"Victory is definitely within reach!"

Chapter 0794 Fast race!

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Hearing Bai Mo's words, Tong Xin's eyes became brighter, and it was obvious that Bai Mo's method was a good battle plan.

"Hey, I'm miserable, I guess I'm not Booy's opponent!" At this time, Kamizlei threw up her hands helplessly. Booy was a trainer specializing in water elves, and the two participating elves were still accurate. Heavenly King class, it is really difficult for the former to win.

Hearing this, Booy scratched his head a little embarrassedly, "Well, you are also very strong, tomorrow we will fight with all our strength, I may not be able to win you."

Kamizlei is a popular supermodel and the queen of the United States. Although she is fighting against water-type elves, she claims that she can't beat her. Booy is still a little overjoyed, but that's all. With Bai Mo on the side, he feels that this world If anyone can get Kamizlei's favor, it's Bai Mo.

"Little Ju'er, don't worry, the game is fine. It doesn't matter if you lose. I will avenge you and make it ugly for him to lose." Bai Mo habitually reached out and touched Kamizlei's head, slightly joking. A word of comfort.

But at this time, Kamizlei, who felt the touch on her head and Bai Mo's tenderness, had no idea what Bai Mo was talking about, and her pretty face was flushed.


Noticing Kamizlei's rare and shy look, Bai Mo reacted. It seemed that because of the habit of Shaneduo and Xiao Huang, he acted instinctively.


Seeing that Kamizlei was only shy and not at all unhappy, Bai Mo felt that the misunderstanding this time was very good.

After a night of silence, the time came to the next day.

In the first game, the match between Tong Xin and Xiao Tong will start soon!

As soon as the war started, Tong Xin sent her second water elf, Mary Luli.

At the beginning of the game, just as Bai Mo had guessed, in the face of Mary Luli's water pistol, Tyrannosaurus directly violently resorted to destroying the death light.

Seeing this situation, Tong Xin naturally followed Bai Mo's instruction, and the next game was as Bai Mo had guessed.

First of all, Mary Luli directly dodged the attack of the Tyrannosaurus, and then fired a water cannon at the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus.

Marelulli's hand made the destruction of the carp dragon not ready to end, and the former's own water cannon exploded in the latter's mouth, causing a lot of damage.

At this time, the tyrannical carp dragon fell into a state of rigidity caused by the use of the destruction of the death light.

With such an opportunity, Tong Xin gave Mary Luli a steel tail, and in the face of this blow, the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon immediately lost its combat effectiveness.

Tong Xin's series of attacks shocked everyone present.

Xiaotong was even more flustered, but she still forced herself to calm down and sent her second elf, Lantern Fish.

As soon as the lanternfish was released, Xiaotong ordered it to use chaotic light, successfully causing Mary Luli to fall into chaos, and then Xiaotong let the lanternfish use electric sparks and water cannons to defeat Mary Luli.

Tong Xin's second one was naturally a water arrow turtle. After several encounters, the two sides had mutual advantages.

Although Tongxin's lantern fish has not evolved, its level is obviously very high, and its high movement speed and electricity-type tricks are more dominant.

But the Water Arrow Turtles sparked the riptide character in the final moments of the crisis, and a water cannon won the race.

In the end, Tong Xin won.

Then began Bai Mo's game.

"Staying hippo, the water fluctuates!" Bai Mo changed his strategy in the previous games after he entered the field. He was slower than his opponent's habit of attacking, and directly let the stupid hippo attack first.

Under the order, the dumb hippo uses the wave of water to attack the opponent and use the elf and octopus tube.

Bai Mo's first attack was obviously beyond the opponent's expectations, and the Staying Hippo trick was successfully hit.

And after being hit by the water wave attack, the octopus tube fell into a state of chaos with bad luck.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bai Mo asked Duo Hippo to defeat Yuji's first elf using a combination of psychic power and freezing wind.

Yuji's second elf had no accident, and sent a fast swimming frog.

This game is not very interesting, occupying the speed, the fast swimming frog successfully hit the dumb hippo several times.

It was attacked several times.

But Bai Mo's Hippo is very physically strong, and the Quick Swimming Baby uses a trick that is fast but does little damage, so there is no pressure on the Hippo at all.

In the end, the fast-swimming frog was caught by the dumb hippo with his mind power, controlled and smashed a few times, and cooperated with the ice-type trick to restrain the body, and the last power gem.

The fast swimming frog finally lost his fighting ability, and Bai Mo also successfully entered the quarterfinals.

The morning game ended quickly, and the afternoon game ended faster.

Kamizlei lost to Boo by no accident. Obviously, the latter is still very good at water elves. This is from the fact that he only used a giant marsh monster against Kamizlei. come out.

When the time came to evening, the match schedule of the quarterfinals was also displayed on the big screen of the Elf Center.

"Boy, Tong Xin, Bai Mo, the three of you haven't met up to now, you are lucky!" Looking at the screen, Kamizlei said with some envy: "Among the remaining eight people, except for the three of you. , Only Kenta, the trainer who uses the water arrow turtle, is still very good, and he has only used a water arrow turtle until now."

"Although the other trainers are good, they are not a threat to you at all. It seems that the champion will be born among you."

Kamizlei is indeed envious. Although she is not good at the water elf competition, she asks herself how many people in the top eight are still not afraid.

"Tomorrow's game is really not a problem!" Bai Mo always looked confident and indifferent. Now he is more interested in the game the day after tomorrow. He is very curious as to which of the three of them will play against whom the day after tomorrow. !

The next day, the race begins and it ends faster than the day before.

The first elf sent by Bai Mo's opponent was the blue crocodile. It had a good speed and great power, but the level was bad. After being caught by the mind power of the dumb hippo, a water fluctuation was almost resolved, and it still fell into a state of confusion.

In the end, before it was taken back into the Poké Ball, Stay Hippo successfully solved him with a mental force.

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