Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 115 This Time, I Will Be Serious!

The four-day Imperial University Lugia Cup is halfway through.

Among the 32 players, except Luo Yuan who was directly sent to the semi-finals, the other 31 players also competed fiercely to determine the places for the semi-finals.

The competition in the gold group is naturally Luo Yuan and Xu Yiran, and the competition in the silver group is a boy named Wei Jiaze and a girl named Lu Xuan.

It can be said that apart from Luo Yuan, the "heavenly man", the final four candidates are not too upset.

In the past few years of university, the results of these three people have always been very good, almost every year they are ranked in the top few, and the semi-finals in the Lugia Cup did not exceed everyone's expectations.

Luo Yuan is also fortunate, fortunately, although the Imperial Capital University is hidden, it is fortunate that there is no real protagonist.

Aren't the protagonists of Normal all the little transparent in the first three years, and they became a blockbuster in the final big competition.

At that time, if he said to me during the match with him, "You have the way to die", then I wouldn't be scared to pee.

But Luo Yuan is thinking about it carefully, it seems that I was the one who was little transparent in the first three years and finally became a blockbuster ~ people?

Oh, that's all right.

"Brother Luo Yuan, cheer for the competition, I will also cheer for you in front of the TV!"-"

When leaving home to go to school, Lillie stood at the door in home clothes, waving vigorously at Luo Yuan.

However, although she smiled at Yan Yan and tried her best to cheer Luo Yuan, her expression was not happy at all.

After all, she couldn't go to watch the game with Luo Yuan, which made the eldest lady a little unhappy.



Bai Gungun and Xiao Xingyun also shouted to cheer for Luo Yuan.

Luo Yuan smiled and said to them: "...Don't worry, the baby cup competition will be over soon, Lillie be good at home."

Lillie nodded vigorously and sent Luo Yuan out of the house. She reluctantly went back to the house when she watched Luo Yuan get on the elevator.

Looking at her stiff walk, she looks like a poor mother whose husband is about to go on a long journey and can only take care of the child at home alone.

Well, Lillie really wants to take care of her children, Bai Gungun and Xiao Xingyun.

Going to the underground parking garage, Luo Yuan took out the Poké Ball and released Millerton. After riding Millerton, he rode fast all the way, and it didn't take long before he arrived at the competition venue of Imperial University.

Today's competition venue is still crowded with people. The competition they watched two days ago made these students very addicted.

Although there are many more exciting trainer competitions on TV and on the Internet, those are too far away from the students.

The competition in your own school is more down-to-earth.

After driving all the way to the stadium, Luo Yuan took back Millerton with the Poké Ball.

Seeing Luo Yuan who put the 'motorcycle' into the Poké Ball, people passing by were dumbfounded.

"Modified motorcycle lizard? Where did you modify it? It's so handsome!"

Millerton still has a little bit of resemblance to the Motor Lizard in appearance. As one of the famous means of transportation in Pokémon, many people naturally recognize it.

Hearing these people's exclamation, Luo Yuan murmured in his heart, where did he modify it? Of course it will be modified in the future!

Luo Yuan did not go to the stands, this time he went directly to the player lounge.

In the lounge, he also saw Xu Yiran who was resting on the back of the chair.

"Morning, junior."

Luo Yuan said hello.

Xu Yiran looked at Luo Yuan with a serious face, and then closed her eyes to rest after showing a smile.

It's not that she is cold, she is just trying to adjust her best contest condition.

Compared to Xu Yiran's seriousness, Luo Yuan seemed indifferent. He sat on the chair and took out his mobile phone, opened his Contest Category, and sent messages boringly.

"Lillie, are you good at home? Come take a selfie for brother Luo Yuan, um, Lillie is so pretty!"

"Sister, where did you go to work again? I miss you a little since I haven't been home for so long."

"Sister Yu, this is a new dish I researched yesterday, how about it, does it look very appetizing?"

....... Don't worry, I will cheer for the game. What the hell, after I win the championship, you want me to cook for Celebrate? Did we get it upside down? Yes, yes, yes, you are Fairy Elite, it is my honor .

Xu Yiran opened her eyes and looked at Luo Yuan who was playing with her mobile phone with a smile all over her face. She admired him in her heart. As expected of a Senior, she could be so calm even in such a competition.

Luo Yuan: A competition? Isn’t it the Baby Cup?

Different from the opening ceremony, there are no fancy things in the venue this time, and it takes time for many big names to come here to watch the game.

So when the time came, the principal of Imperial University gave a casual speech for two minutes, announcing the start of today's competition.

"Students Luo Yuan and Xu Yiran, it's time for you to come on stage!"

An assistant coach knocked on the door of the player room and said to Luo Yuan and Xu Yiran.

