Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 138: Flute Of Infinity And Mega Evolution

Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren, who were in the secret realm, didn't know that the fusion of the secret realm had occurred.

If he knew, Luo Yuan would probably be very calm.

Anyway, this kind of emergencies have been encountered a lot, so people can't think too much about it.

Seeing Luo Yuan riding Millerton, Poppy was running straight in one direction, she quickly turned on her Rapidash and followed Millerton's pace.

"What did you find?"

The poppies made Rapidash take two quick steps, and galloped to Luo Yuan's side. She was riding a horse in a very upright posture. Although she didn't have a rein, she was extremely stable on the horse's back.

This trainer is also very versatile. Although Rapidash is far more stable than ordinary horses, if you want to ride, you must also be able to ride a horse!

"It's nothing, I just have a kind of intuition, always feel that there is something there, this may be a man's sixth sense."

Luo Yuan replied.

Poppy heard the words and gave Luo Yuan a glance. A man's sixth sense should be a woman's sixth sense, right?

But she didn't say much, instead, she ran on the ruins with Luo Yuan, and saw a river several meters wide in front of her.

Both Millerton and Rapidash jumped over with a light leap.

After running for a few more minutes, the two came to a slope of ruins.

There are many building wrecks scattered at the foot of this place, which looks very old and artistic.

Luo Yuan looked around suspiciously and said, ".....there are no Pokémon in this ruin?"

"Well, Pokémon are rarely seen in the Normal ruins, those wild Pokémon seem to be hiding here, and they don't seem to want to destroy it.

Seeing Luo Yuan stop, the poppies riding Rapidash stopped, and she also stopped. She looked around, not knowing what Luo Yuan found here.

But she didn't find anything special in the end.

"If Pokémon won't come to the ruins, wouldn't it be a safe place to save files?"

Luo Yuan thought that this secret realm should not be so similar to the game, it made him really feel like he was playing a dungeon.

"A safe spot for the archive?"

Apparently poppies hadn't played games much.

"It's game terms."

Luo Yuan explained roughly.

Yu Meiren nodded when she heard the words, and said with a guilty conscience: "...I don't like playing games very much, um, the main reason is that my playing skills are not good.

"I used to play with my girlfriends, but I was disgusted by them... No, what am I going to tell you?"

"Your previous ideas can't be used. If you really provoke a group of Pokémon in the wild, even if you hide in this ruins, they will come after you."

"At that time, the manic Pokémon didn't care about destroying or not destroying."

Hearing what Poppy said, Luo Yuan immediately felt relieved, and he immediately said: "...Lucario, Kirlia, I leave this place to you!"

As he said that, Luo Yuan threw two Poké Balls, and it was Lucario and Kirlia who appeared from them.



Lucario, who came out of the Poké Ball, looked condensed, and the energy of the Fighting system converged on its fist.

I saw Lucario splashing high and punching the ground of the ruins.


After a loud noise, a hole was punched out from the middle of the ruined slope.

A strong wind blows, and all kinds of debris fly around, but these are easily blocked by Kirlia's Psychic.

"What are you doing? You are destroying the ruins like this, beware that the Alliance will trouble you."

Poppy's delicate and beautiful face was dumbfounded, watching Luo Yuan wreak havoc here.

"This is not what you said, Sister Yu. If you accidentally provoke wild Pokémon, they will chase you to the ends of the earth. Even if it is a ruin that was not destroyed before, they will destroy it.

"We accidentally provoked a group of scary Pokémon just now, and we had to go around the ruins to avoid them."

"But those Pokémon persisted, chased them into the ruins, and wreaked havoc."

"Well, the destruction of these ruins has nothing to do with us. They are all made by wild Pokémon. If the Alliance is looking for trouble, let's find trouble with those Pokémon."

"Anyway, there are no cameras here, so I can't see it. You are the only one there, sister Yu. Presumably, sister Yu, you won't talk nonsense with Alliance."

"Do you think so, Rapidash, if Sister Yu talks nonsense, you will run out of rations."

