitched, "Evolution does not evolve, you don't have to worry, your potential is exhausted, after I help you recover, you are standing behind, which is actually equivalent to evolution."

"As for the two opponents you want to defeat, it's just a matter of time for me, and this time depends on your own efforts."

Saying that, Bai Mo threw a pokeball directly, and then said lightly: "In the future, when your potential recovers, you can train with my subordinate Lucario first. It is the most serious and hardest training under my subordinates."

"As long as you work as hard as it does, you will definitely be able to win your two goals within three years."

"Thank you!"

Hearing Bai Mo's last words, Miaomiao just moved out of two words, and then entered Bai Mo's Poké Ball without resistance.

From this moment on, Meow's future has changed.

"Okay, let's do one last thing."

After successfully subduing Miaomiao, Bai Mo smiled lightly, raised his head slightly, and a deep color appeared in his eyes. The next moment, he and the girls around him disappeared out of thin air, as if they had never been there.

Bai Mo's small world.

A few figures flashed by, and Bai Mo and a few girls transformed into elves appeared at the top of the small world tree.

If you stand here and look in one direction, you can see that the huge flying fortress that almost shocked the whole world is lying on a desert like this.

In the desert, Bai Mo's superpowers continue to grow...a new place that appears after the small world keeps getting bigger.

Although the range of the desert is not large, the flying fortress is just right.

Glancing in the direction of the flying fortress, a blue light appeared in Bai Mo's eyes, and the next moment, he appeared in the command room of the flying fortress.

Because of Bai Mo's instructions, the flying fortress was not damaged too seriously by Lugia, but there were still some loopholes, and it was impossible to prevent power users like Bai Mo from entering.

"Jill Lutai!" Bai Mo spoke indifferently when he came to the command room, and his voice attracted the attention of Jill Lutai, who was sitting on the podium and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Dr. Bai Mo!!!"

Hearing the voice, Jill Lutai stood up conditioned reflexively. After seeing the person who came, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, and he said excitedly, "Dr. Bai Mo, I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Why did you come here?"

"Didn't I be banished to an unknown space by Lugia?"

"I have some friendship with Lugia, I beg her." Bai Mo came up with a reason immediately after hearing Jill Lutai's words. He really didn't think that Jill Lutai thought she was being attacked by Lugia. exiled.

But that's fine. On Jill's side, he didn't want to expose his power and small world.

Now, the question is, allegiance or disloyalty.

Allegiance, take Jill Luta out and use it.

If he is not loyal, Bai Mo will also take him out, but that is only to prevent him from dirtying his own little world.

"You mean the god of the sea?" Bai Mo's words surprised Jill Lu too. He didn't expect that even the super-divine beast Lugia Baimo with the position of the god of the sea could recognize him.

"Of course, she exiled you after all." Bai Mo directly followed Jill Lutai's train of thought and said lightly, "I gave you a suggestion before, asking if you want to be a real collector, if you want."

"You can follow me. If you don't want to, then forget it. Lugia will definitely not let you go, but I have already interceded with it, so you will not die, but will survive here."

"Dr. Bai Mo, I promise."

Without any consideration, Mrs. Gilroy opened the mouth and said:

"After entering this place, I was thinking about Lugia's strength and your words, Dr. Bai Mo."

"I found that every move of these elves and the moment when they showed their strength are the moments when they show their charm. It's really bad to keep them locked up and collect them."

"I figured it out. I want to help Dr. Bai Mo with my meager power. I think only you can defeat those powerful beings."

"Those who exist will also become WT's existence."

"And if I become a WT person, it has something to do with me, and I can be satisfied in my lifetime."


Noticing Jill Lutai's performance, Bai Mo didn't know how to complain for a while. Did this guy figure it out by himself?

But it's too much to think about! !

But it doesn't matter anymore, inject him with an ordinary small world leaf, don't be afraid of betrayal, you can only follow sincerely.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo's arm moved, took out a leaf, and said lightly:

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