The two got up and walked down the corridor side by side.

As Cal in front came into view, once again, Luo Yuan felt the enthusiastic cheers!

But this time, Lu Yuan felt that the cheering was a bit wrong.

"The following are the top four contestants of the gold group, from Jing... er, Luo Yuan, a senior student from the Department of Archeology, and Xu Yiran, a junior student from the Pokémon Academy!"

The tone of the commentary on the scene paused for a while, probably because he was carefully reading his script, wondering if there was a typo here.

Damn, why is there an archeology department in the Lugia cup? Just kidding me!

Luo Yuan and Xu Yiran walked out of the tunnel together and came to the center of the venue. Then they nodded to each other under the signal of the referee, and each turned and walked to their own venue.

"Xu Xuemei, come on, you can't take care of yourself in the hospital!"

"Sister, come on, just hit him hard, I've seen his game video, he's so wretched!"

"Xu Xuemei, I love you, I want to confess my love to you!!"

"Sister, don't give him any chance, kill him directly!"

"Xu Yiran, kill him!"

Everyone in the stadium was cheering for Xu Yiran, as if they had come to the opponent's home court.

This is also normal, after all, Xu Yiran was originally a Celebrity in Imperial University, she is beautiful and powerful, she belongs to the level of a goddess.

It is true that Imperial University has many talents, but the average appearance is really average. After all, people like Luo Yuan who have both talent and appearance are in the minority.

Although Xu Yiran is not the kind of beauty who is stunning at first glance, she is definitely worthy of the word beauty.

In addition, Luo Yuan, a semi-finalist who entered through the "back door", everyone will be dissatisfied on the surface, and of course they will cheer for Xu Yiran.

Oh, that's not right, Luo Yuan still has his own supporting force, that is the Department of Archeology!

It is a pity that the number of people in the Department of Archeology is too small. Compared with other departments in the whole school, it is really insignificant.

"Brother Luo, come on, I'll be waiting for you to be the champion!"

At this moment, Luo Yuan heard a familiar and wonderful noise.

He followed the sound and saw Poppies standing in the first row, leaning against the railing, she was graceful and fairy-like, with a delicate melon-seeded face that moved people's hearts [the cool eyes are even more graceful.

Luo Yuan nodded to the poppies from a long distance away, and as a person who was paying attention, his action caused even more commotion on the scene, and countless cameras were aimed at this place.

"Mom X, yesterday I saw the hot search on Weibo and thought it was a fake, it was those Reporters who wanted to make a big deal, why did this happen, my poppies!"

Whether it's on the scene or in front of the TV, a group of men beat their feet and chests, and they have lost their love before they fell in love.

Yesterday, Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren's almost kissing gesture has already become the number one hot search in the entertainment section, attracting countless people to express their disbelief.

But today when I saw the poppies running so close to cheer Luo Yuan up, no one would believe them if they said they were okay.

So Poppy, you like such a little milk dog!

Luo Yuan felt that the poppies did it on purpose, yesterday the elder sister called him specially to warn him to stay away from this woman.

She was in 1998, you can't play it!

"Who do you think will win this game? That boy from the Luo family without Latias and Millerton.

In the stands, Principal Gu sat with Director Ning of the Alliance, although Principal Gu was ten years younger than Director Ning, and he was only a principal [the other party was the Chairman of the Alliance.

But when Director Ning faced Principal Gu, his tone was very respectful.

Principal Gu said with a smile: "...No matter what Pokémon he uses, Luo Yuan will win.

Director Ning looked at Principal Gu in surprise and said, ".....You are so optimistic about him? Although he is amazing, he can always form a bond with Legendary Pokémon or mythical beasts."

"But it's only been five months since he became a trainer. Xu Yiran is also a high-achieving student at Imperial University and one of several important candidates trained by the Alliance. Why are you so pessimistic?"

Principal Gu shook his head, and said meaningfully: ...Actually, at first I wanted to accept that kid as my student. "

"However, when I inspected him, I found that I don't have the ability to be his teacher, and I even want him to be my teacher, teaching me how to breeder Pokémon.

Principal Gu tsk-tsk, he really doesn't understand how this kid is a Breeder Pokémon.

Director Ning was even more shocked when he heard President Gu's words, and remained silent for a long time.

"The future must belong to that kid, and my position will definitely be taken by him in the future."

"Of course he is not capable enough now, and needs to be cultivated for a few more years.

Principal Gu sighed.

"Please take your positions!"

Under the referee's words, both Luo Yuan and Xu Yiran stood still.

The two didn't take out Pokémon, but just stood here as Trainer.

The official competition is not a gymnasium competition, and Pokémon will not be taken out in advance, but after the countdown is over, it will be seen who has the fastest start.

