Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 152 The Russian Champion Is About To Visit!

Hearing Luo Yuan's question, Chairman Deng thought about it.

It wasn't that he wanted to hide anything, but that he was considering his words, thinking about how to speak to Luo Yuan.

After thinking for a few seconds, in that quiet environment, Chairman Deng said:

...... Regarding the impact of different time and space, we must first start with the ruins in the secret realm.

Luo Yuan sat up straight, showing a posture of listening attentively.

"The Alliance was first established more than two hundred years ago, and some Trainers discovered these ruins in the secret realm.

"The Trainer at the time believed that those ruins were probably ancient civilizations."

"And the miserable scene of civilization in the ruins made some Trainers at that time feel terrified."

"As a result, some like-minded Trainers decided to establish an organization, hoping to find out the truth about these ruins and avoid the destruction of existing civilizations.

Chairman Deng said slowly.

Luo Yuan nodded secretly.

He knew about this a long time ago, it was his elder sister who told him.

In the history books of the outside world, it is recorded that like-minded Trainers could not get used to the feudal system at that time, so they united together and overthrew the decadent rule of the feudal system.

And based on this, the original Alliance was established, which brought about the current social system.

The Alliance system cannot be said to be as beautiful as Utopia, but it is really many times stronger than that of the feudal period.

According to Luo Yuan's understanding, it was a big event like a bourgeois revolution.

But in fact, the original group of like-minded Trainers, the reason why they established the Alliance was not to overthrow the decadent feudal system.

It is an organization similar to a secret society established because of the discovery of those mysterious ruins in the secret realm.

The original Alliance was a secret organization, but the Alliance obtained some incredible technologies from those ruins, which is the original source of high technology in the world today

Although today's science and technology are more advanced than the technology recorded in the ruins in some aspects, that is the reason for more than two hundred years of development.

The emergence of these technologies, coupled with more Trainers discovering the ruins and joining this organization, gave the Alliance a huge amount of energy.

As a result, the Alliance overthrew the feudal forces of all countries in the world in just thirty years, and established the original world Pokémon Alliance.

All national Pokémon Alliance, are part of the World Pokémon Alliance.

In this world, the Pokémon Alliance is a bit like the United Nations. It has no real power, but it has great symbolic significance.

It consists of the chairman of the Alliance of each country, who takes turns serving as the chairman of the World Alliance, and the current directors of all countries are also members of the World Alliance Council.

Because this involves some issues of secret realm ruins that cannot be disclosed to the public.

So it is written in the history textbook that the original Alliance members gathered together for the great goal of overthrowing the feudal system.

But in fact, the people who first formed the Alliance were really not so noble. They probably didn’t expect that the Alliance would develop into this way, and finally became the only ruling legal organization in the world.

When he knew the truth, Luo Yuan complained about it. Fortunately, in the end, the Alliance established the current system, instead of the "Twenty Kings", each Alliance member country needs to pay the heavenly gold.

Otherwise, wouldn't I have to wear a mask to live after time travel, and go to be a dragon!

While Luo Yuan's thinking diverged, Chairman Bian Ji continued to explain.

"With the development of the Alliance, the deeper the investigation into the ruins in the secret realm, the mainstream within the Alliance believes that the ruins are definitely not ancient ruins, but more like ruins from another world.

"Sponsors of this argument argue that if those are really ancient civilizations, why has nothing ever been found about them outside of the ruins?"

"This is the point of view that the ruins are from another world."

"As for the ancient civilization relics school, they pointed out that although the relics in the secret realm are different from ours in writing, they also have similarities.

"In particular, some architectural styles are almost in line with the current civilization and are very similar, so they are considered to be ancient relics.

Hey, this is still divided into Advent faction and Salvation faction, right?

"But since Mew said that this is a different time and space, it seems that the debate between the two factions can be stopped."

Chairman Deng shook his head. Regarding the arguments of these two factions, he emotionally wanted to support the remains of ancient civilizations.

