When Bai Mo took back the elf, the ancient Hudi's routine was the same as the ancient Genggui, and he used teleportation to hide his figure again.

"This battle is not easy to fight!!"

Looking at this situation, Bai Mo felt a little helpless, so he could only choose to shout: "Darklay, use the largest range of black fluctuations!"

"Shaneido, Latias...you all used the shadow ball after Darkrai forced out Gengar and Hudi!"

Ghost-type and evil-type skills are all restraining Hu Di and Gengar!

Darkrai's level is the highest among the elves that are shot now. He used to be a first-level god of evil, and the wave of evil is still a full-range attack. The effect that can be obtained should not be weak.

This is, White below has fainted from a headache.

In the air, Shanaido firmly carried out Bai Mo's orders, and Darkrai even sent a black wave from his body in mid-air.

But at this moment, an explosion suddenly occurred in the air!


Chapter 0695 First-level God shot!


With the sound of an explosion, in the air, the Gengar girl who was about to start, Shanaido all fell towards the bottom. Just now, the ancient Gengar suddenly appeared in front of them and used a huge shadow ball. The damage the girl suffered was almost explosive.

On the contrary, Shanaido's situation is better.


Shanaido raised her slender hand, her eyes shone with blue light, the next moment, she came to the side of Geng Gui girl, and brought her to Bai Mo's side.

Shanaido and Sister Gengar are back, but the attacks of the Ancient Gengar and Ancient Wood are not over yet.

In the air, both Latias and Jirachi frowned, and a blue light appeared in their eyes tacitly.

At this time, Bai Mo's eyes also changed. He saw a colorful light that was constantly bending, and was constantly approaching Latias and Kiraki. He understood that this was the ancient Hudi who was talking to Latias and Kiraki. Rakhi conducts a spiritual confrontation.

Latias and Jirachi are both at the level of divine beasts, one is a third-level god, and one is a second-level god. If the two of them add up, if they only compete with the ancient Hudi for their spiritual power, they can barely stand still.

But at this moment, the elusive giant Gengar with a strange smile suddenly appeared behind Latias and Jirachi.

In this situation, without Bai Mo's reminder, Latias and Jirachi, who have superpowers, are very clear.

But they also know that now they are powerless to change anything, and the strength of the ancient Hudi cannot be distracted by them.

No accident, the giant Gengar used the shadow ball again.

The shadow ball directly hit Latias and Jirachi at close range, and an explosion occurred. With the explosion, Latias and Jirachi could no longer resist the attack of the ancient Hudi, and were hit by the spiritual blade again. Hit and fly out.

Fortunately, their strength is good, and Hu Di's super power system has little impact on them, and they lost their ability to fight at once!

"Good guy!"

Seeing that the ancient Geng Ghost had eliminated the Geng Gui girls and the others with three strikes and five eliminations, Bai Mo was startled.

Even if the ancient Gengar and the ancient Hudi survived because of being sealed, their ability to be sealed actually proves their strength.

Also, the lines on them definitely have some meaning.

"and many more!"

As if thinking of something, Bai Mo couldn't help swallowing.

"What's wrong?" Noticing the change in Bai Mo's expression, he raised his brows curiously and dreamily.

"You said, can these two big guys be Mega?" Trying to control his inner emotions, Bai Mo asked worriedly: "You also know that Gaoka, the Groudon Rift Seat can be Mega, you said the ancient Gengar and Will the ancient Hudi also be?"

"It's possible!" Bai Mo's words changed Dream's expression and became a little dignified. If there were two ancient first-level gods Mega, Dream would feel that he would be under a lot of pressure.

Noticing the change in Dream's expression, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed and said:

"Looks like I'm going to change my plans."

Saying that, Bai Mo decisively took out the elf ball and took back several of his elves, but just when he was about to let Darkrai come back, the latter suddenly turned his head, and a cold and arrogant voice came out:

"My strength is almost restored."

"First-level god, this level I have reached, I have stepped into it again!"

As Darkrai's words fell, a powerful momentum appeared in her body, which actually made her easily comparable to Chaomeng.

"Then you can continue to fight." Bai Mo stopped holding the Poke Ball. He turned his head slightly to look at Chaomeng and Meloetta, and said with a chuckle, "Then I will trouble you now!"

"Geng Gui, Hu Di, as expected of the existence left over from ancient times, you guys are really powerful, but I haven't lost yet."

"Darklay! Mewtwo, Meloetta, I will trouble you!"

"it is good!"

At the moment when Bai Mo made a sound, Meloetta and Chao Meng fluttered to Daodaklei's side.

Next, it will be a first-level god to a first-level god.

Meloetta is in charge of the duties, and Chaomeng is an existence with superhuman potential. Darkrai is the descendant of supernatural beasts, and is a first-level god of evil.

The game will never be difficult.

Just when the three elves of Meloetta came forward, on the ground, White, who was unconscious in Nanamei's arms, seemed to be talking in his sleep, and said easily: "At this time, the powerful commander once again called out a more powerful commander. Strong warrior..."

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