"If it weren't for everyone's failure to seal the wings of the giant stinger, I wouldn't have won the battle so easily!"

"Been taught a lesson!"

Darla nodded, then threw a second Pokeball!

"The insect battle is over, and it's next!"

"Go, Rumble Rock!"

As Dara said, a white light shot out from the Poké Ball.

When the white light disappeared, Rumble Rock appeared in mid-air and fell heavily. The entire venue seemed to be shaken twice by its weight.


"Big stinger, come back."

Bai Mo also took back the big needle bee, and then took out Bangira's Poke Ball and threw it out.

Although Bangira is a quasi-god, his strength has just broken through to the Heavenly King level, and he is evenly matched against Long Longyan, whose strength is at the peak of the Heavenly King level!

This game is still a trainer!

Chapter 0924 Easy Streak

"Longlongyan, use the earthquake!"

Seeing that Bai Mo sent the quasi-god Bangira, Dara first issued an order.

Following Dara's order, Rumble Rock jumped up slightly, and then fell to the ground with a huge weight.


Immediately, waves of earthquake waves swept towards the surroundings with the Rumble Rock as the center.

"Arm strike!"

As for how to defend against earthquakes, Bai Mo had already given Bangira a special training, and the latter already knew it by heart, and slammed his arms with white light on the ground.

With a loud 'bang', the entire ground suddenly collapsed, and even if the seismic wave was passed, it would still be within the range of Bangira.

"As expected of the boss, a good way!"

Dara praised and commanded:

"Longlongyan, use rolling!"

"Bangira, arm strike!" Bai Mo was very confident in Bangira's strength, and issued a head-to-head order.

Bangira's arms once again emitted a white light and smashed against the ground again. Through the transmission of power on the ground, he directly pushed the rumbling rock that rolled halfway into the air.

"Sharp Stone Attack!"

Bai Mo seized the opportunity to give an order again.


A khaki color flashed in Bangira's eyes, and in the void, a large number of sharp stones formed, and then smashed directly at the rumbling rock!


The sharp stones kept hitting the rumbling rock, making a 'bang bang bang' crash sound.

"What a powerful explosive force!" Dara's eyes narrowed, and he immediately commanded:

"Longlongyan uses rounding!"

Following Dara's order, the Rumble Rock, which was still spinning in the air, emitted a white light, and then the sharp-blade-like rocks that Bangira fired were easily bounced off by its spinning body.

Afterwards, Long Longyan fell to the ground and continued to roll towards Bangira.

"This rumbling rock, such a strong defense!"

A light flashed in Bai Mo's eyes, and he became more interested, and ordered loudly, "Iron head!"

"Using an iron head, isn't Bai Mo afraid that Dara's rumbling rock feature is a hard head, eh?"

Yahida frowned. Although he had only seen Bai Mo's battles a few times, he knew that a person of Bai Mo's level would never give unnecessary orders during battles, let alone make low-level mistakes. wrong instruction.

Especially in the battle, there is absolutely no factor that ignores the characteristics.

Yahida came to be interested, he watched the changes in the field, he was very curious about Bai Mo's purpose!

Inside the arena, as Longlongyan got closer and closer to Bangira, Dara didn't seem to be worried at all. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and blocked the expression on his face with the brim of his hat!

However, just when Rumble Rock was less than two meters away from Bangira, Bangira roared loudly, metal attention appeared on her head, and she hit the ground directly.


Following one of Bangira's actions, the field in front of him was lifted directly, and the rolling rumbling rock rolled and flew into the air on this raised field.


Both Dara and Ahida were surprised together.

"Sharp stone attack, send it up!"

Bai Mo did not pause at this time, and quickly issued an action order.

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