"Stay hippo, water gun!"

Bai Mo and Gongto Jun were also indifferent to the laughter at the venue. After the voice of the narrator's introduction stopped, Gongto Jun also launched an attack immediately.

Although it was just the most common water gun for the dumb hippo, the spiral water gun was not simple at first glance.

Absolutely powerful!

"Water system trick!"

Bai Mo had a plan in his heart, and immediately commanded, "Strengthen your mind!"

Following Bai Mo's same order, King Hippo stretched out his right hand calmly, his eyes glowing with colored light, and then he saw that the rapidly approaching water was also covered with a layer of colored light and stopped moving forward.

Afterwards, the Hippo King waved his right hand, and the water gun immediately flipped over and attacked Dui Hippo back to the Qimen lineage.

"Frozen Fist!" Gong Teng Jun was not in a hurry, the tone of his voice remained the same, still so cold.

In the arena, the right fist of the dumb hippo also quickly gathered the power of ice blue, and punched the water gun trick that bounced back. In an instant, the water flow was frozen into icicles and shattered into ice powder. exploded.

"As expected of the arctic wind that claims to freeze even the soul, rashly using super power tricks may even freeze the spiritual power!"

The water flow was clearly rebounding under the package of mental interference, but it was also punched by the dumb hippo and the water flow was frozen. Bai Mo couldn't help but sigh.

"Stay hippo, bind!"

After dispelling the rebounding trick, Miyato Jun also immediately counterattacked.

Inside the arena, the dumb hippo glowed blue all over and stared at the hippo king.

"The wave of water!"

He had already been attacked once, Bai Mo would not wait to be attacked again, and immediately issued an order, but King Hippo immediately understood with his superb wisdom, and quickly gathered aqua blue power between his hands, and smashed directly at the ice surface. Down, a water wave formed to cover the body of the hippo king and rushed towards the dumb hippo.

"Stay hippo, freeze the light!"

Gongto Junya's counterattack was equally swift. As soon as he saw Bai Mo's movements, he knew that although the characteristics of restraint had been seen through, it was difficult to have an effect, and he decisively changed the order.

Staying Hippo gathered the ice-blue energy and emitted a few ice-blue rays of light, which completely froze the turbulent water waves after the burst of water fluctuations in an instant.

"Spiritual strength!"

Gong Teng Jun is also good at water elements and some ice elements, but Bai Mo is almighty and not weak. He is even more powerful in the conversion and utilization of water and ice.

On the field, as soon as Duo Hippo froze the water waves, the Hippo King's eyes already glowed blue, and he waved his arms at the same time.

In the next instant, the entire ice wave was blown apart by the hurricane generated by the super power, forming countless ice cubes of various sizes and smashing towards the dumb hippo.

However, Gong Teng Jun also seemed to have known Bai Mo's plan for a long time, and ordered it calmly.

"Stay hippo, bind!"

Chapter 0902 Liubo's ivory pig!

Following Gongto Jun's order, Duo Hippo's whole body once again emitted a blue light, his arms stretched out, and the ice cubes that were attacking quickly were also covered with blue light one after another, and the first one had stopped. Down, and the speed of the ice behind began to gradually slow down.

"As expected of a champion dumb hippo, so many ice cubes are bound together, so let's add something, Hippo King, Shadow Ball!"

Bai Mo looked at the ice cubes that gradually stopped running with a hint of playfulness on his face. Sure enough, he acted according to the steps he set. Although the restraint of the hippo is the use of spiritual power, it is a common trick. But it didn't work.

As Bai Mo's order fell, the Hippo King's arms stopped spinning, and the ruby ​​on the forehead hat quickly gathered strength to form a shadow ball, which was fired directly at the dumb hippo.

The shadow ball flew extremely fast, and in an instant, it caught up with the ice cubes that were hit by the mental force and smashed into the hippo, ignoring the power of restraint at all!


The shadow ball hit Duo Hippo directly.

"Bounce these ice cubes back!"

Gongto Jun was also cold, and the dumb hippo didn't seem to be hurt by the shadow ball at all. With a wave of his hands, the ice cubes immediately turned and returned to the hippo king like a cannonball, and the 'crackle' hit the hippo king directly.

"Spiritual strength!"

Bai Mo frowned slightly, but he knew why the Shadow Ball's attack was actually endured by the dumb hippo as if it were nothing.

The dumb hippo is an unresponsive little elf, and the transmission of pain sensation is much slower, which also causes the dumb hippo to launch a counterattack at the moment of being attacked.

Following Bai Mo's order, King Hippo's eyes glowed with a basket-colored light, and as his arms spread out, he immediately saw those ice cubes shattered into countless ice powders and dissipated.

However, at this moment, several icy blue rays of light passed directly through the swarming ice powder and hit Hippo King. In that instant, Hippo King kept his arms outstretched and was completely frozen. Hold on, can't move!

At this time, the expression of pain appeared on the naturally dumb face of Duo Hippo, and the shadow ball just now had an effect.

"King Hippo, use mental interference to break free!"

Seeing that the Hippo King was frozen, Bai Mo immediately issued an order.

"Stay at the hippo, be bound!" But it was obvious that Gong Teng Jun would not give the Hippo King a chance to break free. Just as Bai Mo's voice fell, Gong Teng Jun's order arrived.

Inside the arena, Dui Hippo radiated blue light all over his body, and the entire ice block surrounding the Hippo King was covered in blue light, and flew towards Dui Hippo's direction.

Seeing this, Bai Mo was very calm...

Looking at the Hippo King who was getting closer and closer to the dumb hippo, Bai Mo's heart became more and more calm and calm!

As for the ice cubes, the basket-colored light in King Hippo's eyes suddenly bloomed, and a large number of cracks spread on the surface of the ice cubes.

"Stay hippo, increase the power of restraint!"

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