Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 189 The Encounter Between A Man And A Woman Will Give Birth To A Child!

The DOKK1 library, as the largest library of the Nordic Alliance, contains almost all mainstream books in the world except for some orphan books.

The building of the whole library is very modern, spacious and bright inside, simple and refreshing.

Because the population of the Nordic Region is sparsely populated, it has created a Nordic style of decoration and style, and this library is a perfect interpretation of what a Nordic style is.

The desks and chairs inside the library are not neat, which gives people an overly serious pressure.

On the contrary, the tables and chairs in the entire library are unevenly distributed, more like a huge coffee shop, where people want to drink a cup of coffee, read a book, and spend a happy afternoon.

Cynthia likes this place very much. After she got the legal status of the Nordic Alliance, she would come here to enjoy a leisurely afternoon almost every day.

Only in this library, reading those ancient mythological books, can she let go of the inexplicable sense of urgency and tension in her heart, and calm herself down.

Even though she doesn't know these unfamiliar characters and needs her to learn from the dictionary a little bit, the joy of learning also makes her feel happy.

"The encounter between life and life will always give birth to precious things, lady, can I sit here?"

A clear male voice came and passed into Cynthia's ears, making her show a slightly helpless smile.

Because of her beauty and European culture, she encountered too many strike-ups during this period of time.

Every time Cynthia has to spend a certain amount of time to refuse, and sometimes it makes her feel tiresome.

However, Cynthia's personality is not the kind of indifferent person. Unlike her appearance that makes people feel difficult to touch, her inner personality is actually quite gentle.

But it was precisely because of her always smiling face that 533 lacked some strong rejections, so she was harassed even more.

Sometimes Cynthia herself is also depressed. If only she had the same ferocity as when she participated in the Pokémon battle when facing outsiders, she would definitely scare a group of people away.

It's a pity that her good upbringing and character prevented her from doing such a thing.

That being the case, then I can only suffer some losses by myself and spend some time facing the pursuit of those men.

As a woman, a normal woman, Cynthia would not be upset by being chased by a man.

But that also takes time. She doesn't like to be disturbed when she is studying, but those men always disturb her at this time.

Just like the man who came to disturb her again now.

But this time Cynthia was a little bit surprised. Although she still had the intention of refusing, she also had a slight urge to talk to the other party.

In fact, it was the other party's words that went straight to her heart, inexplicably giving her a sense of confidant.

She seemed to have said the same words before, but she accidentally forgot.

Now hearing such words again, that sense of intimacy arises spontaneously.

"The encounter between life and life will always give birth to precious things... I like this sentence, this is a library, not my private territory."

"This gentleman invites Solaceon to sit down, and I have no right to refuse.

Cynthia said so, she raised her rather glamorous, noble and elegant, generous and decent pretty face, and looked at the visitor with her deep light gray eyes.

After seeing Luo Yuan, Cynthia was taken aback.

Because she knew Luo Yuan.

In that restaurant, she saw Luo Yuan beat the Russian Alliance champion on TV, as well as his post-match interview.

Because Luo Yuan made a deep impression on her, she remembered this man in the far east.

At this time, Luo Yuan was not wearing a mask, so Cynthia immediately recognized him.

After recognizing Luo Yuan, Cynthia glanced around indiscriminately, and found that the people who were reading books beside her before were now empty.

The person reading the book closest to her is also tens of meters away.

And those people still look at her from time to time, although they are trying their best to show their professionalism, their actions are still exposed.

With Cynthia's eyes, she can recognize all of these people as Trainers at a glance.

Simply put, Cynthia is surrounded by a group of Trainers.

Luo Yuan also noticed the nearby Trainers. These Trainers did not come with him, but were sent by the Nordic Alliance itself.

Luo Yuan could understand this. With Cynthia's strength, if she suddenly went mad, Aarhus, Denmark's second largest city, would be in danger of being destroyed.

Luo Yuan, who has witnessed the destructive power of the master-level Pokémon, is completely convinced of this.

Although the Nordic Alliance has recruited Xia, Russia and Unova, when Luo Yuan contacts Cynthia, they naturally have to be prepared whether Luo Yuan will fight Cynthia

Not to mention that the battle between Luo Yuan and Cynthia may destroy the city of Aarhus, even if it destroys the library, it would be a big loss for Denmark.

You must know that this is the largest library in Northern Europe. It has not been built for a few years, but it has cost a lot of money.

The duty of the Alliance is to protect the personal and property safety of the citizens. For the arrangement of the Nordic Alliance, Luo Yuan is understandable.

