Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 169 Mega Evolution, Latias Incarnation Of Legendary PokéMon!

From a height of hundreds of meters, Luo Yuan watched the arena condescendingly.

The sun is strongest at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the warm sun in winter is still blazing despite being warm.

That Lucas shone on the bodies of Luo Yuan and Latias, seeming to cast a layer of golden light on them, looking so divine and ethereal.

Ekaterina didn't like the feeling of being looked down upon by others.

As the champion of Russia, she is known as the Queen of Ice with a proud personality. Although there are setbacks in her life, she overcomes every setback and looks down on others.

If Luo Yuan is also one of her setbacks, Ekaterina believes that she will overcome this setback as before and let it become a ladder for her progress!

Just when Ekaterina was about to order Articuno to go straight up to confront Luo Yuan in the sky, Luo Yuan's words suddenly fell into the minds of her and many audience members.

After gaining Soul Dew, Latias' Psychic got a drastic buff.

That is definitely not an increase that can be described by numbers and percentages in the game, but an increase where a "mortal" gets the priesthood and becomes a "god".

Therefore, Luo Yuan was able to borrow Latias' Psychic to spread his voice throughout the audience at an altitude of hundreds of meters.

"mega evolution? what's that?"

Ekaterina's sharp and beautiful brows were raised, showing a puzzled look.

Is it some new type of research?

But as the Russian champion, she has never heard of any research on mega evolution.

In the main stand, other people also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Chairman Deng, what is mega evolution? Isn't it the secret research of your country's Alliance?"

Belousov, chairman of the Russian Alliance, looked at Chairman Deng of Xia Guo, and asked curiously.

The other Alliance executives present, champions and Elites also looked at Chairman Deng, waiting for his explanation.

Chairman Deng also shook his head to express that he hadn't heard of it, and his eyes subconsciously fell on Principal Gu.

As Chairman Deng who knows Principal Gu's true identity, in his opinion, the entire Xia Kingdom may have secrets that he, the chairman, does not know, but there is absolutely no secret that can be hidden from this 'Chief of the Seven Stars'.

Principal Gu was also puzzled. When he saw Director Deng looking over, he smiled and shook his head, expressing that he didn't know.

But he had a premonition that perhaps Luo Yuan would answer a difficult problem that had been troubling him for a long time.

This is his premonition as a Master Trainer!

"Miss Ekaterina doesn't know about mega evolution? Well, you really don't know, because I named it myself.

Luo Yuan above the sky said in a serious manner.

And what he said made Ekaterina's face turn black, why are you kidding me? Photo by D53!

The Russian champion thought it was Luo Yuan's trash talk, just to break her will to fight.

Just when he was slightly annoyed in his heart and was about to let Articuno launch an attack, Luo Yuan said again:

...But I believe that starting today, mega evolution will become a name known to the world. "

"And I, no, it should be Latias will go down in the history books!"

Latias, I don't know what I can give you, you have been with me for ten years with such a heart.

Of course, Luo Yuan knew that the so-called culinary skills were just an introduction, and relying on culinary skills alone would not really create such a strong bond.

The bond between him and Latias is just the epitome of ten years, it is the condensed feeling of ten years!

Therefore, what I can do is to let you be remembered by the world, so that your name will still be recorded in the history of mankind even after thousands of years.

It will be recorded in history that in that year, Trainer Luo Yuan discovered mega evolution for the first time, and with his partner Latias, completed this epic feat!

Luo Yuan's left hand clenched the flute of infinity, and suddenly, in the ears of more than 100,000 spectators in the imperial gymnasium, there came a beautiful sound, like a dragon's cry.

The Flute of Infinity does not need the Trainer to actually play it at all, as long as the wind flows into the flute, it will naturally produce a beautiful dragon chant.

An indescribable power that made Luo Yuan feel extremely heart-warming flowed into his body along the Flute of Infinity in his left hand and the 'Key Stone' worn on the index finger of his right hand.

In an instant, there seemed to be countless pages flying in Luo Yuan's mind, and each page recorded the little things he and Latias spent together.

Although Latias has accompanied Luo Yuan in the form of a human being for the past ten years, in the library of Luo Yuan's memory, all the 'photos' show Latias' body.

The curiosity and strangeness in Latias' eyes when we first met, Luo Yuan took good care of her after becoming a neighbor.

Luo Yuan, who is in her early teens, brings her the joy of playing in the community. As they grow older, the relationship between the two becomes closer, like glue.

