Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 217 The Pharaoh Next Door Is Actually Me!

"Garchomp? Garchomp are you okay?!"

Cynthia tensed up all over.

Because when she saw Garchomp, who was always indifferent to outsiders, she ran to Luo Yuan's side and cooked with him.

Especially on Garchomp's face, there was... a flattering expression?

Cynthia felt her world view collapsed.

Cynthia is very familiar with her own Garchomp's character, in her perception, her own Garchomp can't show such an expression, it can't be so spineless!


Garchomp said to Cynthia Roar that he was fine, and it couldn't be better.

It has lived for twenty years, and it is the first time that it knows that there are such wonderful foods in this world, and it turns out that eating is such a happy thing!

"Luo Yuan, what happened to Garchomp?"

Cynthia's intuition told her that Garchomp's changes were all related to Luwan.

"Maybe the energy cube I made is too delicious."

Luo Yuan said calmly.

He glanced at Garchomp who was looking at him with eyes full of light, and suddenly wondered if he said that he would wash Cynthia and throw her naked on the bed, would Garchomp become an accomplice instead!

Hey, it turns out that the old man next door is actually me, and I am the NTR master!

"You're still a breeder?"

Cynthia was a little surprised.

At this time, she realized that she didn't seem to know much about Luo Yuan. This man seemed to be hiding a lot of secrets.

This makes Cynthia have a strong curiosity about Luo Yuan10.

"No bragging, I think I am also a master breeder, if the breeder is graded like a trainer, I think I am the only master in the world!

Luo Yuan tried his best to keep his composure, so as not to raise his tail to the sky.


Garchomp nodded vigorously and roared in agreement with Luo Yuan.

That's right, Mr. Luo Yuan is the only master-level breeder in the world, whoever dares to deny it, I will cut him off directly!

Cynthia looked weirder and weirder.

My Garchomp, you won't be drugged!

Luo Yuan's engine oil stew was ready at this time, and under Cynthia's dumbfounded, Luo Yuan took out a large needle tube with a diameter of at least five centimeters.

Luo Yuan used the big needle tube to pour the cooked food or engine oil into it, and after flicking the needle like Nurse, he said to Cynthia:

After two days, let's go back to Xiaguo. 1"

At this time, Mew has already returned to the world Earl Dervish tree, and Mew is still in CD stage, and it will take a few days to fully recover his physical strength.

Among Luo Yuan's Pokémon, only Latias maintains the highest combat effectiveness.

Luo Yuan feels that he is now in a 'weak period', Europe is really too dangerous, who knows if there will be another Legendary Pokémon popping up in the future.

So it was better to return to Xia Guo as soon as possible so that he could feel safe.

Although Cynthia didn't know why Luo Yuan was in such a hurry to leave Spain, she didn't care, and said with a light smile:

"...You are my watcher and my boss now. When there is no mission, no matter where you are going, I will of course follow you."

"However, can you really awaken Magearna with this thing?"

At the end, Cynthia smiled again. She felt that Luo Yuan was as whimsical as a child now, and wanted to use this strange liquid to wake up Magearna.

But how should I put it, she thinks that Luo Yuan, who has a fantastic idea and put it into action, looks quite cute.

"Who knows if it will work, just try it."

"I tried anyway, even if it doesn't work, it's better than those who just think about it but don't take action, what do you think, Cynthia.

Luo Yuan picked up the big needle and walked towards Magearna's big iron ball.

"You're right, compared to whimsical ideas, those who only have ideas but don't take any action are more pathetic."

Cynthia agreed with Luo Yuan's words.

At this time, Luo Yuan had already walked to Magearna's side, and said to the 'big iron ball': "... Magearna, let's play an injection game!"

"It's just that the needle is a bit big, so bear with it!"

Luo Yuan put the needle close to the big iron ball, and dripped a drop of the lacquered black liquid on it.

To be honest, Luo Yuan is not sure whether this method is effective or not.

But just like what he said to Cynthia, since you have an idea, you should put it into practice and try it. Even if it doesn’t work, you can think of other methods.

Last time, the tree of Earl Dervish was saved by fertilizing and adding soil, which made Luo Yuan more courageous.

