Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 173 Cynthia: I Really Want Someone To Take Care Of Me!

(One more chapter tonight, but it may be early in the morning.)

Luo Yuan came to the interview stage with his head held high. He pressed both hands on the stage and watched the media from all over the world condescendingly.

That resolute aura and momentum made the messy media release hall quiet for a moment.

Half a month ago, he single-handedly used Legendary Pokémon in the Gusu Region to defeat the Pokémon army of the Earl Dervish Tree in the world.

Not long ago, on the field of competition, using the beast Latias, defeated the Russian champion Ekaterina in an evolutionary way that people have never seen before.

Luo Yuan didn't have many matches and battles, but each one was shocking and shocking. Every Rival also improved his strength.

Although Luo Yuan and other Pokémon who are currently being Breeder, the strongest is only Lucario who has reached the gym level.

But at this time, everyone never really regarded Luo Yuan as a rookie trainer, but as a champion, or even a master trainer.

The previously frenzied media looked sober at this time, and immediately realized that they were facing one of the rare and powerful Trainers in this world.

They can't be as crazy as facing other Celebrities, they must know what is enough.

When this idea popped up in the minds of the Reporters, although the number of flash lights for shooting remained the same, the Reporters' actions became more honest.

Seeing this, Luo Yuan nodded secretly, it seemed that he was becoming more and more prestigious and majestic.

The staff of the gymnasium not far from Luo Yuan originally planned to make a noise to let the media pay attention to the image, and asked one by one.

Seeing that Luo Yuan suppressed so many media so easily, he also sighed in his heart. He deserves to be the strongest trainer of the younger generation in our country, and he is worthy of being the son of our museum owner!

Latias floated beside Luo Yuan, with a curious and happy look in his eyes, watching the media in front of him.

And countless cameras were aimed at her, hoping to capture every detail of this divine beast.

It has been nearly 500 years since the last recorded Trainer possessed Latias!

Five hundred years later, another Trainer owns Latias!

"The press conference is starting now, please ask the Reporter friends to ask questions in order."

The staff of the gymnasium shouted, and immediately raised countless hands, expecting Luo Yuan to "turn the card".

Luo Yuan Solaceon glanced at the many Reporters, and directly clicked on the familiar icon in the front.

This is the logo of Xia TV, the largest national radio station of the Xia Guo Alliance, and the news broadcast is broadcast on this TV Station.

It was a female Reporter in her early thirties who was selected for the remake. She showed a bright smile, suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said in her clear voice:

"...Hello, Mr. Luo Yuan, I am a Reporter from Xiashi TV Station. First of all, congratulations on your victory in the double school competition and the championship exhibition competition."

"The question I want to ask you is, what the hell is going on with mega evolution? Is it a new way to evolve and is it only available to Latias, or is it available to all Pokémon?"

"And how does this evolution evolve, mega evolution, is that what you named it?"

"Of course, if you don't want to answer, you don't have to say it."

The reporter of XiaTV TV Station knows that this mysterious evolution is likely to become Xia Guo's secret weapon, so there is the last sentence.

If Luo Yuan is unwilling to speak, who can force him to speak? No one has the qualifications, and no one dares.

But this Reporter also knows that future Reporters will inevitably ask this question, so she came up and asked the question that everyone cares about most.

And as the reporter's voice fell, all the media and all the trainers present.

Even all the senior executives of the two countries subconsciously leaned forward, staring at Luo Yuan, expecting his answer.

Luo Yuan took his time and talked eloquently: "...As we all know, um, some people may not know, that is, my mother is a researcher."

"And the director of the Laboratory where my mother works is Mr. Gu Yongzhi, the president of Imperial University.

As a son, Luo Yuan of course wants to give his mother some face, as for the principal, let's just let it go!

Principal Gu in the audience smiled like a chrysanthemum, this kid can be dealt with, I don't know how to give me a long face!

"First of all, Mega Evolution is indeed my name, and it can also be called Mega Evolution."

