"Ibrahimovic, dig a hole!"

Facing the terrifying rolling attack of the big milk tank, Ibrahimovic would definitely not be able to stop it from the front, and Bai Mo didn't want to use Ibrahimovic and the big milk tank to confront him head-on.

Hearing the order, Ibrahimovic quickly dug a hole and drilled into the ground before the big milk jug rolled, and the big milk jug rolled directly through the hole.

At the current speed, it can't stop at any time. Even if it wants to attack again, it has to turn a big bend. Therefore, this gave Bai Mo a chance to attack. He immediately responded to Ibrahimovic with telepathy and expressed his thoughts. .

However, after explaining the telepathy, Bai Mo's face showed a speechless expression. He had obtained telepathy with Ibrahimovic just now, but Ibrahimovic has nine personalities.

When Bai Mo's voice appeared, it looked good all of a sudden, and everyone started to make noise.

"Master, let me go out and fight, I'm the best, huh!" This is the fire elf!

"Master, let me come, let me come, little fire can't do it!" This is a water elf, a fire elf...

"Master, I'm coming, I have thorns all over my body, and the effect is better." This is a thunder elf, a water elf...

"Just follow the rules!" Ibrahimovic's unhappy voice appeared, but immediately, the voice of the fairy elf appeared, "Ibrahimovic, we exchanged one day last time, did you forget!?"

"I want to see the master..."

"It's all played, let's change it next time." The Sun Elf said: "Be safe, if we lose, it means we all lose."

"Agree!" Moon Elf said.

Regardless of the noise of these elves' personalities, Bai Mo found an opportunity to quit the communication early.

He couldn't stand nine women who lacked communication chatting together in one space.

Off the field, I saw that when the big milk tank was about to turn, Ibrahimovic suddenly came out from right under the big milk tank, pushed the big milk tank into the air, and then drilled into the ground again, waiting for the big milk tank to fall from the air and then again. Get out of the ground and push it into the air again!

Here is the tactic that Bai Mo asked Ibrahimovic to execute.

"No, if it goes on like this, the speed of the big milk tank will become slower and slower." As a trainer of the big milk tank, Xiaoqian naturally knows its advantages and disadvantages, and immediately noticed Bai Mo's intention, and immediately shouted. .

"Big milk tank, use Taishan to press the top on the ground!"

At this time, the big milk tank was in the air, and immediately used the momentum of the lift to stabilize his figure, and then pressed down toward the ground.


A huge sound appeared, and the huge power of the big milk jar crushed the ground to pieces. Ibrahimovic, who was underground, did not have time to dodge, and flew out.

The big milk jug's change can be said to be very fast, even Bai Mo didn't reflect it in time. He didn't expect the former to stop suddenly at such a speed, and then speed up the descent.

High altitude, acceleration, weight, and the effect of Mount Tai's top pressure, the power of the big milk tank's blow is quite strong.

In addition, Ibrahimovic was hit on the ground, and the damage was quite large.

Looking at Ibrahimovic who fell to the ground with many scars on her body, Bai Mo thought about it and took her back. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, and there is no need to continue to hurt Ibrahimovic.

"Go, fire-breathing dragon Y."

Taking back Ibrahimovic, Bai Mo released the fire-breathing dragon Y again.

Seeing Bai Mo re-send the fire-breathing dragon Y, Xiao Qian didn't understand Bai Mo's intention, but she still actively let the big milk tank attack:

"Anyway, big milk jug, come on, keep using the rolling trick."

Hearing Xiaoqian's order, Bai Mo smiled slightly and ordered directly.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, take it down with dragon claws!"


Fire-breathing dragon Y fell to the ground and roared loudly, staring at the big milk can that rolled over...

The next moment, Fire-breathing Dragon Y's eyes narrowed, and a purple light appeared on his claws. After the big milk jug rolled over, he stretched out his hands and pressed it directly on it.

The dragon's claws made contact with the rotating big milk jug, and suddenly made a "breeding" sound.

The light on Fire-breathing Dragon Y's claws not only faded due to the rapid rotation of the big milk tank, but this did not make Fire-breathing Dragon Y flinch, but instead increased its strength again.

In this case, the speed of Charizard Y began to decrease continuously.

Immediately after, a slight explosion came out, and the moment Longzhuang disappeared from Fire-breathing Dragon Y's hand, the big milk tank finally stopped rotating.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qian suddenly made an unbelievable voice.

"What, how is it possible?"

"Good job, fire-breathing dragon Y, charge with gunpowder smoke!"

Different from Xiaoqian, what happened now was already expected by Bai Mo. Halfway through, he gave the order again the moment the big milk tank stopped.

The fire-breathing dragon Y responded quickly and did not disappoint Bai Mo. After the big milk tank stopped spinning, a fiery red flame appeared all over his body and wrapped himself, and then a slammed hit the big milk tank that had not yet reacted.

The big milk can was hit, and it turned into a fireball and flew out, knocking it out.

Seeing this, Bai Mo shouted again:

"Earth cast!"


Fire-breathing dragon Y roared, flapped its wings to accelerate, and easily caught up with the big milk can that flew out backwards, grabbed the neck of the big milk can with both hands and flew high into the sky!

Chapter 0752 The unknown branch evolution mode!

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