Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 120 Do You Really Use Ho-Oh To Beat Baby Cups? !

It is a beautiful Pokémon with gold and red as the main color, yellow tail feathers, and colorful lights all over its body.

With the appearance of this Pokémon, it flapped its wings lightly, soared above the competition field, and made a crisp phoenix cry, which was like fairy music to the ears.

That is the legendary Pokémon, the existence named Ho-Oh, who is the real "God" with the priesthood.

In ancient times, people believed that Ho-Oh was the god of life, the god who brought about the resurrection of all things.

Just like in ancient times, people believed that Lugia was the god of the sea and worshiped it.

But with the development of science and technology, people have a deeper understanding of Pokémon.

Only modern people know that Ho-Oh is actually divinely similar to the 'flow of Hideki', which corresponds to the 'flow of ocean currents' in Lugia.

It's just that in Ho-Oh's "Hideki's Flow", there is a concept similar to the resuscitation of life cycle, and it is this concept that made ancient people misunderstand its priesthood.

Of course, the greater possibility is that the legendary story that Ho-Oh resurrected three unknown Pokémon and turned them into three holy beasts made people believe that Ho-Oh is the god of life.

Until the entire earth becomes a village, information from distant places can be obtained by the whole world.

Xerneas, located in the South American Region, is recognized as the real god of life.

But even so, in some customs, Ho-Oh is still regarded as the god who brings life back to life.

"Wow, it's Ho-Oh! Didn't expect us to see Ho-Oh here."

The on-site commentary spoke in a relaxed tone.

The same was true for the audience present. Everyone was talking and laughing, and they all took out their mobile phones to take pictures of Soaring in the sky's Ho-Oh. Many people even stood up and took pictures excitedly.

The same is true for Reporters, everyone hopes to take pictures of Ho-Oh's beautiful body from different angles.

Because Luo Yuan's previous battles had completely exposed Zoroark's hallucination ability.

So when Luo Yuan used 'Ho-Oh', everyone thought it was just an illusion caused by Zoroark.

People don't have any awe or fear for this 'Ho-Oh', they just treat it as an ordinary Pokémon, talking and laughing to shoot.

Luo Yuan was also amused seeing this.

Zoroark's hallucinations only stimulate the human brain, and it is to make human beings produce wrong hallucination judgments.

Even if you hold a mobile phone or a camera to shoot, your brain is still affected, and what appears on the screen is Ho-Oh.

But what is actually filmed by the machine is actually the real body of Zoroark. Only when the illusion that affects the brain disappears, people will find that the things captured by their cameras are completely different.

To be honest, Zoroark's ability is simply the best way to shoot horror movies.

'It's a pity, how are you guys taking Ho-Oh pictures now, after the game you'll find out it's all fake. "

Luo Yuan shook his head, and looked at Wei Jiaze across the field.

Wei Jiaze didn't seem to be fighting Normal at this time, he looked up at Ho-Oh's graceful figure, showing a moved expression.

"Although I know this Ho-Oh is fake, it's the effect of Zoroark's hallucination on me."

"But the thought of seeing Ho-Oh in person, and maybe even fighting 'Ho-Oh,' just lifts my spirits right now.

Wei Jiaze licked his lips and said to Luo Yuan excitedly.

Fighting Legendary Pokémon is something that many Trainers only dream of.

It's just that although this kind of thing is the dream of Trainer, in fact, no Trainer really does this kind of thing.

Because of the Trainer who did this, the grass on his grave is already two meters high.

And now, he was able to fight the Legendary Pokémon, and his life was not in danger.

Even if the Pokémon is fake, as long as you think it is real subjectively, it is also a kind of satisfaction.

"Blastoise, Quagsire, Pelipper, this time our Rival is Ho-Oh, we must perform well and let Ho-Oh see our heroic appearance!"

"Maybe this is the proof ceremony of the Rainbow Hero."

Wei Jiaze laughed, imagining that he is now the master and has the qualifications to really challenge the Legendary Pokémon.

Although it is impossible for even the strongest master to defeat a Legendary Pokémon of the Ho-Oh level, it is already good to survive a few tricks.

But how many people have this opportunity to face Ho-Oh?

Anyway, this is so fake, so I'm not allowed to be cool for a while.

That guy Luo Yuan can pretend, but I can't!


Wei Jiaze's three Pokémon all nodded vigorously, with equally excited expressions, responding to his Trainer.

"It's Ho-Oh, it's so beautiful!"

"Although there are many Legendary Pokémon, only Ho-Oh is the most legendary and talked about Pokémon for Xia Guo."