If Cynthia is really like the character in the animation or the game, Luo Yuan feels that he can't fight with her.

After all, Luo Yuan is not the champion of Russia or the country of Unova, and has nothing to do with fighting madness.

If Cynthia and Luo Yuan's memories were different, they might still fight.

Just like Lusamine, with her appearance close to the character in the game, if you say that Lusamine is a good person, to be honest, the three views follow the five senses.

It's just because Lusamine's research on the Ultra Wormhole is in the Hawaii Region, which is the territory of the Unova country, Luo Yuan didn't bother to take care of it.

If Lusamine was researching these dangerous things in Xia Kingdom, Luo Yuan would have reported it to her long ago. (baaj)

‘Sure enough, Alliance still found us. '

After Cynthia met Luo Yuan, a powerful Trainer from Xia Kingdom, she was sure that he must be from the Pokémon Alliance.

It's just because her life was so leisurely during this period that Cynthia almost forgot about her situation.

Luo Yuan left a deep impression on her, and Cynthia also investigated some of Luo Yuan's information.

From the information alone, it is known that this Trainer from a distant country is very powerful.

Cynthia finds it difficult just to have Latias who has a priesthood and can evolve into mega.

Ordinary Contest Condition Garchomp is definitely not the Rival of Latias after mega evolution, Garchomp must also perform mega evolution to win.

In addition to Latias, Luo Yuan's information on the surface proves that he still has a Mew that can be used.

These two Pokémon alone put Cynthia under tremendous pressure.

But even so, if she faced Luo Yuan alone, and in an irregular field battle, she would still be sure of victory.

Because Luo Yuan's debut time is too short, except for these two broken Pokémon, his other Pokémon are still in the Breeder stage, and their strength is not strong.

This is also the source of Cynthia's confidence.

It's just that Cynthia knows that there can't be only Luo Yuan, a powerful trainer here, and it's very likely that the real masters are also nearby, or even not just one.

Wild fighting is not a competition, there is no rule that it must be one-on-one, just group fighting is the essence of wild fighting.

Even if she faces a single leader, Cynthia will definitely lose. If several people really come, she can say that she has no ability to resist at all.

The huge pressure suddenly rose, causing her to subconsciously hold a small pendant that looked like a cosmetic box in her heart.

There is a stone on that pendant, which is her Key Stone.

Cynthia doesn't know how she got this Key Stone, it should be brought from her 'home', and she even forgot about mega evolution before.

It was only after seeing Luo Yuan using mega evolution on the field that she remembered that she would do this trick too.

Today, the Trainers of the Pokémon Alliance all over the world are desperately looking for the Key Stone and Mega Evolution stone in the secret realm.

Because of the large number of Pokémon, there are quite a lot of Mega Evolution stones discovered by Trainers, but now it is just impossible to tell which Pokémon the Mega Evolution city belongs to.

What really hinders Trainer is Key Stone, which is actually quite rare.

Although from the perspective of an Alliance as a whole, the stock of Key Stones is not small, but the distribution to each Trainer is far from the average.

Therefore, only some top Trainers can own Key Stone now.

These Key Stones allocated by the Alliance are only temporarily borrowed by the Alliance. After these Trainers retire, they will be returned to the Alliance, and the Alliance will hand them over to younger Trainers.

Unless you find a new Key Stone in the secret realm, it belongs to you.

So in theory, it is impossible for Cynthia to have the Key Stone, but she does have it. Cynthia herself can't remember where her Key Stone came from, and can only guess that it was brought from her hometown.

After seeing the trainers from the Nordic Alliance all around, Luo Yuan knew that it was impossible for him to strike up a conversation with someone he had met by chance.

At this time, if I still pretend not to know Cynthia and want to have a fateful encounter with her, Cynthia will probably think it is hypocrisy.

Therefore, Luo Yuan was straightforward: "...Miss Cynthia, nice to meet you.

"I think, Miss Cynthia, you should also ask me."

Cynthia's slender and beautiful fingers gently brushed her blond hair with folded corners, with a half smile on her face.

"It seems that the encounter between life and life really gave birth to precious things."

Cynthia's demure voice had a hint of sarcasm.

Fortunately, Luo Yuan was thick-skinned enough to withstand Cynthia's ridicule, "...Yeah, it's like the encounter between a man and a woman, and the crystallization of love will be born.

"As a child of love, the new life born is really precious enough."

Luo Yuan's sudden misinterpretation of the explanation of "encounter" made Cynthia laugh. .

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