Seeing that his unique move was fixed, the Fire Rock Rat had a humanized look of doubt on his face. Obviously, there should be no super-power elves in this forest, so the Fire Rock Rat had no experience against enemies.

But what surprised the Fire Rock Rat was still behind. After the jet of flames froze, he made another turn and returned to the Fire Rock Rat under the control of the Sun Spirit.


This rock rat has a lot of fighting experience. Although it was a little surprised to see the super power of the sun elf, it did not show any flaws because of this, and it calmly avoided the attack of the sun elf.

"Not bad!" Bai Mo praised again in his heart. If his idea is correct, this Fire Rock Rat is the first time he has faced a super-type elf, and he can still maintain his current calm state of mind and emotions. Born to fight.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo's face showed a serious look:

"You make me more eager to subdue you."

In the field, the Fire Rock Rat took advantage of its speed to perform various fast movements, flexibly avoiding the flames controlled by the Sun Elf with the illusion technique.

Seeing this, Bai Mo felt very boring and planned to change his tactics, but then he gave up the idea.

Because watching the performance of the sun elf, she seemed to enjoy it.

If you think about it carefully, the Fire Rock Rat is a "rat", while the Sun Elf is a "cat".

Cats and mice may be biological instincts. Sun elves like this kind of chase game.

Bai Mo thought about it, let the sun elf play for a while, and it can also kill the stamina of the fire rat.

Chapter 0730 Conquering the Need for Fire Rock Rat


Although Bai Mo let the sun elf play, the Fire Rock Rat had no intention of cooperating. It called out and suddenly changed direction and rushed towards the sun elf. The speed continued to increase, and a white light was dragged from behind!

It's a lightning bolt!

"Hey, this Fire Rock Rat will really surprise me." Seeing the scene in front of him, Bai Mo praised again in his heart.

In front of this scene, Bai Mo has seen many times in various animes, and it is a very old-fashioned tactic.

That is, one side makes a tracking attack, the other side uses flexible skills to escape, then uses its position and speed to escape to the enemy, suddenly rushes in front of the enemy, and finally makes a sharp turn to avoid it!

At this time, the side that was always attacking was unable to stop and turn due to inertia, which caused him to be hit by his own skills.

With such an old-fashioned tactic, Bai Mo can't be fooled, but Fire Rock Rat is just a wild elf. If he can come up with such a tactic, his talent in combat is really strong.

"Compared to using the other party, I am the ancestor." The corner of his mouth raised a radian, and Bai Mo said loudly: "Sun elf, don't forget, destroy the flames, and then use high-speed stars!"


The sun elf raised his head gracefully, his mental power increased output, the phantom light increased for a while, and the flame was squeezed by mental power and dissipated instantly.


Fire Rock Rat looked back at this time to see if his tactics were successful, and it seemed surprising to see this scene.

However, this was because the Sun Spirit launched a high-speed star again, not giving the Fire Rock Rat a chance to think, forcing it to run with its limbs again.

To Bai Mo's surprise, the Fire Rock Rat didn't understand the characteristics of high-speed stars, and was still moving around, allowing high-speed stars to follow.

High-speed stars will persist until they hit the opponent or are neutralized.

Thus, the previous scene appeared again.

And what made Bai Mo amused was that every time a high-speed star was about to hit the Fire Rock Rat, it would use high-speed motion or a flash of electric light to avoid it.

The chase begins again.

This once again creates a strange atmosphere in addition to "cats and mice"!

The speed of this fire rat is very good, and the high-speed star has been unable to hit, but the word "high-speed" in the name of the high-speed star is not vegetarian after all, and it is impossible to avoid it!

Bai Mo was also too lazy to let the Sun Elf change his moves. The Fire Rock Rat would lose his stamina quickly when he was like this, and he would have to be captured at that time.

The Fire Rock Rat was obviously aware of this, and he rushed towards the Sun Elf again, seemingly planning to repeat the previous tactics.

However, at this time, Bai Mo loudly ordered:

"Sun Elf, the game is over, mind power!"


The sun elf flicked its tail gracefully, and a strong blue light from its eyes swept the entire venue.

The Fire Rock Rat only felt inexplicable power on his body, and then he couldn't move, he was controlled!


Controlled by the Sun Spirit's mind, the Fire Rock Rat was inevitably hit by the high-speed stars behind it.

The high-speed star hit the Fire Rock Rat, and a powerful explosion suddenly occurred.

Game time of cat and mouse is over!

Having already regarded the Fire Rock Rat as his own elf, Bai Mo looked at the Fire Rock Rat and said lightly:

"In front of the super power department, simply moving, no matter how fast you are, is useless. Even if you can dodge once or twice, you can't dodge all the times."

"And because of your speed, your strength is not very strong. If you want to break free, it will be difficult and it will take a lot of time."

"So, if you want to fight with super power elves, you should not dodge with speed, but use speed to open the distance between the two, use flame skills to offset high-speed stars and then shoot."

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