Looking at the sudden situation on the stage, in the crowd, an inexplicable light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised and spit out three words!


"I don't know which talent gave me the chance to save the beauty of the hero." Thoughts swirled in his mind, Bai Mo did not move slowly, a blue light flashed in his eyes, and the whole thing disappeared.

In the next instant, Bai Mo, who disappeared, appeared where Kamizlei had fallen. At the same time, he reached out his hand to catch the latter, and hugged the fallen Kamizlei into his arms.

At this time, Kamizlei turned around instinctively.

Then, Bai Mo hugged Kamizlei's legs with one hand, while the other hand touched two balls of soft flesh that was extremely tactile and elastic.

"It's so soft...the elasticity is good!" Bai Mo couldn't help but comment in his heart, and a certain hand instinctively grabbed it.

"You!...Bai Mo, please let me down!"

At this moment, feeling the squeeze on her chest, Kamizlei immediately reacted and looked up at Bai Mo. After discovering the identity of the latter, her delicate and pretty face suddenly flushed, and she spoke quickly with a hint of coyness.

Hearing Kamizlei's words, Bai Mo knew that it was not good to take advantage of her again. He immediately put her down, and apologized without any sincerity: "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Ghosts believe it!" Kamizlei rolled her eyes and glanced at Bai Mo. She couldn't help but complain, but she didn't really care. After all, Bai Mo saved her.

Suddenly, realizing something, Kamizlei turned sharply to look at the stage, and couldn't help shouting, "Lightning Zebra... eh!"

"Don't worry, it's alright." Bai Mo smiled at Kamizlei and waved his arm casually.

On the stage, along with Bai Mo's action explanation, the large chandelier that was originally covered by blue light and parked not far above the lightning zebra suddenly flew out and landed on the stage aside, releasing a crisp sound of "bang". .

Until this time, the people around finally reacted, and there was a discussion in the crowd.


"what's going on!?"

"Why did the chandelier fall off!?"

"Yeah, it's too strange. This catwalk stage has been used for a long time. Every year, there are special people and elves checking it. How could such a thing happen."

"Kami's luck is too bad."

"Hey, that's Dr. Bai Mo."

"Huh, I didn't expect Dr. Bai Mo to help Kami and Thunder Zebra. That's great."

"Both of them are my idols!"

"Is this a hero saving beauty?"

"Haha, luckily Kami wasn't hurt!"

No matter what the surrounding people say about it, with such a sudden situation, the model catwalk must not be able to continue.

Kamizlei returned to the backstage accompanied by the on-site staff and Bai Mo and his party.

"Kami, are you alright?" As soon as she got to the backstage, Ami came to Kamizlei for the first time, her eyes full of concern.

"It's okay, thanks to Dr. Bai Mo." Kamizlei shook her head and glanced at Bai Mo with feeling.

At this time, Bai Mo touched his chin, turned to look at Kamizlei and asked, "Kami, have you offended anyone recently?!"

Bai Mo's question made the scene quiet, and Kamizlei's body couldn't help but tremble as she asked with doubts in her eyes, "Dr. Bai Mo, did you find anything?"

"That's right." Bai Mo nodded, his face full of wisdom, "I looked at the chandelier before I came in, and I saw that the interfaces on it were all destroyed by man."

"Looking at this situation, it is obvious that someone is planning to plot against you when you are on the show alone."

"How could this be?" Kamizlei's beautiful brows suddenly wrinkled, she thought of a possibility, but she quickly rejected this possibility, turned her head and looked at Bai Mo with doubts and said:

"Actually, I can't say..."

"I did offend a guy at Hezhong, but he certainly won't hurt me just yet."

"Besides, I don't know who I offended."

"Oh?" Hearing Kamizlei's answer, Bai Mo's eyes narrowed. It was obvious that the former had offended people in Hezhong.

Kamizlei is the queen of the United States, a world famous model, and an alliance gym owner. With so many identities, it must be difficult for her to offend people.

Such a person should not use such low-level means to deal with her.

Moreover, there is a doubt in this accident.

After thinking for a while, Bai Mo suddenly smiled, leaned down and approached Kamizlei and asked a few questions.

"Ah, um!" Feeling the heat coming from her ears, Kamizlei looked at Bai Moda's profile, and a blush flashed on her face.

However, after hearing Bai Mo's question, Kamizlei's expression suddenly changed, and then she frowned and asked:

"No way?"

Kamizlei's question attracted the attention of everyone present, and the girls were very curious about what question Bai Mo asked Kamizlei.

"If there is no accident, this is definitely the truth." Bai Mo said to himself: "Actually, the truth is very easy to find out. After Junsha arrives, the result will be obtained soon."

"Really!?" Seeing Bai Mo's determination, Kamizlei suddenly swayed in her heart. In the end, she nodded and looked at Bai Mo gratefully and said:

"No matter what, Bai Mo, I want to thank you this time."

"As for the truth of the matter, I'll pay attention, I just hope it's not true."

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