"And the origin of everything lies in this stone."

Luo Yuan said so, took out a Mega Evolution stone, and pointed to the Key Stone on his right index finger at the same time.

This stone was picked up by Luo Yuan from the Laboratory. As for the Flute of Infinity, no one can understand it.

In an instant, all the cameras were focused on those two stones, and the Reporter couldn't help but asked loudly: "...Then, is the mega evolution, that is, Mega Evolution, related to these two stones? "

Luo Yuan glared and said, "...be quiet, it's not your turn to ask questions yet."

The reporter covered his mouth in fright, and the other reporters also glared at him.

"This kind of stone has actually been discovered by many Trainers in secret realms, but they don't know what the purpose of these stones is, so they sent them to the Laboratory for research.

"My mother's Laboratory is studying these stones. After seeing my mother's research, out of curiosity about these stones, I asked for one for research."

"I am not a professional researcher, but after some research, I found that these two stones are actually matched. These ten points were actually submitted by the Laboratory where President Gu works. 17

"It's just that the Laboratory doesn't know how to use the matching stones and what's the effect."

"And by chance, I discovered that this stone has the power to materialize the bond between Trainer and Pokémon.

"It was also after I made this discovery that I carried out bold research. As for the research process, I will not go into details."

Well, because the research has no process at all, I just copied the answer directly by cheating!

"I am here to speak only of conclusions. 17

"As you can imagine, the mega evolution is related to this stone. It is the special function of these two stones that turns the power of the bond into reality, thus causing a new evolution of Pokémon."

After Luo Yuan's voice fell, many powerful Trainers suddenly realized that it was no wonder that they had sensed the power of the bond on Latias before.

At that time, they guessed that the mega evolution was related to the invisible and intangible power of fetters, but they did not expect that this power was stimulated by these magical stones as a medium.

"According to some of my research, I have generally drawn two conclusions."

"First of all, although there are similar evolutionary guesses in the Laboratory, they have been unsuccessful because these stones are not the same.

"Each Pokémon corresponds to a different stone, and when the stone is chosen incorrectly, the phenomenon of mega evolution will not occur.

"Secondly, in addition to the correct matching Mega Evolution stone, the Trainer also needs to have an extremely strong bond with his own Pokémon to complete this evolution."

"Because the essence of mega evolution is to turn the bond between people and Pokémon into a more real power, and let Pokémon complete the transformation!"

"This is just the simplest explanation about mega evolution. As for the principle, there are more things, such as how to detect the corresponding evolutionary stone. I have no research results for the time being."

"This requires the joint efforts of researchers in the future and has not been explored.

Luo Yuan's voice fell, and the media hall was quiet for a moment, followed by an uproar.

Everyone started a heated discussion, and countless Reporters wrote furiously, angrily publishing the news as quickly as possible.

They also didn't expect that Luo Yuan would be so generous and clear, revealing all the secrets of mega evolution.

The Trainers discussed enthusiastically, and everyone looked surprised, looking forward to getting the Key Stone and Mega Evolution stone.

The entire studio hall, the entire city, the entire country and countries around the world are all clamoring at this moment.

Next, there will inevitably be a "stone craze" in which many Trainers go to the secret land to search for Mega Evolution stones and Key Stones.

The reason why Luo Yuan didn't ask his family to search for the Mega Evolution stone, a rare commodity, was because it was unnecessary.

Such behavior seems to be too small, it is a pure businessman's thinking, and he is still entangled in things like 'money'.

For a family and realm like Luo Yuan, 'money' is useless.

Even doing so will only lead to the dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction of the Trainers, thinking that you are monopolizing, and the most important thing is that you are monopolizing the Mega Evolution stones scattered in the secret realm.

The layout and vision should be broadened. What the Luo family needs is the aspiration of the people, the pursuit and admiration of all Trainers, and absolute prestige.

