Just like the previous invisible shield, which contains super dream power, which is obviously the attribute power of the unknown totem itself, but because of insufficient strength, it cannot stop Lucario's attack.

But the energy contained in the mysterious light group left Bai Mo at a loss, whether it was its effect or its properties.

"That should be the energy core of the unknown totem."

Among the crowd, the only ones who could answer Bai Mo were Dream and Meloetta. The two women were little elves that existed from the beginning, and they knew a lot about some ancient things.

Especially the dream, at this time she stared at the mysterious power and frowned: "This is the first time I have seen the power of the unknown totem. I heard that they have some connection with Arceus. I still don't believe it, now I believe it. already."

"I just don't know what this connection is!"

"Arceus!?" Bai Mo was startled by the answer from the dream. He really never thought that the unknown totem could have such a great background and such magical power.

Are the words of Arceus the power of creation! ?

Perhaps it can only be understood in this way, otherwise the ability to create things out of thin air in this crystal cannot be explained.


With a twinkle in his eyes, Bai Mo's gaze towards the mysterious light group changed slightly. This was a good thing, and he was inevitably tempted.

However, before considering this thing, it is necessary to deal with the current situation first.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo looked at Darkrai, Chaomeng, Dream, Shanedo, Latias, Gengar, Jirachi, and Meloetta and said:

"Everyone is ready to attack! The center of the target shield."

Saying that, Bai Mo himself stretched out his hands to gather a blue energy ball. This is the use of super powers!

Bai Mo, whose superpower has grown to the level of a Heavenly King-level elf now, can also use superpowers to launch attacks like spiritual sharp blades.

Hearing Bai Mo's words, all the girls also gathered energy balls in their hands, with the power of dragon, super power, ghost, and evil!

Noticing that the girls were all ready, Bai Mo launched the energy ball in his hand and shouted at the same time:


As Bai Mo's voice fell, several energy balls shot out at the same time, pierced through the protective cover and shot towards the strange ability point in the center of the unknown totem.

As if feeling the crisis, the mysterious light also began to respond, and a strange energy fluctuation erupted like before.

The strange ability fluctuations collided with the energy balls generated by Pokémon such as Mewtwo, as if thinking about the wave missiles that dealt with Lucario before and generally wiped them out.

But obviously, the energy contained in this strange and mysterious light group is also very limited.

The Chaomeng girls shot, and the attack was far superior to Lucario's wave missiles in both power and quantity, and the energy and several energy balls stalemate there.

Seeing this, the girls in Chaomeng began to increase their output, but they could still bear it in front of that mysterious force.

The two sides refused to give in to each other and began to stand still.

Seeing this, Bai Mo did not rush to shoot again, but took out two Poke Balls and threw them.

"Come out, blood-winged dragon, fire-breathing dragon X!"

"The two of you go around to the other side of the protective shield, and aim at the light group and make a Dragon God dive!"


The blood-winged dragon and the fire-breathing dragon X received the order, roared in response, then flapped their wings to the other side of the energy shield, and then dived forward, hitting the unknown totem directly.


Obviously, the fire-breathing dragon X and the blood-winged dragon did not succeed, and were blocked by the protective shield used by the unknown totem and the mysterious light group.

However, since Shanaido and the others had already dissipated the power of the protective shield by attacking in front, the Fire-breathing Dragon Light X and the Blood-Winged Flying Dragon used their dragon claws tacitly, tearing a hole in the protective shield!

Afterwards, the two little elves shrouded their whole bodies with a fierce golden aura, with murderous aura in their eyes, and rammed straight towards the light group in the middle.


The fire-breathing dragon X and the blood-winged flying dragon finally successfully hit the light. Under the interaction of the powerful forces of the two elves, the mysterious power light group only supported for a few seconds before it suddenly exploded.

But this explosion was very strange. It didn't produce a mysterious and powerful tide of power. It was a very dazzling white light that made Bai Mo and the others couldn't help but close their eyes.

And as the light group similar to the energy core was destroyed, the unknown totems flying around seemed to have lost all their strength at once, each of them shrugging their eyelids, floating listlessly, and even some Several also fell to the ground, obviously collapsed because of exhaustion of strength!

Seeing this situation, Xiao Zhi asked in a daze: "Has it been resolved?"

Xiao Zhi's question was also the question in the hearts of the girls, but just when they were about to ask Bai Mo what to do next, a big hole suddenly appeared in the ceiling of the room they were in.

This big hole appeared out of thin air, and after it appeared, it began to emit a strange light. This light seemed to have the same origin as the core power used by the previously unknown totem.

And after this hole of light appeared, many square-shaped small trees were about to fall from it.

After taking a serious look at these small pieces of wood, Bai Mo's eyes flashed, because these small pieces of wood looked like a quick puzzle!


Bai Mo felt a little depressed in his heart.

But soon he stopped thinking about it, because at this time, after those ordinary small pieces of wood fell to the ground, they turned into strange rays of light and disappeared.

Immediately after, the surrounding totems who had lost all of their knowledge were like taking stimulants, all opened their eyes and regained their spirits.

Then they all flew towards the mysterious big hole in the ceiling.

"that is……"

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