"Follow him, Xuecheng, no matter what era we are, we are all friends."

"Going back to your own time and space, it's not something to be sad about, be happy."

Bai Mo smiled slightly, never thinking that Dr. Damu would still be so emotional.

After hearing Bai Mo's words, Damu Xuecheng seemed to understand, and then he also smiled, and after saying goodbye to Xiaozhi, Nanamei and the others, he held Celebi's hand and flew away. In the sky above the lake, Celebi was still the center, and a strong light was released behind it. This light gradually wrapped Celebi and Xuecheng.

Chapter 0845 Weird Age of Gods

"Let's say goodbye too!"

When Celebi left with Damu Xuecheng, Bai Mo turned his head and said to the girls.

In this regard, the women will naturally not refuse.

Afterwards, Bai Mo directly released a few blood-winged dragons and fossilized dragons and flew the girls in one direction. There was Junipi Town, and the Tung Forest was nearby.

It took about an hour for Bai Mo and the girl to arrive at Junipi Town.

Seemingly thinking of something, Minas straightened his huge breasts and asked Bai Mo, "Master, didn't you say you want to take us to see Shuidu?"

"So are you going now?"

Hearing Minas's words, the girl's eyes lit up, among them Latias even more excitedly stepped forward to wrap Bai Mo's hand and asked, "Go? Mo, I haven't seen my brother for a long time. "

"Water Capital, Aldo Mare..."

Bai Mo murmured to himself, then thought of the conversation between Xiaozhi and Xiaogang when they were leaving, and that the plot might be about to start, so he nodded and said:

"Go, just in time to meet Latios."

"Speaking of which, Latios will be free soon, and he can travel with me at that time."

Speaking of which, Bai Mo is also very curious. He is very curious about how Latios, whose realm has not slipped and whose strength has not been damaged, will deal with the two female monster thieves.

Speaking of which, the two female monster thieves were just a little stupid and naive, but their strength was okay, and there were still some heavenly kings.

If the two women are interested, they can earn WT and become their own thugs.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo brought the girls back to the small world to sleep first, and then headed to Odomare.

But at this moment, Bai Mo's navigator suddenly rang.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Bai Mo was a little surprised to see Butler on the caller ID. He wouldn't call him if he didn't have a big deal.

"Chairman, something happened."

The call was connected, and Butler's somewhat serious voice came from the phone.


Bai Mo's eyes narrowed, something that could make Butler feel troublesome now is not ordinary.

At this time, Butler's voice continued:

"That's right, Mr. Jindai, who recently joined WT, took people to look for divine beasts near Nibi City, and then an ancient tomb appeared there!"

"Well, the ancient tomb, is it the tomb of King Pokrantis?" Bai Mo immediately thought of something, but still confirmed:

"You said it was found by the gods, and he took our people there?"

Speaking of this, Bai Mo felt that something was wrong. He recruited the generation of gods, so he naturally expected that he would go to investigate the tomb, and this was what he hoped.

The behavior of the Age of Gods sounds like archaeology, but if it is placed in other worlds, it is actually tomb robbing.

To do this kind of thing requires a certain amount of professional knowledge, personnel and equipment.

WT, the Age of God is bound to be used, and everything found in the Age of God will have his share.

But, is there anything wrong with this?

At this moment, Butler continued: "It was nothing originally, but Mr. Koujiro suddenly contacted the media to announce this matter."

"There's a lot of trainers going there right now."

"Our WT people are likely to conflict with them. After all, that ancient tomb is not our WT possession."

"And I tried to buy this place when the tomb showed up, but the Alliance..."

Speaking of which, Butler didn't say any more, Bai Mo sneered and continued:

"Of course those guys in the alliance won't be willing. They can't afford it too soon. Of course, they all want a share of the ancient tombs that can be explored by champion trainers like the Age of God."

Saying that, Bai Mo's brows wrinkled again. He didn't understand why the God Generation wanted to announce the discovery to the world through the media.

All of a sudden, people and forces all over the world know, and things are not easy to solve.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything about this relic about King Ho, otherwise things would be difficult to handle.

You must know that there are many people in the human race who believe in Ho-oh madly. Once these people understand the things about the Pokratis Empire.

It's not good what it will do.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo's eyes flashed and he decided to go to Nibi City to find the Age of God.

In order for him not to be mistaken, there must be some reason for God's generation to do such a thing now, and he decided to go and have a look.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo gave Butler an order to temporarily not act, and then he asked the girls to return to the small world first.

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