"I said three points, one, whether or not there will be Lightning Birds here, you don't seem to be qualified to drive me away, it's my freedom that I'm here.

Two, you are so excited now, but I think the lightning bird will really come, and I have been here for a long time and have not seen you, but today you are here, and you are obviously familiar with it, I have to doubt , the Lightning Bird will come today.

Third, and the last point, after the lightning bird came here, it should also come to this lake to recover. I don’t mean to take advantage of the danger of people directly. After it recovers, I will have a one-on-one duel. If it wins, I will conquer it. If not, I will go! "

"It doesn't seem to be a problem..."

Hearing Bai Mo's words, the girl was speechless, and she sighed in her heart that Bai Mo's smile was pretty good, but she didn't expect it to be so abhorrent.

But there is nothing wrong with what she said on the surface, she had to clench her fist tightly, and said a little imposingly, "My name is Yusha, you said it yourself, if you face each other, I don't care, otherwise I will definitely stop you."

As Bai Mo said, the girl really knew the frequency of lightning birds appearing here, and she also knew that there were three different lightning birds that came here, but they didn't come at the same time.

Bai Mo smiled noncommittally, then prepared lunch and enjoyed it with the girls.

Seeing that Yusha was looking at him and others from time to time, Xiao Huang asked her to come and eat. She was not polite. One second was full of hostility, but the next second, she was eaten.

However, this girl obviously knows the proportions very well, and in the end, she did all the washing of the tableware by herself.

time has passed...

When it was almost evening, the sky suddenly had a layer of black thunderclouds mixed with lightning, but it didn't rain, and then a yellow figure appeared from it and slowly flew into the center of the lake!

At this moment, everyone knew that the Lightning Bird appeared.

During the time when Lightning Bird went to the lake, Bai Mo never made a move, but Yusha on the side admired it a little, but then she thought that Bai Mo would suffer when she waited, but she knew that the prosperity Lightning Bird is very strong.

About ten minutes later, the Lightning Bird seemed to be fully charged and flew out of the lake. The injury and physical strength had fully recovered. It flew straight to the clouds and planned to leave. Bai Mo and the others were not taken seriously at all.

"Fire-breathing dragon X, blood-winged flying dragon, fossilized pterosaur, stop the lightning bird, don't let it go."

Bai Mo naturally wouldn't let the Lightning Bird just go away, and immediately let the two elves who had been in the air block Lightning's path.

Glancing at the two elves, Lightning Bird could feel the threat they brought to him, but he didn't act rashly, but glanced at Bai Mo humanely, obviously knowing that he was the head.

Chapter 0820 Fighting Lightning Birds

Seeing that Lightning Bird was not leaving, Bai Mo gave Yusha a playful glance, who seemed a little afraid that he would not keep his promise, and then took out a Poke Ball to release Liebiting Land Shark, and then spoke to Lightning Bird.

"Lightning Bird, now you have recovered completely, the two elves above are my partners, they just stopped you from leaving, now I will fight you with Bitten Land Shark, one-on-one, if you win , I won't stop you from leaving, or I will subdue you."

Bite Lu Shark has come from behind to break through to the championship level. Bai Mo is confident that he has his cooperation and has an attribute advantage. Against the Lightning Bird, he has a good chance of winning!


Hearing Bai Mo's confident voice, Lightning Bird suddenly made an angry cry. It was the first time it had encountered someone who challenged him, but it also felt the momentum of the three elves confronting him in the air. , I know that if they join forces, I will definitely not feel good.

Now that Bai Mo said that he wanted to be one-on-one, it felt that it was no problem, and he also felt a comfortable feeling from Bai Mo, not really rejecting, so he tweeted a few times at Bai Mo.

"it is good!"

Bai Mo understood what Lightning Bird meant, and it agreed.

Bai Mo knew that, with the pride of the beast, Lightning Bird would never lie, so he directly called back Fire-breathing Dragon X, Blood Wing Dragon and Fossil Wing Dragon.

Next, Bai Mo asked Lightning Bird to leave the lake a little bit. After all, Lightning Bird can recover as long as it goes to the lake. The location is really good and it can't be occupied by it, and there are a lot of elves around, and it will bring disaster to them. not good too.

When they came to a spacious place, both sides set up their postures.

On the side, Yusha, who came with Lightning Bird, Bai Mo and the others, was a little nervous. Now that he has recognized Bai Mo, he naturally knows how powerful he is. I feel very strong.

She started to worry about Lightning Bird.


As a divine beast, Lightning Bird naturally values ​​its own majesty. Now that it was provoked by Bai Mo, it was the first to attack.


The lightning bird chirped, and the whole body flashed, and an electric light shot at Liebite Lu Shark.

Feeling the current flowing around in the air, Lie Bite Land Shark walked towards the Lightning Bird step by step.

The Lightning Bird hit the Liebite Land Shark with one hundred thousand volts. The Liebite Land Shark let the opponent's attack hit him and walked forward step by step. The Lightning Bird's attack could not cause damage to the Liebite Land Shark at all.

Ground-type elves are immune to electrical attacks, which is common sense and a norm.

This rule came into play at this time, which was also one of the two reasons why Bai Mo used Bite Land Shark. The Bite Land Shark with dragon and ground attributes was just immune to Lightning Bird's strongest electric-type trick.

Of course, if the strength gap between the two sides is too great, other chain reactions caused by the lightning bird's [-] volts, such as a simple explosion, can seriously injure the Bite Land Shark.

In the battle between elves, even if there is an attribute advantage, the unique trick of restraint may not be useless against opponents whose level is much higher than their own.

However, the fierce bite land shark was sent by Xirona. The aptitude is self-evident, and it was trained by Bai Mo with various methods. His own strength is already on the same level as the Lightning Bird, so there is no need to worry about the Lightning Bird's proudest electrical system. attack.

"Clap clap clap!"

Seeing that the [-] volts were ineffective, the Lightning Bird shone all over, and instead used an electromagnetic cannon with all its strength to hit the bite land shark.

"Sharp Stone Attack!"

Although the effect of Electricity on Lu Shark is not good, but skills like the electromagnetic gun are not easy to hit, Bai Mo decisively chose to let Lie Lu Shark counterattack with a unique move.


The destructive power of the electromagnetic gun was astonishing, and it easily shattered a few sharp stones that flew in the face, and then hit Liebite Lu Shark.

The strong electric current shattered a large piece of the ground under the feet of the Bite Lu Shark, but at this time the effect of the electromagnetic gun has been weakened by the sharp stone attack, and the Bite Lu Shark has an attribute advantage and has not suffered any damage.

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