Until they grew up, Luo Yuan and Latias, who wore beautiful dresses, went to shopping malls and amusement parks together, laughing and laughing together.

All in all, that was the best time Luo Yuan spent with Latia.

It can be said that Luo Yuan has been with him during the most important ten years of his study and worldview shaping, and that is Latias!

The strong bond, the bond that the Alliance cannot detect with instruments, turned into real power at this moment, connecting Luo Xuan and Latias under the bridge of the Flute of Infinity and the Key Stone.

That is the feeling of being in harmony with you in me and me in you, which is different from the negative distance contact of the body, but a kind of intersection from emotion and soul!

Luo Yuan looked at the Key Stone on his right index finger that was shining with colorful brilliance. It was the bond between him and Latias that was shining brightly, and it was the contract he had made with Latias for ten years.

Luo Yuan involuntarily brought the Key Stone of his right index finger to his mouth, and kissed him lightly.

In the next instant, an incomparably strong force field and energy that had never appeared in this world shrouded Luo Yuan and Latias.

That Lucas is so shining, and the light of that bond is so dazzling, like the second sun rising above this world!


Latias' brisk dragon chant resounded above the Soaring in the sky, and the horrific dragon and psychic energies merged into Latias' body under the pull of the bond that turned into substance.

Principal Gu in the main stand, the head of the seven stars Tianshu Xing stood up suddenly, and looked at Soaring in the sky in shock.

The feeling of that kind of energy, the strength of that kind of power, is something he has never seen before!

It is a new power system that is completely different from the force field and power used by the Master Pokémon.

As the master, he can clearly feel that the unknown power is so similar to his feeling when he was with Pokémon.

That is a bond that has turned into reality!

Mega evolution is an evolution that can only be used after the Trainer has a strong bond with Pokémon.

This is not the first time Luo Yuan has undergone mega evolution. After getting the Flute of Infinity, he and Latias tried to use this ability.

After all, if it is the first time to use it in a game or on the battlefield, it will be embarrassing if it cannot evolve.

So after getting the Flute of Infinity, he and Latias tried many times, and dared not use it until it was 100% successful.

While practicing mega evolution, Luo Yuan, who was able to communicate with Latias, also roughly studied the principle of mega evolution.

After a period of self-research, Luo Yuan came to the conclusion that mega evolution is actually a type of 'bond evolution'.

Its principle is probably to use the Mega Evolution stone and Key Stone as the medium to stimulate the bond between Trainer and Pokémon, and turn the invisible but existing bond into tangible and qualitative power

The bond is the strongest power, and it is the root of why a Trainer can become a Trainer.

And when the bond between the two is turned into pure power, this power will promote the activation of Pokémon's power, and the "evolution" has never been completed!

As for why there are so many Mega Evolution stones and how the Mega Evolution stones appeared, this is not known to Luo Yuan for the time being, and researchers need to study it.

Because the source of Mega Evolution lies in the power of bonds, it is only necessary for Trainer to have a strong bond with his own Pokémon to do so.


Lucas dispersed, and amidst the sound of dragons, Latias showed the world her new look.

Latias' body size has grown a whole circle, the red part of his body has turned into purple, and the claws and dragon head have grown sharper and more majestic dragon horns and Dragon Claw.

In Luo Yuan's opinion, although Latias Mega Evolution has become ugly overall, its strength has been greatly enhanced!

Latias: Don't call me ugly, master!

Luo Yuan's waveguide landed on Latias, showing a level as high as 83 (bada)!

That's right, after Mega Evolution, Latias has improved a whole level, from the champion level to the master level.

Of course, Mega Evolution is not without side effects. The most important side effect is that because Mega Evolution uses fetters as a medium, this evolution has a strong impact on Trainer itself.

The bond makes Trainer and Pokémon merge into one, so in order to maintain this powerful bond force, the reaction force will appear on Trainer and Pokémon at the same time.

For Pokémon, that counterforce is negligible.

But it is very painful for humans.

Whether it is strength, spirit, or body, it is impossible for humans to compete with Pokémon, and the reaction of the Mega Evolution fetters will consume Trainer's energy.

This kind of loss cannot be overcome by exercising the body, but a comprehensive loss. Of course, whether the body is strong or not is also the top priority.

It is also under this reaction force that the Mega Evolution between Trainer and Pokémon cannot last for too long, because Trainer will not be able to hold on.

This is a bit like Millerton's "three minutes" battle time now.