At the beginning, Luo Yuan spoke righteously, as if he was also a victim.

When he got to the back, his tone suddenly became melancholy, looking very sad.


When Rapidash heard that there were no more delicious energy cubes, it immediately raised its forelegs and yelled, and arched its head against the poppies.

It seems to be saying, master, shut up and stop talking nonsense.

Seeing that Rapidash also "betrayed" herself, Poppy was very calm.

No, it should be said to be numb!

"I'm convinced now that you are Luo Huaijin's younger brother."

Poppy held back for a long time, and finally uttered these words.

Luo Huaijin can do this kind of thing too!

Seeing the tacit understanding between the two parties, Luo Yuan said: "...Lucario, continue!


Lucario nodded, stronger fighting energy gathered on his fists, and began to attack the ground.


Under Lucario's violent demolition, the hillside was quickly flattened, and potholes with a large diameter appeared on the ground.

As time goes by, the pothole gets deeper and deeper, and the diameter range of the hole is also Minimized.

The flying dirt was also shoveled out by Kirlia with Psychic.

With the cooperation of Lucario and Kirlia, the two Pokémon are completely transformed into excavators.

Seeing this scene, Poppy was speechless for a while, looking at the violent Contest Condition Lucario, she suddenly thought of her younger brother.

Could it be that Luo Yuan is actually the same as his younger brother in Secondary School, would he really cherish each other?

"Will this be too exaggerated?"

Poppy couldn't help complaining.

Luo Yuan glanced at her,...do you have Ground-type Pokémon? If so, there is no need to exaggerate, let's dig directly. "

Poppy shook her head, sorry, I really don't have a Ground Pokémon!

"What's down here that made you spend so much trouble?"

Poppy became curious and asked loudly.

"I don't know what's down there, we'll find out when the time comes."

Luo Yuan shook his head, he didn't lie to Poppy, Luo Yuan really couldn't be sure about the following things.

Seeing that Luo Yuan was so mysterious, Yu Meiren didn't say much, because what Luo Yuan said was right, she was here, and she would see what was really going on down there soon.

For such a mysterious Luo Yuan, Yu Meiren also had a strong curiosity.

Since Luo Yuan can use Legendary Pokémon, he must be different from ordinary people.

If Luo Yuan knew Poppy's thoughts, he would definitely say, the difference between me and ordinary people is that mine is bigger, you need to bear with it!

Suddenly, with a different explosion than before, Lucario's figure splashed high from the pothole, turned around beautifully, and landed beside Luo Yuan.

"Is it pierced?"


Yes master, there is a building below.

"Is there any danger?"

Luo Yuan asked again.

Lucario closed his eyes and began to explore the waveguide with a radius of four kilometers. After a few seconds, he shook his head to indicate that there was no danger below.

"Let's go down, Sister Yu!"

Luo Yuan can signal Kirlia with his eyes, and he and Lucario are under the control of Psychic, drifting into the pothole.

And Latias stayed hidden, just in case.

Seeing this, the poppies made Gothitelle fly into the pothole by controlling herself with Psychic.

Just a short time ago, Lucario had already dug a pothole tens of meters deep. When he reached the bottom of the pothole, Poppy discovered that there was actually a building underneath.

Lucario just pierced through the building.

"From the outside, this should be the foundation. We entered from the bottom of the building, that is to say, the building is upside down!"

Luo Yuan had already taken out the light source at this time, checked it carefully and said.

"I didn't expect there to be such a building underground here."

Yu Meiren also expressed emotion, her eyes full of curiosity.

"Hasn't the Alliance explored here in the past?"

Luo Yuan is a little strange, it's been so long since this place has been discovered, it's impossible for the Alliance not to investigate at all.

Poppy recalled it carefully, then shook her head and said, "...the Alliance must have explored it, but maybe the building is too deep, so the Alliance didn't find it."

"Besides, based on the exploration, the ruins are considered to have nothing important, so the Alliance did not spend too much energy and resources.

