"The strength has reached the elite level, Zhenghui, it seems that you have spent a lot of time."

"It is necessary." Zhenghui is very arrogant. It is very rare to be praised by Bai Mo. Every time he faces Bai Mo, he will be hit badly.

"This leaf elf and ice elf are so beautiful!" Xiao Lan and Xiao Huang looked at you excitedly while holding an elf.

Among Ibrahimovic's evolutionary types, leaf elves and ice elves are definitely more advanced in appearance. The most important thing is that these two elves evolve in a special way, and Ibrahimovic is rare, so you can usually watch it. The chances of getting there are small.

Seeing that the girls liked the evolution of Ibrahimovic he cultivated so much, Zhenghui said with satisfaction: "Speaking of which, the doctor who combined the evolutionary type of Ibrahimovic is Bai Mo."

"It's also because of him that I have a way to gather the evolution of Ibrahimovic."

"Every day I look at Ibrahimovic and the eight evolutions, I will be very satisfied."

Saying that, Zhenghui stroked his hair. In front of acquaintances, he would behave very stinky.

"You're still the same." Seeing Zhenghui's full sense of accomplishment, Bai Mo instinctively said:

"However, you are nothing."

"Your so-called collection is just a joke. If I just come up with two new discoveries, I can beat you all over."

"Cut!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Zhenghui expressed his disbelief and shook his head in a pretentious manner.

Seeing this, Bai Mo decisively took out the Poké Ball and released Ibrahimovic.

"What, isn't this an Ibrahimovic?" Seeing Bai Mo taking out an Ibrahimovic, Zhenghui observed it and shook his head, although Bai Mo's Ibrahimovic was better than his Ibrahimovic in all aspects. The cloth looks much stronger.

But that's not surprising.

However, at this time, Bai Mo didn't speak, and Ibrahimovic seemed very unhappy that he was being despised, and a burst of white light suddenly appeared on his body.

"Hey, this is, evolution!?" The appearance of the light of evolution made Zhenghui interested again, and looked at Bai Mo with some teasing and asked, "Could it be, Bai Mo, your Ibrahimovic is going to evolve into a new evolution. Type!?"

"You'll know when you see it." Bai Mo's expression was flat, with his arms folded over his chest, looking like he was watching a good show.

At this time, the white light on Ibrahimovic disappeared, and a fire elf reappeared in front of everyone.

"What, it turned out to be just... um!"

Seeing that Ibrahimovic had only evolved into an ordinary fire elf, Zhenghui shook his head speechlessly, for his expectation.

But soon, he was stunned again, because this Ibrahimovic evolution did not use evolutionary stones.

It is well known that Ibrahimovic needs a fire stone to evolve into a fire elf.

Realizing this, Zhenghui immediately looked at Bai Mo and wanted to ask him if he had mastered the method for Ibrahimovic to evolve into other forms without evolution stones.

But at this time, a scene that shocked Zhenghui even more happened. The light of evolution appeared again on the fire elf who had just completed the evolution.

Wait until the light disappears, replaced by the water spirit.

Then, the light appeared, the water spirit disappeared, and the thunder spirit appeared.


In this way, the Ibrahimovic that Bai Mo took out transformed the various forms of Ibrahimovic owned by Zhenghui in the hospital into a change, and then changed to the appearance of Ibrahimovic.

"This, this..." At this time, Zhenghui's mouth widened, and he didn't know what to say. He was completely surprised. After a while, he looked at Bai Mo indifferently, and said hesitantly:

"Aren't you going to take out a Variety Monster to frame me?"

"I'm so bored!?" Bai Mo rolled his eyes and said lightly, "Then why don't you give it a try!?"

"Uh, forget it." Seeing what Bai Mo said so confidently, Zhenghui resolutely chose to believe that he was good in research and training, but he was really weak in battle.

Afterwards, Zhenghui stepped forward with a look of excitement, wanting to take a serious look at Bai Mo, an Ibrahimovic who can transform into various forms.

But at this time, Bai Mo took out the Poke Ball and took Ibrahimovic back.

"Uh, Bai Mo!?"

Seeing Bai Mo take back Ibrahimovic, Zhenghui suddenly felt aggrieved.

"I'm showing you this, just to tell you a truth..." The corners of his mouth curled up, and Bai Mo said lightly:

"You have collected eight kinds of Ibrahimovic, it's really nothing!?"

"If you have the ability, go and discover and conquer all sixteen!"

"Sixteen kinds!?" Bai Mo's words surprised everyone, not only Zhenghui, but also the girls.

"That's right, sixteen kinds." Bai Mo still had a calm expression. He looked at Zhenghui with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes, and said with a smile:

"Zhenghui, you see, because of some special reasons, my Ibrahimovic can evolve into any known Ibrahimovic evolutionary form."

"Even, you can go back."

"I have studied Ibrahimovic's body. The genes in its body are very similar to dreams, close to primitive, and the genes in its body are unstable when Ibrahimovic is in the form of Ibrahimovic. After touching the external stimulus, it will evolve. ."

"Evolution is complete, and the genes in Ibrahimovic will be relatively stable."

"But that is only relative, not really stable. If the external stimulus is big enough, it may not be able to change again, just like my Ibrahimovic."

"And Ibrahimovic has various attributes in his body. He can evolve into fire elves, water elves, etc., so why can't it evolve into dragon elves, rock elves, insect elves, etc.!?"

"As long as the external conditions allow, it is possible, isn't it!?"

"Dragon elf? Wait!?" Bai Mo's words made Zhenghui ponder for a while, and soon his eyes began to brighten.

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