At this time, a white light also appeared on the wings of the fire-breathing dragon Y, and it flew out.


The two little elves clashed continuously with their wings in the air.

After a few rounds, Bi Diao was the first to fall behind.

Seeing this, Asu immediately shouted: "Bi Diao, air chop!"

Seeing that Fire-breathing Dragon Y's body is strong, Asu no longer intends to let Bi Diao approach Fire-breathing Dragon Y, and intends to turn that match into a long-range battle.

Asu didn't want Fire-breathing Dragon Y to get close to Bidiao, and Bai Mo didn't mind. Fire-breathing Dragon Y's special attack had been enhanced a lot, and the power of his flame skills had doubled in exclamation.

What kind of battle, Bai Mo is not false.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, use the jet flame!"

Hearing Bai Mo's order, Fire-breathing Dragon Y opened his mouth and shot out a golden-red flame, only to see the flame swallowed up several air slashes and hit Bi Diao's wings directly.

Aso's Bidiao is also a seasoned veteran, and he won't be killed in a single blow, but because of the damage to his wings, it becomes difficult to maintain flight and use skills.

At this stage, Ah Su no longer calculated too much. He knew that he would definitely not be able to play Bai Mo's ten with his brains.

Thinking of this, A Su decided to fight recklessly, and ordered towards Bi Diao: "Bi Diao, use Yanhui to approach Fire-breathing Dragon Y, and then use Divine Bird."

Aso used a combo again.

"Hit hard, I'm not afraid of this!" The corner of his mouth raised a radian, and Bai Mo waved his arm and shouted:

"Charge Charge!"

In the air, the fire-breathing dragon Y was ordered to spout a large flame, and then it spit out another flame to wrap its body.

The flame replaced by the fire-breathing dragon Y slammed straight forward, hit the large-character flame in an instant, absorbed the power of the flame and continued to rush forward, and finally collided with the eagle who galloped over and used the magic bird!


Chapter 0719 Laurel leaves to express!

The fire-breathing dragon Y turned into a flame and slammed straight forward. It hit the big-character flame in an instant, absorbed the power of the flame and continued to charge forward. Finally, it collided with the eagle who galloped over and used the divine bird!


The two little elves collided, and a huge explosion sounded in the air. It is conceivable how intense the collision of these two tricks was.

A black smoke quickly diffused from the place of the explosion, instantly covering the sight of everyone present!

Faced with this situation, Bai Mo and Shanai Duo decisively used their superpowers to sweep them away.

The next moment, they smiled tacitly.

The moment Bai Mo smiled, so people saw that a figure shot out from the smoke screen, and finally hit the ground.

Everyone looked at the ground and found that there was a Beagle who had passed out in a coma.

At the same time, the smoke screen in the sky was scattered by the whirlwind blowing, revealing the appearance of the fire-breathing dragon Y.

At this time, the fire-breathing dragon Y was completely intact, and did not appear to be injured at all.

The result was so obvious that the referee immediately announced:

"Bidiao lost his ability to fight, and Fire-breathing Dragon Y won."

"Dr. Bai Mo, congratulations on your victory, this is the flying wing badge of Kikyo Gym, this badge collection box is also given to you, I hope you can collect eight badges, and then achieve good results in the competition of the City Capital League. "The defeat was so neat, Ah Su sighed, and then came to the badge and badge box in front of Bai Mo and handed it over.

"You're welcome." Bai Mo smiled lightly, stretched out his hand to take the flying wing badge and stamp collection box, and put it in the space ring.

Afterwards, Bai Mo took the bay leaf to the side, and changed to Xiaolan for the gym competition.

Xiaolan sent an owl nighthawk to fight, and used one to pierce through the three elves of Aso.

At the end of the challenge, the badge and badge collection box were also obtained. Xiao Lan left the gym with Bai Mo and the other girls.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, Su Tian who was beside A Su turned around and said, "A Su, you are still too young."

"Come on, in the future, wait for you to cultivate a flying elf as powerful as the fire-breathing dragon in the hands of Dr. Bai Mo."

"I will, father, don't worry."

Leaving Kikyo City, the journey continues.

Bai Mo took the girls to the next gym, Juniper Town!

However, on the way, they first went to the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley for a turn.

After all, from the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley is also one of Bai Mo's industries, and he also established a WT branch in the outermost part of the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley as support.

After walking around the Fire-breathing Dragon Valley, Bai Mo said goodbye to Ji Ke again and headed towards Junipi Town.

But before going to Juniper Town, they took a detour to a town called Sunshine Town.

Two days later!

"It's so comfortable, is this the Sunshine Town that Sister Ji Ke said?"

"This town is so beautiful, the air smells of all kinds of flowers and plants, and the sun shines on the body is also very comfortable!"

Arriving at Sunshine Town, Bai Mo and the girls closed their eyes and couldn't help moaning, and Xiao Huang couldn't help but exclaim.

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