The main reason is that if it is a relic of ancient civilization, it means that even if this civilization is shattered, the current human civilization needs to pay attention to internal things.

But if those relics come from different time and space, isn't Pokémon Alliance going to prevent different time and space?

The external is always more difficult than the internal.

"Then talking about the possible impact of different time and space, in fact, in the past ten years, Alliances around the world have received many reports about the discovery of 'human beings' in secret realms.

"At the beginning, Alliance thought it might be that there were more entrances and exits in a certain secret realm, so that there were ordinary people who strayed into the secret realm.

"However, those ordinary people who 'stray into' the secret realm never contact the Trainer who discovered them, and even escape at an extremely fast speed."

"There were sporadic and sporadic sightings, but Alliance didn't care."

"Because it didn't bring any unknown results, the Alliance didn't pay enough attention to it. In addition, there are not many witness records. There are only two or three cases reported from various countries every year."

“This phenomenon itself is not taken seriously.

"But now I know about the problem of different time and space from you and Mew, now I doubt whether those 'humanoid creatures' discovered are related to different time and space."

"It does not seem like a coincidence that the world's Earl Dervish tree appeared to wither around the same time as the initial sighting report."

When Chairman Deng said this, his expression became extremely dignified, as did the several directors present.

I'm afraid Qixing, who has been listening to the report behind the scenes, has the same expression.

This matter must be reported to the World Pokémon Alliance, so that all countries can pay attention. This is not just a matter of Xia, but involves all countries in the world.

At this moment, Luo Yuan's heart moved, and he thought of Lusamine.

When Luo Yuan first saw Lusamine, Lillie and Gladion, he thought they were people from this world.

Since Pokémon are all there, it doesn't seem like a big deal to have a Lusamine and a Lillie.

But now Luo Yuan began to wonder, could Lusamine and Lillie also belong to different time and space?

Coupled with the ruins of the water capital that I saw in the secret realm before, the connection is even deeper.

In particular, the time when Lusamine first met her parents happened to be about ten years ago, which coincides with Alliance's initial witness records.

Lusamine's amnesia now seems to have deep doubts. Why she lost her memory is probably not that simple.

So besides Lusamine, will there be other people from time and space come to this world?

It's just that the earth is too vast, and the population is close to eight billion. It is too difficult to find some people among these eight billion people.

As the chairman of the Alliance, Chairman Deng obviously has a lot of things to think about. He also thought that since he can see people from different time and space in Secret Realm 713, would there be those people on Earth?

What, if any, did these people come into this world to do? With good intentions or with malice?

"I will inform the World Alliance of this matter, let all countries pay attention, and conduct an in-depth investigation.

Chairman Deng quickly calmed down. The Alliance has developed for more than two hundred years, and has already penetrated into every corner of the earth. It has a huge influence. As long as it is prepared in advance, there is no need to worry too much.

"Let's leave this matter to the World Alliance to resolve. It's a bit of a needle in a haystack to verify this kind of thing with your own strength. You don't have to worry too much."

"Next is the double school competition and the visit of the Russian champion and Elite, why don't you pay attention to this matter first."

Chairman Deng said to Luo Yuan with a smile.

He even began to think now, will Luo Yuan hit the Russian champion in the face with Mew or Millerton?

Hey, everything is the same!

Even if Luo Yuan is really fighting with a Lucario, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, Luo Yuan is a 'Rookie Trainer', it is normal to lose to the Russian champion, if he wins, it will be a shame for Russia.

So, it was invincible from the very beginning!

Luo Yuan felt the same way, and the same sentence, the sky fell and there was a tall man holding it up, so why should he think so much, it's not exhausting enough.

Myself, let's live a happy life.

Well, I will make a video call with Lusamine after I go back to find out about her.

For example, what happened to her amnesia, and for example, does she remember something now!

Russia's St. Peter, the current champion Ekaterina Alexandrova is in the Winter Palace with the Elites, preparing for a visit to the summer kingdom. .

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