Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 140 The Three Divine Pillars And The Need For A Master!


A group of Aerodactyls are chasing Luo Yuan and Poppies with their wings flapping above the Soaring in the sky.

These vicious ancient Pokémon, with their huge dragon mouths open, emit terrifying ultrasonic waves.

The ultrasonic waves launched by so many Aerodactyls at the same time, the terrifying vibration is even enough to split a small mountain apart.

Luo Yuan rode Millerton, Poppy rode Togekiss, and the two quickly left the ruins of the town.

Ever since Luo Yuan got the Flute of Infinity in the bell tower-like building underground, these Aerodactyls suddenly appeared, and launched fierce craftsmen at Luo Liu and Poppy.

Aerodactyl is an extremely vicious Pokémon, not to mention Aerodactyl in the secret realm, which is an immortal Contest Condition.

"Have you been watching but not making a move?"

The poppies riding on Togekiss ordered their Pokémon to block the fierce attacks of Aerodactyl from time to time.

She looked at Luo Yuan who was leisurely by her side, hiding behind her all the time, and said angrily.

"Sister, I'm a senior student who hasn't graduated yet, and this time I'm just here to participate in the graduation activities." Of course, this kind of thing should be resolved by you, the Coaching Teacher.

"This group of Aerodactyl looks so fierce, I'm afraid."

Luo Yuan patted his chest, pretending to show a scared expression.

The main reason is that there are not many Aerodactyls in this group, and the highest level is only more than 50. Poppy can handle it alone, so Luo Yuan is not in a hurry.

If this group of Aerodactyls had more numbers or a higher level, Luo Yuan certainly wouldn't just watch.

After all, the reality is not as good as the game, and the improvement of Pokémon's level does not simply rely on fighting.

So even if Poppy can get her Pokémon to get rid of this group of Aerodactyls, she won't do such thankless things unless she has to.

It takes a lot of Pokémon's strength to get rid of this group of Aerodactyl, and it will be dangerous if it encounters a crisis situation later.

If fighting monsters can really be upgraded, it is estimated that the Trainers have already formed a team and started to clear the field from the weakest secret realm.

The experience of the secret realm, in addition to obtaining resources, is actually for the Trainer to increase experience, improve survivability, and increase the fetters with his own Pokémon in this kind of survival.

The ultimate goal of everything is to survive, and fighting is also to survive.

"Aerodactyl is really vicious, but it's a pity that this kind of wild Pokémon can hardly be tamed, and can only be resurrected from fossils, so that the number is scarce."

"Seeing such a group of Aerodactyls is really exciting."

After a little hesitation, Poppy decided to tell the truth to Luo Yuan.

"You may have seen it in books. It is an ancient fossil resurrection machine jointly invented by a group of researchers from Xia, Russia, and Unova."

"But in fact, I secretly tell you that the information on those machines comes from the ruins in the secret realm.

"Decades ago, when Alliance was investigating the ruins of a certain secret place, they discovered this part of the information. Although the language is not understandable, there are more detailed manufacturing drawings in the information."

"The Three Kingdoms Alliance launched a top-secret plan, and spent ten years supplementing the incomplete parts of the drawings, thus creating a machine for resurrecting ancient fossils, which was a sensation at the time."

"Only a handful of Trainers know about this, so I'll tell you secretly, so don't gossip around.

It can be seen that Poppy is not under a lot of pressure now, and can command Pokémon to fight this group of Aerodactyl while telling Luo Yuan the secret.

Hearing this, Luo Yuan glanced at Yu Meiren, and slandered in her heart, sister beauty, you have a weaker mouth than my elder sister, so you dare to tell me this kind of thing directly.

You must know that although Luo Huaijin doesn't mind telling Luo Yuan some secrets, but when it comes to confidential things, she will still be impartial and will not tell Luo Yuan easily.

After all, it was the Alliance's rule, unless Luo Yuan was in trouble and danger, then she wouldn't care about it.

And, it turns out that Alliance technology also relies on archaeology!

"So these fossil Pokémon are too wild, and the wild ones cannot be tamed, so they can only be resurrected from the fossils, so there are very few Trainers?"

Luo Yuan asked.

"Well, this kind of ancient Pokémon, their living environment is different from the modern ones, and it is almost difficult for the breeder Breeder to do it. In addition, the vicious temperament can only be cultivated from a young age."

"Normal owns Aerodactyl's Trainer, they are all lucky enough to get fossils in the secret realm, and then use the equipment to revive them.

Poppy answered briskly.

At this moment, both Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren's hearts moved, and they subconsciously looked in the same direction.

