"Really?" A strange light flashed in Bai Mo's black eyes, and he stared at White thoughtfully for a while.

He really did not expect that White would have such an ability.


If you look at it this way, this girl must be kidnapped.

Bai Mo looked at White with some careful thoughts in his heart, but at this time, Lunayala found the opportunity to use a destructive light on Dream and hit Dream's ability shield.


With a crisp sound, the ability shield of Dream's whole body was finally broken. Noticing this situation, Lunayala rushed up without stopping and slammed into Dream.

The powerful impact knocked the entire dream out, and finally landed on the ground, knocking out a deep pit.


Dream was defeated, and a blue light appeared in the eyes of Bai Mo, who was thinking carefully, and used teleportation to come to her side.

Reaching out his hand to support the dream, he asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

"If you can't beat it, I'll get the huge fat man out. There should be a way to solve it."

Hearing this, Dream blinked, and then waved his hand, a white light appeared on his body, and flew into the air again, "Hmph, I have to go back and fight, I will definitely kill that guy."

Looking at the momentum of the dream, it was as if he could not give up.

However, Bai Mo has already let go of her heart at this meeting. Dream and he blinked and told her plan through telepathy.

Knowing what the dream was going to do, he didn't say any more.

In the sky, seeing the dream flying towards her again, Lunayala said for the first time, "You, not my opponent, you can't resist me, surrender!"

"Ha? You're really as stinky as your deity, and you actually said that I can't resist you? What a joke, I wanted to tease you, it's easier to solve it then, and now you let me change my mind."

Dream was unhappy with Lunayala's words, and he threw out countless shadow balls in his hands.

The speed of these shadow balls, whether they condense or launch, is very fast, and they hit Lunayala's protective cover without giving Lunaira a chance to react at all.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Just three shadow balls shattered the energy shield.

"Hehe, fool, do you dare to say that I can't resist you?" Dream clapped her hands, she was very satisfied with the current situation.

Hearing this, Lunayala did not speak, but created a protective shield again and rushed straight to the dream.

Seeing this, Dream decisively also opened the protective cover and attacked head-on.

The battle is on again.

But now, Dream suddenly gives people a very different feeling. Her performance is very strong.

As an energy body, Lunaara has absolutely no side effects when using the Destruction Death Light, so she continues to use the Destruction Death Light attack as if it were the only move.

Dream is constantly moving and emits shadow balls. The output frequency of her shadow balls is much faster than that of Lunayala's destructive death beam, and it hits a lot more!

And every time Lunaira's destructive death light hits the dream shield, it can only break the shield, but it can't injure her.

On the contrary, the dreamy shadow ball was knocking off Lunayala's ability shield in a few moments, and it could blow her up once, causing her huge damage.

But every time, Lunayala will immediately get up and continue to attack!

In the continuous confrontation that followed, everyone could see that Lunayala's momentum became weaker and weaker, her figure began to shake, and her figure began to become shallower.

Dream seems to have noticed this situation, and the speed of using the shadow ball in his hand increased again.

"How come the big sister's head is so fierce?" Dream suddenly became strong and stunned the girls. While shooting, Ram kept pressing the shutter, and at the same time did not forget to ask questions.

Indeed, the performance gap before and after the dream is too obvious.

"It's just that she pretended to be in front." Shaking his head with a smile, Bai Mo looked at Chaomeng girls and said, "She's teaching you routines."

"The strength she uses now is actually similar to yours, but one person can press Lunayala to fight."

"The reason for this is because she deliberately showed weakness in front of her, so that Lunayala always felt that she could win, and did not waste time to absorb a lot of those black breaths."

"So, Lunayala's energy is not enough to make ends meet, and now there is not much physical strength left."

"And at this time, Dream has intensified his attack again. Without giving Lunayala a chance to recover, he doesn't need to use the power of the super beast, and the Libra of victory is tilted toward her."

"To sum up in one sentence, dreaming is a routine!"

Chapter 0701 Ancient Fat Ding debut!

"Well, it's just a routine." With a chuckle, Bai Mo explained the dreamy performance to the girls.

"It turns out that it is." The girls nodded for a while, and then paid attention to the battle in the sky again.

At this moment, White spoke again:

"The warrior is very strong, and the dark warrior cannot break through. It changed its tactics and is ready to kill it first..."

White's words surprised the girls, and Bai Mo's pupils shrank.

At this time, in the sky, Lunayala started to act again, it opened the ability shield, and rushed straight to the dream, and the dream naturally chose hard steel.

But just as they were about to collide, Lunayala suddenly moved, staggered to confront Mengmeng, and instead slammed into Bai Mo on the ground behind Menghuan.

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