"Super dumb hippo, use the most powerful thought force to compress the power of the infuriating bomb, and then bless the launch."

After completing the super evolution, Bai Mo quickly gave instructions.

Hearing Bai Mo's order, the eyes of the super dumb hippo lit up, and a blue-and-white infuriating bomb appeared in front of him, which became more and more blue under the blessing of thought power.

"Player Bai Mo's Dizzy Hippo used the infuriating bomb again, but this time the infuriating bomb seems to be different from the previous one. Look at the light ball in the middle of Dang Hippo's head, the color is getting darker and darker."

There was obvious shock in the commentator's tone, and there were voices of discussion from the audience.

"Really super evolved!"

"Staying Hippo, it's already very strong, the water system plus the super energy system, I didn't expect that it can also be a mysterious Mega!"

"It's so handsome, I must subdue the hippopotamus!"

"Please leave the king, we will also use the strongest force, go, the ultimate impact!"

The infuriating bomb is a skill that the more concentrated you are, the higher the power will be. Now that the Hippo is using it so solemnly, the fool also knows that the power of this trick will be terrifying, and Aze immediately asks the king of leave to increase the output.

Hearing Aze's words, the running leave king let out a roar again, the lavender light curtain all over his body suddenly rose, and the powerful energy distorted the air around the ultimate impact, hitting him at a faster speed.

At this moment, the blessing of Staying Hippo was over. The dark blue energy ball was particularly dazzling in the sun, but it was launched against the king of leave with unparalleled power. The rocks melted directly and collided with the ultimate impact.


A loud noise instantly made everyone at the scene deaf, and the dazzling light made everyone close their eyes involuntarily.

At this moment, the world seemed to be quiet, but everyone could feel the fierce collision between the two little elves from the shaking of the entire sports field and the huge energy storm scraping across their cheeks.

I don't know when the wind stopped, the shaking stopped, and the almost incoherent voice of the interpreter came from my ears:

"Oh! God, what did I see? The big collision of the two elf tricks almost destroyed the entire rock field!"

"In our vision, the king of asking for leave has fallen to the ground, and the dumb hippo has also withdrawn from the super-evolutionary state, but it can barely stand."

"What the result is, we have to wait for the judgment of our referee!"

Hearing the commentator's words, everyone opened their eyes involuntarily and looked at the venue. Suddenly, the whole venue was filled with gasping sounds.


I can see that the entire rock field is now a smooth field spreading out with a swirling giant crater in the middle. It can be said that the original rock field has now become a funnel-shaped field, and the two elves have each fallen on the center of the funnel. both sides.

"The king of leave, lose his combat effectiveness, the dumb hippo wins!"

The referee went down to the giant pit and raised a flag to announce the result after careful observation.

"The king of asking for leave can't afford to fall to the ground. Player A Ze is going to send the last elf. Player Bai Mo doesn't know what choice he will make!"

The commentator said excitedly, paused, and said again.

"At the same time, I received an instruction from the chairman of the conference, Damalangi, because the rock field has been destroyed, so the conference decided to randomly select a field as the competition field for the next two battles, and ask the two players to put away their elves. ,Say it again……"

Chapter 0888 The final confrontation!

"Come back, stay at the hippo, and rest well next, you have done a good job!"

Although Duo Hippo did not lose his physical strength, Bai Mo still chose to take it back, and at the same time encouraged him.

After all, there is an essential level gap between the dumb hippo and the king of leave, and the king of leave has a guy whose racial value is abnormal.

It was good to be able to defeat the strong with the weak, and Bai Mo didn't want to stay with the hippo and continue to fight.

At this time, Aze also withdrew the king who had lost his combat power and asked for leave.

His eyes collided with Bai Mo, causing a fierce spark!

Bai Mo has already begun to face this opponent squarely. Thousands and tens of thousands of trainers have only reached the quarterfinals, and there are really no weak ones.

Although Bai Mo could completely beat the opponent with the main force, and in the current game, he only lost a fire-breathing dragon Y, but Aze's strength is also worthy of recognition!

"Okay, start choosing a venue now!"

With the voice of the commentator, the large-screen pointer quickly rotated, stopped and stopped on the grass field.

"Okay, it's decided, it's the field of grass!"

Then the destroyed rock field sank, and the two sides were separated, and then a field similar to the rock field, composed of a pile of grass, slowly rose...

"Okay, the grass field has been replaced, and the game will continue. At this moment, one of the two players has five elves and the other has one. So what will their next elves be?"

The commentator's words satiated everyone's appetite!

"Go, Electric Dragon!"

As soon as the commentator finished speaking, Bai Mo threw the Poké Ball directly into the sky. As the Poké Ball opened, the electric dragon of the peak of the quasi-king appeared in the field.

Seeing that it was indeed the Electric Dragon, Aze took a deep breath, and after calming down, he also threw the Poke Ball, and shouted at the same time: "As expected, there is an Electric Dragon, I was thinking of using the Leave King to weaken it, but now It seems that there is no drama!"

"But I won't admit defeat, just let you see my strongest partner, come on, powerful crocodile!"


As Aze threw the pokeball, the blue figure of the powerful crocodile appeared in the field. After seeing the electric dragon, he immediately let out a loud roar, with a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

"The competition has obviously entered the most exciting stage now. The last elf of Aze contestant is the powerful crocodile. As a water-type elf restrained by the electric dragon, what will happen to the water-type elf's dignity? What about intense competition?"

The commentator said, and at the same time ushered in the climax of the game.

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