At this time, the wind speed dog was constantly panting, and after the reckless fight with the emperor penguin, the nine-tailed supernatural power and the wave of evil, it didn't say much about its remaining physical strength.


The wind speed dog raised his head and roared, and made a fighting posture to the Devourer King, showing his decision with his actions!

Seeing the wind speed dog like this, Bai Mo waved his hand and ordered.

"Okay, the wind speed dog, the big characters burst into flames!"


The wind speed dog roared in response, opened his mouth and spurted a large-shaped flame, and shot directly at the swallowing beast.

"Devouring beast, energy storage!"

Reis followed suit.

As Reis' voice fell, the devouring beast in the arena suddenly stretched forward when facing the oncoming big-character explosion, and opened its mouth, which was very disproportionate to its size, and took a suck at the big-character explosion.

Then, its entire body suddenly rose a lot, and some black smoke was exhaled from its mouth, which slowly dispersed in the air.




Cold, shocked, gasping for breath... After a while, all the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Chapter 0895 The battle near the end

"Very powerful, Reis, your devouring beast is not bad, you even absorbed the flames of my wind speed dog as energy."

Bai Mo opened his mouth and exclaimed, Reis is putting pressure on him, and now the action of swallowing the beast is like saying, I can even absorb your big character explosion, and you can use it directly if you have any other tricks.

Hearing this, Reis just smiled.

"Then try this trick again, wind speed dog, brute force!" Bai Mo shouted, the effect of fighting skills on swallowing beasts is uncertain!


The wind speed dog was also shocked that the swallowing beast ate his own big character explosion without pressure, but after getting the order, he still responded positively.


The wind speed dog stomped on the ground with both feet, accelerated, and then crashed in front of the swallowing beast.

But in this regard, the identity of the swallowing beast is like rubber, firmly sucking the ground, the body is constantly deformed, the damage is minimized, and at the same time, the energy storage is used again, and the wind speed dog that the body feels brings to him. The power is absorbed into the body.

Its body is particularly taller.

"What a soft body!" Bai Mo frowned, his eyes narrowed, and he thought, "It can't go on like this, the Devouring Beast has already used its energy storage twice, and once again, the attack will be too powerful. , super divine beasts can be ignored, but even ordinary third-level divine beasts can’t survive.”

Thinking of this, Bai Mo immediately shouted:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, another combo!"

At this moment, the wind speed dog has only this trick left to deal with the devouring beast!

"Devouring the beast, one more energy storage!" Reis also gave the order.

In the field, the wind speed dog opened his mouth and spewed out a flame that turned into a "big"-shaped flame in the air, and then immediately made a flash charge and jumped into the middle of the big-character explosion, absorbing the flame energy, and soon, it became A big fireball slammed into the Devouring Beast.

On the other side, the entire body of the Devouring Beast, which had used the third energy storage, also reached the level of nearly four meters.

"Swallow the beast, release the energy!"

Looking at the flame car with blue and white flames, Reis also felt the arrogance in his heart. Although the size was not as good as the last time he saw it, the power was at least several times that of the original.

At this moment, all the spectators stopped the noise and watched the game on the field intently.


As the fireball formed by the wind speed dog smashed into the swallowing beast, a huge red and white light beam several meters thick instantly drowned the wind speed dog.

At this moment, everyone was also captured by the beam of light, and had to close their eyes. At this moment, even a big move like destroying the dead light could only be eclipsed in front of this beam of light.

After the beam of light disappeared, when everyone looked at it, they all involuntarily took a breath.

I saw a huge deep ditch that was about half a meter deep, extending from the foot of the devouring beast to the edge of the venue.

The wind speed dog fainted on the edge, still braving the slightest heat at the moment, showing the residual power of the move just now.

"The wind speed dog is out of combat!"

The referee waved the flag and decided.

"It's so shocking, not only the energy spewing from the devouring beast still standing on the field, but also the wind speed dog that lost its combat effectiveness, it just showed us a powerful combination that can make the big character explosion and the explosion electric shock work together. skill!"

The narrator appeared with an excited voice, which instantly attracted applause from the audience.

"You did a great job, Wind Speed ​​Dog!"

While the narrator was explaining, Bai Mo instantly moved to Fengsugou and touched his head, then put it into the Poké Ball.

After doing all this, Bai Mo returned to the contestant stage.

"Up to now in the competition, contestant Bai Mo has lost two elves, namely Marinla and Fengsugou, while contestant Leis has lost four elves, namely Lotte Kappa, Big Tail Fox, Emperor Penguin, Nine tails..."

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