The power of the hot air is similar to that of the big character explosion, but the fire-breathing dragon Y is obviously much stronger than the flame horse.

Moreover, Bai Mo, who was very familiar with the big-character explosion, knew that the power of this move was mainly on the big-character flame, and the flames provided by the flame horse after that only provided thrust and maintained the big-character flame.

The hot wind is different, it is a hot and strong wind.

At this time, the large-character flame is like a thrown ball with a string, which is thrown by the flame horse, and is maintained and advanced by the subsequent flames.

But at this time, as the fire-breathing dragon Y strengthened this flame with stronger force.

Like a ball with a stronger string, it was forcibly pushed back.

A bigger fire word appeared, and hit the flame horse in everyone's shocked eyes.


An explosion occurred, and due to the reaction force, the flaming horse was thrown out, and it stopped after smashing a rock pillar in the field. It also fainted and lost its combat effectiveness.

"Flame Horse is out of combat, Fire-breathing Dragon Y wins!" The referee raised the green flag.

"It seems that this flaming horse doesn't have the ability to ignite fire." Bai Mo's heart flashed a hint of clarity.

The commentator's voice appeared at this time: "The flame horse fell to the ground. Since Azer has lost three elves, the halftime is now 5 minutes."

Hearing the voice of the narrator, Bai Mo also put away the fire-breathing dragon Y who looked a little tired and returned to the rest area.

Soon the rest time passed. After re-appearing, Bai Mo first released the fire-breathing dragon Y, and Aze also took out a pokeball, but he did not throw it out in a hurry, but looked at Bai Mo.

"Dr. Bai Mo, I have to admit that you are very strong, but I am not that easy to admit defeat!"

"My fourth elf is this guy, come out!"

With that said, Azer threw the Poké Ball.

A white light flashed, and an elf about 2 meters long with brown hair shining in the sun appeared in the field. As soon as he appeared, he laid his head on the ground with his hands and looked lazily.

"It's the king of asking for leave! The king of heaven!"

Bai Mo's face became a little more serious.

"Dr. Bai Mo, you are also from the Fangyuan area. Do you want to be very familiar with this kind of elf?" A Ze smiled slightly.

"The king of leave, I'm afraid of troublesome elf, the characteristic is laziness, and the general branch is the elf in the Fangyuan area." Bai Mo nodded, and added in his heart, "It is also the only one of the common elf with its own racial basis. The elf whose aptitude catches up with the supernatural beast, of course, this is not counted as a Mega!"

Bai Mo really didn't expect that A Ze would have such a elf.

You must know that not every lazy man can evolve.

Any final evolution with a king is a very rare existence!

"King of leave, strange power!" Azer attacked first.

"Fire-breathing dragon Y, hot wind!!" Bai Mo also responded immediately.

The general attack of the fake king is ridiculously high, and the fire-breathing dragon Y is also good at special attack. Bai Mo can't let his disadvantage to deal with the strength!

Inside the arena, both elves moved.

The feature of laziness is that it only occurs in the second round of the attack, so there is no situation where the attack speed is slow in the first round. The king of leave quickly stood up, hugged a rock pillar beside him, shouted, and followed. With a "click", the rock pillar was uprooted.

At this moment, the fire-breathing dragon Y rose in a straight line to open the distance, and at the same time the wings flapped to send out a hot wind.

The hot wind quickly hit the leave king, but after the leave king was hit, his body only swayed, and then he threw the rock pillar at the fire-breathing dragon at an astonishing speed!

"Fire-breathing dragon, watch your back!"

Under the effect of asking for leave, the rock pillar chased after it. It was almost faster than the fire-breathing dragon's flight speed. The naked eye could only see a continuous shadow. Bai Mo quickly reminded it loudly.

The fire-breathing dragon also heard the sound of the air rubbing violently from behind, and immediately flapped its wings, quickly stopped the upward flight trend, and turned down. At this time, the rock just rubbed the back of the fire-breathing dragon and flew over.

"Fortunately, it was just wiped!" Bai Mo sighed softly in his heart. The rank of this king of leave is a little higher than that of Fire-breathing Dragon Y, considering the advantages of attributes.

Charizard Y is completely passive.

If hit completely, Charizard Y is likely to be in danger.

At this time, he looked at the king who was lying down lazily again, and recalled the instant battle just now, Bai Mo nodded, this guy's strength is stronger than that of biting Lu Shark.

Unless it's the Mega Evolutions like Bite Land Shark and Bangira, they can have an advantage in power.

And looking at his appearance after being exposed to the flames of the fire-breathing dragon Y, his special defense power should not be weak, coupled with its strong physical strength, the strength of its strength can be seen at a glance.

Bai Mo thinks this should be Aze's trump card!

However, Bai Mo doesn't believe that this guy's special defense ability can be as invincible as his defense ability, otherwise he can only release Bangira, who is also a heavenly king, to deal with it.

As for the blood-winged flying dragon, Bai Mo never thought about it, because it was simply abusing vegetables, and he never liked it.

After thinking about it, Bai Mo gave another command:

"Fire-breathing dragon, hot air explodes!"

Dodging the rock pillar thrown by the king of leave, the fire-breathing dragon Y was also frightened for a while, and at the same time very angry!

At this time, I heard Bai Mo's order.

The fire-breathing dragon began to move.

Its wings merged together, and the fiery red hot wind blew out, and at the same time, his seagull breathed out a large flame.

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