Chapter 0691 White is also a strange girl

Noticing that both containers had appeared, Bai Mo released his superpowers immediately. He felt that he needed to be prepared to escape at all times. After all, they were two big guys.

Moreover, it is Hu Di and the weird Geng Gui, who have high IQs. Facing these two big guys, be careful to sail the boat for ten thousand years!

After taking a serious look at Gengar's container, White nodded to the fat man beside him and said, "Captain, pay attention to protection, you should wear a few more layers of gloves, and then bring things in."

White's words caused Bai Mo's mouth to twitch. The protective measure against dangerous objects is to wear several layers of gloves?


Just when Bai Mo was thinking about leaving, White suddenly patted his head and looked at Bai Mo with light, "Are you Bai Mo?"

"The youngest Dr. Bai Mo."

"I didn't expect to see you here, I'm really lucky."

"Should I dress up to give you a better first impression?"

White suddenly showed a maddened look in front of Bai Mo. Her performance made Bai Mo feel a little helpless.

Isn't this girl just reacting now?

White is a girl, now twenty years old, known as Dr. White, she solved some ancient elf writing when she was six years old, and rolled up a whirlwind in the academy of ancient elf writing, and was awarded the title of doctor at the age of twenty Genius girl.

Of course, the title of Doctor is only one-sided in terms of Elvish characters, so not many people know about it.

Bai Mo has been wondering if his charm has declined since the moment he saw him, because White also behaved a little too bland to him.

But now Bai Mo understands, this girl should be missing a muscle, showing two personalities in her profession and in peacetime.

When doing all the experiments related to ancient texts, the attention will be quite concentrated!

Now, White is out of this state.

Judging from her performance, she seemed to admire Bai Mo very much.

"Well, that's normal behavior, after all, I'm so attractive." Thinking inwardly, Bai Mo still smiled flatly on the surface: "It's me, I've heard the name of Dr. White. "

"Speaking of which, the core part of the WT I founded is the study of ancient and even super-ancient elves."

"Dr. White can join if he wants to."

"Is it really possible?"

Contrary to Bai Mo's expectations, after listening to his words, White showed considerable interest and nodded decisively: "Okay, this inspection is over, Dr. Bai Mo, you can take me away."

"So simple..."

Bai Mo really didn't expect such an excellent talent, or a beautiful woman, to express her willingness to follow.

Well, beauty is the point, circle it!

Just as Bai Mo and White were talking, the fat head of the side was really obedient and put on three pairs of gloves on his hands, and then reached out to get the Gengar's container.

No accident, the moment the fat man touched this thing, his body was wrapped in a layer of red light, and then put into the container.

This situation is like when the pixie is put into the pokeball!

Seeing this scene, except for Bai Mo and a few girls, everyone else was frightened, even White was no exception.

At this time, a black thing floated out of the container, and Bai Mo saw the Fatty Captain and two people in uniforms that he was familiar with in the middle column. They were the Rockets.

Seeing this situation, Bai Mo immediately realized that it was the two of them who dug up the thing. Unexpectedly, Kojiro and Musashi from the original book did not come, but someone from Team Rocket was still involved in this incident.

However, Bai Mo didn't have time to take care of this right now. The moment he discovered the black energy, his eyes flashed, and he took the girls around him and retreated to a place in an instant.

Except for Bai Mo and a few people, the rest of the people seemed to be petrified by the elf. They all stopped at a loss, and in the end, they were all sucked into the black thing.

Then, behind the container, a black shadow slowly began to take shape.

Bai Mo and the girls looked in that direction, and found that it was the huge ancient Gengar covered in patterns.

"There really is such a big guy." Seeing the giant Geng ghost, her dreamy eyes flashed, she really didn't expect Bai Mo to find such an existence.

The Gengar in front of him can tell by looking at the lines on his body, it is definitely an existence that survived from ancient times like the ancient fast dragon, Kyogre, and Groudon.

At this time, the giant Gengar sprayed a black energy into the sky after it was fully activated, and the entire sky soon began to turn black under its control, and it was still spreading around...


Seeing this scene, the dreamy eyes around Bai Mo changed, and his face suddenly became a little dignified.

"What's wrong?" Bai Mo's heart tensed when he noticed the change in Dream's expression. Could it be that something happened that he couldn't control!

"It's all right." After looking at Geng Gui seriously, after a while, Dreamy breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought it was blackened, but I didn't expect it to grasp the true meaning of the rules."

"If you give it time and opportunity, it will have the opportunity to become a super beast and control the darkness."

"Oh?" Bai Mo was a little surprised when he heard Dream's words, because he used his superpower to observe that Gengar was only a second-level god.

It seems that during the period of time that Gengar was sealed, his strength became weaker.

"It's alright, it's done." After figuring out Geng Gui's situation, Dream returned to his usual calm state, and smiled at Bai Mo.

Well, the little loli is still cute at this time.

Beside Bai Mo, White looked at Geng Ghost in front of him, and murmured, "The black darkness dyes the sky black... Is this what you mean?"

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