The same is true for Mega Evolution. It is outrageous that Pokémon can be directly promoted to a large realm, but this evolution method consumes the Trainer itself.

'It's a pity, this is the law of nature, there is always mutual generation and mutual restraint.

'When you gain great power, you have to pay something.

Luo Yuan felt emotional in his heart.

If Mega Evolution didn't have so many restrictions, then the leader would really be invincible.

If the master-level Pokémon completes Mega Evolution under the power of fetters, it can definitely wrestle with Legendary Pokémon.

But the premise of all this is that Mega Evolution can be maintained for a long time, that is, it is not big at all.

Considering the average age of the master-level trainers, they are not in the prime of life. It is estimated that they will die if they really carry out the Mega Evolution. It is true that all the masters are transformed into "five-second real men".

It's just that I have to say that during the period of the head of the "five-second real man", he really had an invincible demeanor.

When Latias who completed Mega Evolution appeared in front of everyone, the world was shocked!

"Evolved! Evolved!! Latias has evolved!"

“We all know that Luo Yuan’s favorite

What I like most is to evolve my Pokémon in the game, but we didn’t expect to see the evolution of Latias this time?”

"This is really a rare discovery in the world. Does Latias have an evolutionary form?"

The shocked voice of the commentator echoed in the venue, causing countless people to buzz and whisper, and everyone was extremely surprised.

As a mythical beast, Latias can still evolve, how strong will this become?

However, this is just the thinking of ordinary people. As trainers, especially those senior trainers, they have the most say.

No, that's not ordinary evolution, it's completely different from ordinary evolution, they all felt the power of "bonds" from Latias and Luo Yuan!

This is a kind of evolution accomplished by using 'fetters', and it is a new way of evolution that has never appeared in this world!

There is only Principal Gu in the main stand, and Luo Mu in other stands.

And many researchers in the world who are studying the Mega Evolution stone and think that the stone is related to evolution can truly understand what it is.

Principal Gu stood up excitedly and waved his fist vigorously. The leader of the Seven Stars of the Xia Kingdom couldn't restrain his excitement at this moment.

"Sure enough, it's an evolution stone, it really is an evolution stone! That kid has accomplished this world-renowned achievement, my guess is correct, I just frankly say that those stones are related to evolution!

He couldn't help yelling.

Principal Gu's research on the Mega Evolution stone has been going on for ten years. Under his research, he believes that this stone is related to evolution.

But evolution is just like "classical mechanics", it is an irrefutable truth, and no one thinks that Pokémon can evolve again.

Therefore, in the research field of these stones, the "evolution theory" is a theory that only a very small number of people agree with.

The most convinced ones are Principal Gu and a professor from Unova.

But now, Luo Yuan truly told the world that those colorful stones are related to evolution, making President Gu completely slap in the face of all those who questioned his research.

How cool is that slap in the face? Anyway, even Principal Gu couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Boy, let me see how strong Latias is after completing the evolution. This evolution can turn the fetters into real power!"

"Mega evolution, Mega Evolution? Good name, this evolution method is up to you to name, hahaha!"

Under Principal Gu’s expectation, Luo Yuan also showed him what is 【Mega Evolution’!

Under Mega Evolution, Latias' level reached level 83, completing the qualitative transformation into a master-level Pokémon.

However, there is also a problem with this forced promotion, that is, Luo Yuan can't make Latias use the 'movement' of a real master-level Pokémon.

But it doesn't matter, Latias has the priesthood of Soul Dew, but the previous Latias was not capable enough to show the true power of the priesthood.

And now, Latias has this qualification, and now Latias is the real ‘Legendary Pokémon’!

In an instant, the legendary vision descended.

Everyone felt that their own feelings and perceptions had wrong cognitions.

Sensation is the cognition of a single Attribute, and perception is the cognition of the overall Attribute of something.

Sensation and perception are the embodiment of the power of sensibility!

When people's sensibility is distorted, they will not be able to correctly recognize things, and the brain will lose its cognitive function!

The air is fluctuating under the influence of some unknown force, and that fluctuation is the vision of Legendary Pokémon appearing on the stage, which instantly affects more than Kaifang present!

"Latias, let's end the fight!"

Under Luo Yuan's order, Mega Latias began to dive!

The MEGA evolution can not be maintained for a long time, but these few minutes are enough for Luo Yuan to win.

Because the current Latias is the real "God of Sensibility" and the real Legendary Pokémon, she has become the "Queen" of the Latias group!

The ice queen is nonsense, the real queen has to look at me Latias!.

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