Luo Yuan smiled and said, "...then we may be the first ones to come here."

Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren who said this had already entered the building. After they entered, they were back to back, looking around vigilantly.

Although Lucario had explored with the waveguide, Luo Yuan remembered the fact that the waveguide failed in Mew, which made him know that he could not fully trust him.

Mew can shield the waveguide, maybe there are other Pokémon that can twist the waveguide and leave a wrong message.

Just like the ruins outside, the inside of this building seems to have stopped passing, and it is quite intact.

Its overall style is like an eighteenth-century bell tower, with many metal structures besides wood and stone.

If it is not said that this is a relic in a secret realm, it may make people suspect that they have come to an ancient clock tower.

The clock tower is quite big, like an upside-down library, Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren wandered deeper while keeping an eye on their surroundings.

Look there!"

Poppy suddenly pointed her finger, and Luo Yuan looked in the direction of her finger, and saw a thin metal mural.

The two stepped forward and found that there were incomprehensible words written on the mural.

However, although the text cannot be read, the paintings on it can still be understood.

The painting on it is a town with a large scale. Although the painting is not very complicated, it is vaguely possible to distinguish this town from the wrecked towns outside.

And above this town painting, there are two Pokémon in the Fly!

"It's Latios and Latias!"

As one of the Elite Four, Poppy also recognized the origin of the two Pokémon at a glance.

"Is this ruin related to Latias and Latios?"

Poppy's expression froze. If it really has something to do with these two beasts, then this ruin is much more important than imagined.

After all, although Latios and Latias are ethnic groups, there are real Legendary Pokémon among them!

After Luo Yuan saw this painting, he was sure that this is indeed the city of water, Odomare, and the Latios and Latias painted on it are the patron saints of the city of water!

Luo Yuan didn't make a sound because Latias told him that she sensed Soul Dew

The place of breath is already very close.

"Let's go first, go down and have a look."

Luo Yuan greeted Poppy.

Poppy just took out her mobile phone to take a picture of this painting, and at the same time her miniature camera was already turned on to record the content of her exploration of the secret realm.

If she really accidentally had an accident here, Alliance can also get enough information from her 'corpse'.

This is the responsibility of every Trainer.

The two continued to explore down, and soon came to the bottom of the building, or the top of the building.

Here is a room, because the building has been turned upside down, Gravity has changed, and the beautiful (okay, okay) decorations in the room are all over the floor.

Luo Yuan turned a blind eye to the ornaments all over the floor, and just looked at a box.

He quickly walked over to pick up the box, Latias had already broken the lock with the Psychic.

Luo Yuan opened the box and saw a flute that looked like a cross inside!

Seeing this flute, Luo Yuan looked delighted and excited.

Isn't this the Flute of Infinity?

In the game, it has the ability to summon Latios and Latias, but at the same time it also has a function, which is to perform MEGA evolution!

With the Flute of Infinity, Luo Yuan doesn't have to bother to find Latias' Mega Evolution Stone!

Luo Yuan glanced at the colorful ring on his finger, that was Key Stone.

And he still holds the Flute of Infinity in his hand, plus the fetters between himself and Latias, this is not a proper combination of all the elements!

Well, the last element is still missing, who is this MEGA evolution for? Who is better to bully at that time?

Luo Yuan knew that as long as he used mega evolution, based on the current researchers' research on the Key Stone and Mega Evolution stone, mega evolution would soon become popular all over the world.

So this is my first time, I have to choose a good candidate.

"What is the use of this flute?"

Seeing that Luo Yuan was holding a flute in his hand, Yu Meiren came over to have a look curiously.

But Poppy couldn't see what the Flute of Infinity would do.

Luo Yuan didn't answer, he just frowned and said: "... Sister Yu, don't you feel strange? There seems to be a sense of confusion in this space.

Poppy looked serious, "...you feel it too? Could it be that you took this flute and activated some strange mechanism here?"

Well, shouldn't it be?

Luo Yuan felt guilty. .

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