Immediately afterwards, a hazy mist rose in the distance of the two people's sights, and in that mirage-like unreal illusion, a tree as large as a mountain peak could not be uprooted.

World Tree of Earl Dervish?!

Seeing this tree, Luo Yuan's expression changed, and he immediately thought of Mew.

Yu Meiren's expression was solemn, and she whispered: "..... The fusion of the secret realm!"

"I just said where did the feeling of space transformation come from just now, it turned out to be the fusion of secret realms!"

"This is also the first time I have encountered this kind of thing, and I didn't find it before."

"Oops, those students!"

Poppy's expression changed slightly.

After the fusion of the secret realms, it is very likely that a low-level secret realm will become extremely scary. For students like Xu Yiran who are not strong enough and have not enough experience, it is very dangerous to encounter this kind of thing.

Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren looked at each other, and they increased their speed and flew towards the previous gathering point.

At this time, Luo Yuan temporarily suppressed the matter of the world Earl Dervish tree and Mew, saving people is the most important thing now.

"Togekiss, Ancient Power!"

The poppies no longer restrained themselves, and launched an attack on their own initiative.

From around Togekiss, the energy of the Rock system converged, and pieces of sharp and terrifying stone spears formed around Togekiss.

Following the Poppy's order, those stone spears rushed towards the group of Aerodactyls.

Aerodactyl, who was 'chasing' Luo Yuan and Poppy, immediately panicked and dodged quickly.

But it was a near-championship, skillfully used by Trainer's Togekiss of Breeder, and was easily dodged by Aerodactyl in this group.

Immediately there is Aerodactyl hit, falling from Soaring in the sky in a Growl.

Seeing this, the group of fierce fossil Pokémon not only did not retreat, but chased them even more fiercely.

At this time, Poppy also showed the strength of her Elite Four. She rode a Togekiss and began to fight with this group of Aerodactyls in the air. Every time she attacked, several Aerodactyls would be eliminated.

Luo Yuan is also driving the Jet Millerton, using Thunder Shock and Shock Wave from time to time to knock down these Aerodactyl Smacks.

Millerton can fight even in the tool dragon form, but his strength is greatly reduced, and he does not have the power of the high-energy Legendary Pokémon.

But even so, solving this group of Aerodactyl is easy.

With Millerton's flexibility, it's like a fifth-generation machine fighting a third-generation machine, and Aerodactyl can't even see its ass.

After finishing off the group of Aerodactyls, Luo Yuan and Yumei hurried to the meeting point.

At the gathering place, after seeing that the students of Imperial Capital University were injured, but their lives were not in danger, Poppy was finally relieved.

Zhu Bin, who was the most injured, only had a hole in his leg. This kind of injury is nothing to Trainer.

If under his leadership, students were injured or injured due to graduation activities, that would be the first time since the establishment of the Xia Kingdom Alliance.

In the past, there had never been any incidents of student casualties during graduation activities, and Poppy would really lose face by then.

But after knowing that all of Zhu Bin's Pokémon were seriously injured, he lost the protection of the Pokémon's force field, and other Pokémon were also injured.

At the same time, Poppy learned from these students that the strength of the Pokémon in this secret realm had changed, so she said decisively:

"...We will set off now, looking for the exit of the secret realm, this is no longer a place for you to explore!"

The students certainly agreed that they felt their lives were in danger.

Especially Zhu Bin, after losing the protection of Pokémon, he may die at any time in a place like the secret realm!

Throw away all the things they brought, these things are worthless, some students have Flying Pokémon that can be ridden, while Qu Yumeiren and Luo Xuan bring them with them.

"Hold on, junior girl!"

Luo Yuan held Xu Yiran's shoulders and instructed her.

Xu Yiran nodded vigorously, and then Millerton and Togekiss took off again, and other students with Flying Pokémon followed quickly.

Under the leadership of Millerton and Togekiss, they flew at an extremely fast speed, looking for the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

On the way, they also met the two Trainers stationed in the ruins, and they were also riding Flying Pokémon looking for the entrance and exit of the secret realm.

After discovering something was wrong, the two trainers also chose to leave here immediately.

The two sides converge together, and the security has been greatly improved.

And as they approached the tree of Earl Dervish in the world, everyone showed shocked expressions.

If you are farther away, you just feel that the tree is standing on top of the sky.

But after coming to its tree cover area, you can find its magnificence and hugeness, it is really like a series of continuous peaks gathered together.

As far as I can see, I can't even see its edge.

Faced with such a spectacle, Poppy certainly has the desire to explore, but at this time it is still important to send the students out first.

After some searching, they were lucky enough to find the entrance and exit of the secret realm under the cover of the tree of Earl Dervish in the world.