"Compared to the appearance of other Legendary Pokémon, which will bring terrible natural disasters, the appearance of Ho-Oh will not bring disasters, but will bring happiness and auspiciousness."

"That's why Xia has had the custom of offering sacrifices to Ho-Oh since ancient times. It can be said that Ho-Oh itself runs through the entire history of Xia."

"Even when the emperor ascended the throne in ancient times, he had to go to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen and worship this legendary god."

“It is said that Ho-Oh will continue to fly in Soaring in the sky with colorful wings, and a rainbow will form where it flies.’

"It is said that under the illumination of different angles of light, the feathers shining with colorful light can bring happiness. w

"According to the research of experts and scholars, sightings of Ho-Oh appear about once every ten years."

"The last time anyone saw Ho-Oh was eight years ago in the East China Sea Region."

"Although the Ho-Oh in front of me is fake, and its rainbow will not bring happiness, but Luo Yuan turned his Zoroark into Ho-Oh, which can be regarded as his blessing to all of us.

The on-site commentator was very educated and did his homework. He expressed emotion on the spot, not only telling the ancient history of Ho-Oh, but also remembering the record of the last time he witnessed Ho-Oh.

On the road of commentary, this commentary can be regarded as a project.

Especially the ridicule he said at the end also made the audience laugh in good faith.

Indeed, even if this Ho-Oh is fake, but the legend of Ho-Oh bringing happiness is there, everyone will always feel happy to see Ho-Oh.

"This kid is really capable of trouble. It seems that he is going to end the game in an easy way."

"Indeed, that Wei Jiaze is not weak, he is definitely a top-ranked trainer among contemporary college students, but compared to boy Luo, there is a gap.

"It can only be said that people are more popular than people."

At the viewing platform where many leaders and bigwigs were, Director Ning saw Ho-Oh soaring in the sky Soaring in the sky. The stern old lady also laughed out loud and said to Principal Gu beside her.

Principal Gu nodded, but he looked at Ho-Oh who was still flying in Soaring in the sky, leaving rainbows behind. His gaze was slightly wrong.

"Principal Gu, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing President Gu's expression, Director Ning asked in confusion.

"No, it's nothing, I just think that Ho-Oh's situation is a bit weird."

"I was also the one who witnessed Zoroark hallucinations yesterday. I know that Zoroark, at least Luo Yuan's Zoroark now, still has a lot of flaws in its hallucination ability."

"It's visually hallucinatory to such a degree that even I can't tell the difference.

"But it can't really be fully shown with illusions in some places, such as the aura and aura of a Pokémon."

"This kind of thing is very mysterious and mysterious, not to mention Legendary Pokémon, even if it is a master-level Pokémon, the current Zoroark cannot completely Mimic.

"Trainers who have reached the champion level and above can feel the problem from the dissonance of this illusion.

Headmaster Gu still frowned, "...just like the last time in the Shancheng Gym, the Zoroark turned into Kyurem."

"But it didn't have Kyurem's aura at all. Whether it was the owner or the Elite Four who were present at the time, apart from being affected by Astonish, they quickly reacted.

"But this Ho-Oh, it really gave me a Legendary Pokémon aura, so I was kind of weird."

Hearing President Gu's words, Director Ning thought for a while and said: "...Maybe this kid's Zoroark has improved again, and he can gradually use hallucinations to mimic some of the aura you mentioned.

"After all, that kid can't understand it according to common sense, like everything he has done since his debut, which one is in line with common sense?"

When Principal Gu heard it, he felt that what Director Ning said made sense, he nodded and stopped talking, and leaned back on the back of the chair with his whole body.

It's just that Principal Gu's back just touched the back of the chair, and the next moment he leaned forward, his eyes widened, his expression was incredible, and he even felt cold hands and feet.

Director Ning also had the same expression as Principal Gu. Her expression was also horrified, showing the expression that she almost had a heart attack.

"Luo Yuan, let's make a move, I want to see what your fake Ho-Oh looks like in battle!"

Wei Jiaze said calmly.

He was also the one who watched the match between Luo Yuan and Xu Yiran yesterday. No matter how confident he was, he knew that his chance of defeating Luo Yuan was slim.

The gap between the two is really too big, at least according to Wei Jiaze's own understanding, it's like the difference between a student and a professional.

Of course, the gap between the two is actually bigger, but Wei Jiaze still can't feel that state.

0 looking for flowers......

Luo Yuan didn't pay any attention to Wei Jiaze at this time, he raised his head to look at Ho-Oh in the sky, his brows were also wrinkled.