As for the stones I need, do I really need to spend money to buy them or search for them myself? Of course, it is a matter of one word, and Alliance will send them over by itself.

As for the extra Mega Evolution stones, they are just decorations, useless at all.

Luo Yuan has reached the highest pursuit in life, the need for self-realization!

Principal Gu also suddenly realized at this time, so that’s the case, I said why the previous experiment failed, because each Pokémon has to correspond to a different Mega Evolution stone!

All of a sudden, Principal Gu knew that he was going to change his research direction.

Now that mega evolution has been discovered, what the Laboratory needs to study now is how to determine which Pokémon this stone corresponds to!

This is a study of the usefulness of the Mega Evolution stone.

As for the deeper principle of Mega Evolution, the reason for the formation of Mega Evolution stone.

Whether Mega Evolution actually existed in ancient history, but it was not recorded in the annals of history, etc., can be regarded as a new subject and discipline to study.

Luo Yuan can be said to have created a new discipline!

`Lying on the grass? Why did Luo Yuan tell this secret directly? How good it is to keep it hidden. When we have the World Alliance Conference next year, all contestants from our country will be able to use Mega Evolution.

...then the World Alliance Championship is not guaranteed. "

"So you can only be a keyboard warrior on the Internet, but Luo Yuan can lead the world to change. This is the difference in your realm and structure."

"This is Luo Yuan's absolute self-confidence. I believe that even if he tells you about Mega Evolution, he will still be invincible in the world. This is also the attitude of my great country. Your ideas are too small.

.Now, the trainers all over the world have to be grateful to Luo Yuan, and to the Xia Kingdom Alliance!"

On the Internet, there are also countless people discussing it. Some people think that Luo Yuan's behavior of directly announcing the mega evolution and even the method is a bit silly.

He should have kept it secret, and then secretly told his family to use it in the competition.

In fact, if only President Gu's Laboratory was conducting this research, Luo Yuan might really do that to maximize the benefits of the discovery of mega evolution.

But from President Gu, Luo Yuan knows that there is also a Laboratory in Unova

It cooperated with President Gu's Laboratory.

The two parties had the same idea, and both concluded that the stone was related to evolution, and began large-scale experiments.

Luo Yuan knew that even if he didn't mention the mega evolution, it wouldn't be long before the mega evolution would be discovered and known to the world.

If this is the case, then openly announce the method in exchange for reputation.

Luo Yuan is not a fool, he is actually a very egotistical (okay) person, he thinks first of all what is good for himself.

At this point, Luo Yuan knew that he was very ordinary, far from reaching the realm of a saint.

The news of Mega's evolution ignited the world in an instant, causing all major Alliances around the world to chatter, and countless trainers were discussing Luo Yuan.

In a restaurant in the Nordic Region, a beautiful woman wearing a gray coat, slender legs, and gorgeous blond hair was sitting in the restaurant.

Her light gray beautiful eyes stared at the live media interview being played on the TV in the restaurant, listening to the discussions of many diners in her ears.


With a somewhat strange accent, she pronounced the name Luo Yuan, with a curious look on her beautiful facial features that could not find any flaws.

"Guest, I've been looking at your menu for a long time, have you decided which one to choose?"

The waiter in the restaurant came to the woman at this time and asked with a smile on her face.

Immediately, the blond woman showed a tangled headache again.

I have difficulty choosing! Pseudo!

But in the next moment, the woman's expression froze, she touched her coat pocket without a trace, and began to calculate how much money she had.

Came to a strange world, lost the memory of the past, she only got the money to live by working illegally.

Although she knows that she has great power and has a powerful Pokémon, there are actually many ways to get money.

But even if she loses important memories, her moral sense will not let her do illegal things.

Well, for no reason, I want someone to take care of me. At the very least, I can take care of my food and housing, and it would be best if I could help me decide what to eat tonight, without me having to think about it.

Cynthia suddenly felt distressed.

Her memory told her that she was actually a rich woman in the past, but now she has become a poor ghost!.

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