Throwing Poké Ball to release Pokémon is also one of Trainer's abilities.

If you can Fling the Poké Ball a few tenths of a second faster, you can beat the Rival before it even releases the Pokémon.

0 for flowers...

Because fighting in the wild, wild Pokémon will not give you time to release the necessary Pokémon, everything depends on the Trainer's adaptability.

And all the competitions are for the purpose of improving Trainer's ability to survive in the wild.

Just like now——

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, Xu Yiran threw out the Poké Ball directly. Before the Pokémon came out, she had already issued the order.

Espeon, a flash of light!"

As soon as Espeon appeared from the Poké Ball, he turned into a streak of horses to kill Luo Yuan, causing bursts of exclamations.

Xu Yiran has studied Luo Yuan carefully, and knows that Luo Yuan also has weaknesses, that is, as a trainer, his basic skills are insufficient.

Luo Yuan also has to admit that he can breeder Pokémon with his legendary cooking skills, but he has only been a trainer for five months.

Compared with Xu Yiran, an academic trainer who has undergone three years of hard training, he is indeed inferior in some places.

For example, Xu Yiran is faster than Luo Yuan in throwing Poké Balls.

Although Luo Yuan is also working hard to practice the basic skills of Trainer in all aspects, it will take time after all, Luo Yuan has no cheats in this regard

, can only rely on their own practice day after day.

"It's just a school girl. I haven't improved at all. This time difference is not enough to defeat me."

Just when Espeon was about to hit Luo Yuan, Lucario appeared in front of Luo Yuan and supported Quick Attack with his own arm.

Lucario swung out a punch, not any skill, but pure force.

The reason why he didn't use his skills was because Luo Yuan knew that this punch couldn't hit.

Sure enough, Espeon turned over to avoid Lucario's fist, and at the same time, an illusory Lucas burst out from its forehead!


The illusory Lucas enveloped Luo Yuan and Lucario, the air was twisted, and Luo Yuan also felt dizzy.

Luo Yuan knew that this was Xu Yiran forcing herself to create a second Pokémon.

And Luo Yuan released Ralts as she expected.

Seeing this, the corner of Xu Yiran's mouth twitched, as if to say, Senior, you have been fooled.

Espeon used Quick Attack again, as a matter of course, with such a direct skill, he couldn't hit Luo Yuan and Lucario at all, and was easily blocked by Lucario again

But at this moment, a Poké Ball suddenly appeared from Espeon's arms, and Espeon hit the Poké Ball directly behind Luo Yuan with a Pound from his tail!

And what appeared from that Poké Ball was a Metag!

"Flash Cannon!"

In Metaang's mouth, a huge Flash Cannon converged, suddenly attacking from behind Luo Yuan!

"It was designed like this, to hide the Poké Ball on Espeon, and then let Espeon throw the Poké Ball behind my back, so as to sneak attack."

"Because the distance is too close, even if my Pokémon blocks this flash cannon, I will still be affected."

"Trainer is no better than Pokémon. It's just a slight injury, which may affect the next battle. The school girl has two tricks.

Luo Yuan sighed with emotion, he deserves to be the rising star of this generation of Imperial Capital University, this kind of tactics and operation [are really beyond imagination.

It was too late for Luo Yuan to release the third Pokémon, but he was already prepared for it.

"Evolve, Ralts!"

Following Luo Yuan's order, the evolved Lucas flashed from Ralts' body!

As the evolved Lucas flashed by, the Ralts evolved into Kirlia, and the flash cannon exploded, but it didn't hurt Kirlia and Luo Yuan at all.

The next moment, Kirlia activated the Teleport, and moved away with Luo Yuan and Lucario, avoiding Xu Yiran's powerful siege.

"I think only by fighting seriously can I be worthy of your seriousness, junior. This time I will win by relying on my own strength."

Luo Yuan, who moved to the other side of the venue, spoke slowly.

That's right, Luo Yuan's three Pokémon this time don't have Latias and Millerton.

Because Luo Yuan felt that facing a serious school girl like Xu Yiran, he should spend the past few months working hard on Breeder's Pokémon battles, which is the greatest respect for her.

"I like to make Pokémon evolve during battle, that's because I want everyone to share the joy of Pokémon growth with me.

"But the reason why Ralts waited until now to evolve this time is also one of the tactics."

"Pokémon will generate a lot of energy when it evolves, and that energy is enough to resist a strong Pokémon attack, so all your Flash Cannons are blocked by 'evolution'."

Luo Yuan looked at the dignified Xu Yiran and said with a smile.

The so-called evolution itself can become a tactic.

The arena was silent for a while, and then burst into huge cheers, applauding the two's quick offense and defense and various tactics. .

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