Something is wrong with the Contest Condition of 'Zoroark'.

As Luo Yuan's Pokémon, he has also been with Zoroark for a long time, and has a good understanding of Zoroark's character.

Although Zoroark is a little in the second grade and a little funny, its character is still stable.

But the current 'Ho-Oh' doesn't seem to have a steady personality, it's like a child with ADHD, flying around there, leaving rainbow after rainbow.

Thinking of Zoroark's many inappropriate behaviors since last night, this made Luo Yuan wonder, do Pokémon have dual personalities?

Zoroark has awakened a dual personality?

But even though he was puzzled, now was not the time to dwell on these issues. At the very least, he had to end this game and think about Zoroark again.

"Ho-Oh, Sacred Fire!"

Since Wei Jiaze wanted to see the fighting stance of 'Ho-Oh', Luo Yuan let him have a look.

After a period of hard work, Zoroark learned the only recessive genetic skill it can learn Flamethrower

Using the Flamethrower in conjunction with the Ho-Oh power in the Rainbow Wing, it is still no problem to release a small Sacred Fire.

My little Ho-Oh is called in vain!


Soaring in the sky, Ho-Oh uttered a melodious chirp again. It glanced at Luo Yuan, and then the phoenix

eye strike!

In an instant, an unimaginable sense of oppression descended on the earth, ravaging the entire Soaring in the sky!

The small rainbow hanging above the stadium dissipated in an instant.

Then from the easternmost part of the imperial capital, there was a huge rainbow that seemed to be a bridge, and seemed to run through the entire world, rising from the distant sky.

The magnificent Rainbow Bridge spans across the Imperial Capital Sky.

At this moment, all the people and vehicles traveling in the imperial capital stopped, staring up at the Soaring in the sky dumbfounded, watching this miracle that suddenly appeared.

The air began to transpire, the huge heat began to spread, and the unimaginable sense of oppression made the tens of thousands of spectators in the entire match scene unable to breathe.

But the strange thing is that the blazing flame transpiration fell on the human body, besides the extreme discomfort, there was also a kind of heart-warming comfort.

It was as if the flame had not only the terrifying power to kill the enemy, but also the magical power to heal people's hearts.

"Crack - click -"

The protective barrier hooked by many Psychic-type Pokémon at the edge of the field cracked.

Those Psychic Pokémon looked terrified, even standing up was so difficult under the terrible pressure of Ho-Oh.

For Wei Jiaze's three Pokémon, under the huge pressure, the entire Pokémon was crushed to the ground, unable to move an inch.

Master, didn’t you say this is a fake Ho-Oh? It looks real no matter how you look at it, even though I haven’t seen Ho-Oh, this is definitely the power of Legendary Pokémon!

Master, what did we do to apologize to you, why did you harm us!

The three Pokémon wanted to cry, but no ordinary Pokémon dared to look directly at the oppressive feeling like the real Ho-Oh.

At this time, Wei Jiaze's mouth was dry, his limbs were numb, his brain lacked oxygen, and he even had hallucinations, as if he had come to heaven.

Student Luo Yuan, it’s not enough, even if I said that I like junior Xu Yiran and want to pursue her, but you don’t really have to use Ho-Oh to play the Lugia Cup!

Can anyone tell me what the hell is that Ho-Oh?

No, that's not a thing, the f-ck is Ho-Oh!

Wei Jiaze felt that he was really going to die. Even the protection of the so-called Pokémon force field was so fragile under the pressure of the Legendary Pokémon!

In fact, Luo Yuan was also full of confusion. What the hell is this? Even Millerton seems to be incomparable to this huge sense of oppression.

That's definitely not Zoroark, if Zoroark had this strength, I would be invincible long ago!

Unlike others, Luo Yuan didn't feel any discomfort.

No matter how oppressive the 'Ho-Oh' feels, it still belongs to Luo Yuan's Pokémon. After being protected by Ho-Oh's Pokémon force field, Luo Yuan is still walking in the garden.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Luo Yuan has one hand in his pocket at this time, and his eyes are indifferent and powerful, as if he is using the God of Legendary Pokémon, looking down on all living beings.

Just one word, handsome!

Suddenly, a strong light appeared above Soaring in the sky, and a huge pillar of fire with a diameter of 100 meters fell from the sky like a space-based kinetic energy weapon!

Luo Yuan was also dumbfounded watching this scene.

I said use 'Sacred Fire' [you really use Sacred Fire!! ah!].

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