The chrysanthemum leaves were ordered, the whole body appeared pink power, and then a lot of pink breath wafted from the leaves on its head.

Enveloped by the pink breath, the sight of the sparrow is blocked, and it directly loses its attackable target.

The fragrant breath produced a lot of pink aura, which disturbed the sight of the sparrow, and its indomitable momentum was also worn away little by little, and it also reduced the ability of the sparrow to evade.

Bai Mo was very satisfied with Chrysanthemum Grass's quick obedience to instructions. This Chrysanthemum Grass Leaf was very stubborn, and after being subdued by him, he was very obedient.

I just don't know what Bai Mo would think if he knew that Ju Cao Ye's ultimate goal was to be his woman.

Without further ado, at this time, the sparrow's attack efficiency was affected by the aroma, and the attack momentum was no longer sharp. Although it was hindered by the pink smoke, it still came to a position close to the ground due to the momentum of the impact.

"This is a good opportunity." Bai Mo naturally would not give up such an opportunity, and ordered loudly: "Chrysanthemum grass leaves, use the vine whip to jump on the back of the sparrow, and then use the poison!"


Chrysanthemum Leaf hit the ground with two rattan weaves, and jumped on the back of the sparrow at a very fast speed with the powerful recoil!

Then, it wrapped the retracted rattan around the neck of the toucan, and purple waves began to transmit through the rattan and limbs.

The poisonous attack directly hit Big Mouth's whole body, and Big Mouth's movements immediately slowed down, and at the same time let out a scream.

"Pursue the victory, use the iron tail to attack!"

"Big mouth sparrow, punch the drill." Asu responded passively.

Inside the arena, a metallic luster appeared on the back of the chrysanthemum leaves, hitting the sparrow's head directly.

The sparrow was poisoned, and it was very uncomfortable, but it woke up at the last moment. Although its neck was caught by the vines of chrysanthemum leaves, it still turned its head tenaciously and launched an attack with its rotating sharp beak.


In the end, the big mouth sparrow's punch hit the back of the chrysanthemum leaf, which not only blocked the iron tail attack, but also used the rotation to hit the chrysanthemum leaf from the back.

"Big-billed sparrow... Damn, fly high in the sky." Seeing the big-billed sparrow out of trouble, Aso wanted it to use Feather Perch to recover its strength immediately.

But the chrysanthemum leaves fell on the rattan and waved on the ground, which made him realize that if the toucan really fell to the ground, it would definitely become a target for the opponent.

"Chrysanthemum Leaf, Flying Leaf Storm!" Bai Mo didn't plan to give the sparrow any rest time, and immediately instructed Chrysanthemum Leaf to use the Flying Leaf Storm that he learned from the Lizard King.

Hearing Bai Mo's order to Ju Cao Ye, Ah Su's pupils shrank, and he immediately shouted:

"Dodge with high-speed movement, then use Swallow Return."

Chrysanthemum Leaf used the Flying Leaf Storm, and a storm carried the rotating flying leaves and flew towards the sparrow.

At the same time, the sparrow also used high-speed motion to avoid the flying leaf storm dangerously and dangerously.

Afterwards, a white light appeared on the sparrow's body, its wings flapped, and it swooped down to the chrysanthemum leaves at a faster speed than before.

During the dive, the air flow from the sparrow's wings formed a silver blade.

This move Yanhui's attack was really fast, but Bai Mo reacted, but he didn't command, he knew that the chrysanthemum leaves who were still using Feiye Storm couldn't dodge this move.

Luck was still on Bai Mo's side. Just as Big Mouth rushed towards the chrysanthemum leaves, a purple light suddenly appeared on Big Mouth's body.

This is the poisoning effect caused by the highly poisonous use of chrysanthemum leaves before...

The poisonous power made the sparrow suffer, and the momentum of the attack inevitably stopped.

It was this moment of pause that gave Chrysanthemum Leaf enough time to control the Flying Leaf Storm to spin around, catch up with the sparrow, and finally hit it.


The Big Mouth's body was completely shrouded in the flying leaf storm, and it fell directly to the ground.

When Feiyefeng disappeared and Big Mouth appeared in front of everyone, his condition was very bad, but he still did not faint, struggling to stand up there.

"Take out your backbone, take out your backbone, take out your backbone..." Seeing that Big Mouth has not lost its fighting power, and was infected by its spirit, the staff in the Kikyo Gym who watched the battle began to cheer for Big Mouth!

The sudden voice shocked Xiao Lan and White, who were watching with interest, and Xiao Huang, who didn't dare to look at it.

"There are still cheerleaders, so we can't weaken our momentum." When Xiaolan saw that the other party had cheerleaders, he quickly shouted: "Come on, Bai Mo!"

"Come on, chrysanthemum leaves!"

On the side, seeing Xiao Lan's performance like this, White and Xiao Huang also covered their hands into horns and shouted loudly.

However, how could the three girls' voices be directly suppressed by so many people in the gymnasium.

Seeing that her voice was not enough, Xiao Lan stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, then her eyes changed, she rushed to the side and grabbed a loudspeaker from a gym staff member, and continued to shout.

This speaker has been carried by Xiaolan ever since, and every time Bai Mo fights, she will take it out and use it!

I have to say, the power of iron powder is really powerful.

It may be that Xiaolan's power was too strong, and Big Mouth didn't endure it in the end. After persisting for a while, he still fainted.

"Come back, Big Mouth." Asu reluctantly took Big Mouth back to the Poké Ball, then looked at Bai Mo and said seriously, "As expected of Dr. Bai Mo, your chrysanthemum leaves are newly captured, training. very good."

"According to the strength it shows, ordinary bay leaves can't compare to it."

Chapter 0717 Evolution Bay Leaf

"It's nothing."

Hearing Ah Su's words, Bai Mo seemed very calm. With his current achievements, the praise of a rookie gym trainer was nothing at all.

Saying that, Bai Mo squatted down and touched the head of the chrysanthemum leaves who came back to ask for credit, as a sign of encouragement, "It's just that this child is good."

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