How bold is man, how productive is land!

Cynthia didn't think Luo Yuan's strange behavior would succeed, she was about to watch Luo Yuan's joke and wait for him to say a few words.

But what happened next left Cynthia dumbfounded.

I saw that big iron ball that seemed to have been rusted, and as the drop of Black liquid dripped, all the rust spots on it disappeared.

And those golden, sci-fi Decorate products are also shining with brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, as if the big iron ball was deformed, a hole was opened from the upper end, and Magearna's upper body rose from the ball.

Magearna's head is a sphere with a gear on it, which looks like a maid's headgear, and its ears are huge curved fan blades, which look like rabbit ears.

On the lower part where the iron ball was fixed, a pair of pointed legs also protruded. The huge iron ball turned into Contest's metal skirt instead.

Seeing that the big iron ball turned into a mechanical maid like a Transformer, Cynthia opened her mouth wide and walked to Luo Yuan unconsciously.

"This, can this really work?"

Cynthia felt that her three views were ruined again!

Instead, it was Garchomp who showed extreme confidence in the loss.

For a man who can make such delicious energy cubes, there is nothing he can't do.

Now Garchomp believes in Luo Yuan more than Cynthia!

"However, it only has a complete form, and it lacks the energy to activate."

Luo Yuan, who said so, tapped Magearna's chest lightly with his finger, and saw Magearna's chest mechanically opened directly, exposing its core!

It was a round, beautiful solid like a jewel, very similar to the Soul Dew that Luo Yuan got before.

It's just that Magearna's gemstone is red and blue, and the red and blue blend together to form a very abstract color.

It is at this time that although the core looks beautiful, it lacks the vitality of life.

Luo Yuan knew that this was Magearna's soul heart, that is, its heart, and it should also be a priesthood transformed into a material form!

The mysterious scholar in the country five hundred years ago should have had the idea of ​​making Magearna after obtaining the soul heart of this priesthood, and the manufacture was successful.

Rather than saying that the scholar made Magearna, it is better to say that he gave Magearna a living body.

And this soul heart is exactly the priesthood of 'mechanical life'!

Even if Luo Yuan is willing, he can take away the soul heart, create a new body, and then create a brand new Magearna.

For a while, the words "artificial girl" popped up in Luo Yuan's mind. As long as you have enough technology, you can create a Pokémon that is like a human!

But in the end Luo Yuan gave up. Magearna's body is pretty good now. Of course, the most important thing is that modern technology can't produce that kind of perfect human mechanical body.

Anyway, the body is just a foreign object. If technology develops in the future, Magearna860 can be replaced with another body.

That is, if such a human mechanical body is really created, then it cannot be called Magearna, why not call it 'Terminator'!

Luo Yuan slandered in his heart, but at the same time he was also terrified.

The power of my golden finger is even more terrifying than imagined.

It was obviously just a joking way to wake up Magearna, but this method succeeded in the end, which is the scariest thing.

Of course Luo Yuan knew that he could wake up Magearna, it had nothing to do with engine oil or anything like that, it was all due to his cheating.

' Mew seems to know what my cheat is, but I asked it and it never said.

After Mew had a problem with the Earl Dervish tree in the world, it came to find itself immediately, and believed that its own ability could save the world Earl Dervish tree.

This shows that Mew knows what his strange ability is.

But even if he asked himself, Mew never said a word about his ability.

‘Forget it, anyway, this cheat doesn’t seem to be harmful to me, I don’t want to live in a fight, I just want to live a peaceful life, since this cheat is so easy to use, then use it well

Luo Yuan is a very easy-going person, he didn't think too much, under Cynthia's nervous and expectant gaze, he inserted his really thick needle into Magearna's soul heart, and began to inject liquid.

In Germany, a short but imposing old lady is answering the phone call from the chairman of the German Alliance.

"You mean that some people saw the Volcanion leaving the German border? It seems that it suddenly has a goal and is flying towards a place?"

"Its goal, according to your calculations, is to go to Spain?"

"Spain, I remember just going through a war, right? What did those guys from the Spanish Alliance do? Why are there so many Legendary Pokémon running there?"

The old lady was puzzled. .

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