Seeing the exit of the secret realm, everyone looked overjoyed and quickly flew towards the exit.

In the Jinji Lake area, at the entrance to the original secret realm, many Trainers are waiting.

0 Seeking flowers……………

After the director of the Secret Realm Inspection Bureau discovered the fusion phenomenon of the secret realm, he immediately reported it to the Gusu Council.

The chairman of the council also quickly reported to a higher level, and at the same time, with his own power, he transferred many Trainers and began to build a line of defense here.

Gusu is located in the Yangtze River Delta Region, where the economy is developed and there are many naturally powerful Trainers.

After receiving the report, many trainers from the local area and nearby cities gathered and began to build a basic line of defense.

The most important thing for a secret place like this that appears in an urban area is to build a defense line to prevent the wild Pokémon inside from coming out and destroying the city.

When the defense line is built, the Trainer will be sent to explore to determine the level of the secret realm, so as to decide whether to reduce the defense line or strengthen it.

This is a set of standard procedures of the Alliance, and the Trainers are all familiar with it.

Protecting the safety of cities and people is the most important thing, and we cannot put the cart before the horse.

When the poppies came out of the secret realm, all they saw were trainers waiting for them.

In the distance, medical vehicles and medical equipment were set up one after another, and further away, the police completely sealed off this large area and did not allow ordinary people to enter.

For this kind of big battle, Poppy didn't take it seriously after seeing a lot of it, but it was the first time the group of students saw it, and they were all shocked.

"It's Yu Elite and those students from Imperial University


"Great, they're safe and sound!"

"Yu Elite, how is the situation in this secret realm? Do we need to send more people?"

Seeing the safe return of the poppies and many students, the Trainers were delighted.

The director of Gusu was also present, and he hurried forward to ask Yun Meiren.

Only then did Poppy realize that Luo Yuan hadn't followed them out!

Doesn't that guy want to explore that incredible giant tree alone?

Poppy was annoyed for a while, wishing she could go back to the secret realm to drag Luo Yuan out, or explore together with him.

However, the duty of being an Elite Four still calmed her down, and she knew that she needed to be in command here now.

At this time, Poppy no longer had the gentle and graceful appearance in the secret realm before, and her whole person became capable and cool.

"Chairman, someone here is injured, please let the doctor come and treat him first."

"I'm not particularly clear about the situation in the secret realm, but these students have fought against the Pokémon there, so they know more."

"If you have any questions, you can ask them first!"

"But I personally think that people need to be dispatched here. There is an incredible towering giant tree in the secret realm that I have never seen before. I instinctively think it is very dangerous!"

Poppy didn't waste any extra nonsense, and started to direct. Although the chairman is close to the mayor in status, he is not a trainer after all, and at this time he has no power to direct the trainees.


If you want to convince this group of trainers, you need stronger trainers, and poppies are obviously qualified.

After finishing the order, Yu Meiren looked at the entrance of the secret realm with a solemn expression, secretly praying to Luo Yuan not to mess around.

At this time, Luo Yuan, after asking Latias to use Psychic to send the students he brought out of the secret realm, he put away Millerton and transferred to Latias to make himself invisible


His waveguide is telling him that the source of his waveguide is the tree of the world Earl Dervish!

Thinking about the bond with Mew and the relationship with the cat that he has raised for ten years, Luo Yuan restrained his inner anxiety and let Latias take him to the world tree.

At this time, Luo Yuan suddenly noticed a strange movement at the foot of the World Tree. He took a look with the waveguide and was immediately startled.

"Lying on the grass!"

Luo Yuan couldn't help but uttered a curse.

That turned out to be a bunch of Regirock, Regice and Registeel!

The overall number of these three divine pillars exceeded hundreds, and the levels were all as high as level 70!

Although there is no one with the priesthood among these three divine pillars, the number alone is enough to make people extremely frightened.

In particular, Luo Yuan's waveguide told him that these three divine pillars are only at level 70, but they are far stronger than those paradoxical species in the zeroth zone.

Spiritual difference!

Luo Yuan suspects that this is the activation of all the guards of the Earl Dervish tree in the world, and the target direction of these three divine pillars is the entrance and exit of the secret realm!

If these three divine pillars were allowed to enter the urban area of ​​Gusu, it would definitely cause the city to be destroyed.

What's even more frightening is that, in addition to these three god pillars, there are countless Pokémon armies on the tree of Earl Dervish in the world, and they are also charging towards the entrance and exit of the secret realm!

For such a big formation, the leader must be assigned to lead many Trainers, and it is estimated that some of them can fight!

Even if Millerton activates the high-energy form, it is impossible to deal with so many Pokémon warriors in its battle time. .

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