Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 219 Luo Yuan's Kingdom Of God!

(Today's Valentine's Day, the update is a little less.)

When Cynthia got up from the bed the next day, she was slightly embarrassed.

The main reason is that although she slept with Luo Yuan on the first night, because both of them were too tired that day, they just fell asleep when they lay down, without any ambiguity.

But last night was different. Both parties slept together under the Smelling Salts situation. Although the bed was very big, the two slept on each side, and no one would affect the other.

However, Cynthia, as a big girl with yellow flowers, although she is calm on the surface, there is also a trace of shyness inside.

"Good morning, Cynthia! Take a break today, let's go back to Xiamen.

Luo Yuan, who opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, said to Cynthia with a smile without any embarrassment at all.

The two had a lot of work last night, not doing anything weird, of course, but getting Magearna to do a big check on both of their Pokémon.

The result of the inspection is naturally that both Pokémon are fine.

Even for Lucario who was born with physical problems, Luo Yuan found that his physical data was already very good after having Magearna examine it.

This made Luo Yuan completely relieved.

"Well, good morning."

Cynthia kept her cool and calm side,... when are we leaving?"

Luo Yuan didn't think too much, and said directly: "...Leaving at noon, Spain doesn't need us to do anything." 840

"Last night, I asked the chairman here, he is preparing the reward for you, and he will finish the reward list at noon today."

"At that time, I will ask the Spanish Alliance to send those things directly to Xia Guo, and when you and I return to Xia Guo, just go directly.

Cynthia nodded and smiled softly: "...Since you have made all the arrangements, then I won't ask any more questions, I trust your arrangements."

"Well, you're right to trust me."

Luo Yuan said affirmatively.

"Da da duo~!"

At this time, Magearna walked over on her own calf, holding a plate in her hand, which was filled with Luo Yuan's washed clothes.

As a mechanical life, Magearna does not need to sleep, and is very skilled in various maid jobs.

After all, in that country five hundred years ago, Magearna was made to be dedicated to the princess and to take care of her life.

"Thank you, Magearna!"

Luo Yuan said softly.

"Da da duo~!"

Magearna beeped with its cute electronic sound, and then it walked to Luo Yuan's side, ready to help him get dressed.

Although Luo Yuan himself didn't take off all his clothes, after all, Cynthia was lying beside him.

He took off his coat and trousers, though.

"Uh, you want to help me get dressed?"

Luo Yuan asked carefully.

"Da da duo~!"

Magearna nodded vigorously.

Luo Yuan would like to say that it is no longer a feudal society, the serfs have stood up and sang, Magearna, you don’t have to take care of the master’s daily life like a feudal society.

However, after seeing the expectant expression in Magearna's big pink eyes, Luo Yuan decided that in order not to make Magearna sad, he would turn into the old emperor Duzheng Huangqi!

Luo Yuan sat there and signaled Magearna with his eyes, come on, help me get dressed, master!

"Da da duo~!"

Magearna happily came to Luo Yuan's side and carefully dressed him.

Cynthia put on her coat silently, feeling inexplicably that she is not needed here.

Well, how should I put it, it's a bit like a maid in the old society trying to take care of her master, but ignoring her?

Bah bah, I was thinking of something gibberish.

Cynthia smiled.

She walked out of the bedroom, and then she saw her Garchomp sitting at the door, as if waiting for her master.

"Good morning, Garchomp."

Cynthia greeted Garchomp as usual, and she was stunned to see Garchomp salute her Solaceon back, with the shark head still peeking into the bedroom.

"Are you waiting for Luo Yuan?"

Cynthia asked in a low voice.


Garchomp nodded vigorously.

"Do you want to eat...the energy cube he made?"

Cynthia is very clever, and she quickly guessed what her Garchomp was waiting for.

Since eating the energy cube that Luo Yuan gave yesterday, Garchomp has been extremely attentive to Luo Yuan, and he is still alive.

It even gave Cynthia the illusion that her childhood best friend ran away with other men.

Cynthia found that since meeting Luo Yuan, her life seemed to be in chaos.

"Morning, Garchomp."

When Luo Yuan was dressed and walked out by Magearna, he greeted Garchomp with a smile when he saw Garchomp waiting at the door (bada).

Garchomp immediately restrained his fierceness and smiled, raised his sickle-like Dragon Claw, and greeted Luo Yuan cautiously like a hellokitty.

"Waiting for breakfast?"

Luo Yuan asked.


Garchomp flicked his Dragon Tail.

Luo Yuan funnyly took out the energy cube, and gave Garchomp the dragon's favorite food.

At the same time, he took out a Fairy-type energy cube, put it to Magearna's mouth and said: ...I only have Fairy-type energy cubes here, anyway, you are steel-type and Fairy-type, so you should also like to eat them. "

"When I go back, if I have time, I will study the energy cubes of the steel system!"

Although Lucario also has a steel system, Luo Yuan mainly feeds it the energy cubes of the Fighting system.

As for the Fairy series, it was specially researched for Yun Meiren.

Being a chef is Luo Yuan's hobby, and studying various dishes is a pleasure for Luo Yuan.

Therefore, when he was free, most of Luo Yuan's free time was spent on researching energy cubes.

Although Luo Yuan invented his own energy cube that can be eaten by all Attribute Pokémon, but the energy cube with a popular taste is of course not as delicious as it is exclusive.

For example, when facing his own Pokémon, Luo Yuan's energy cube and even a special version are versions that fully meet all the hobbies of a Pokémon.

"When I go back, I will try to add engine oil, Metal Powder and other materials to the energy cube. Then you can see which metal and engine oil you like.

"I just don't know whether you belong to a steam engine or an internal combustion engine, should I add some aviation fuel to you?"

Normal people can't buy aviation oil, but it's only a matter of one word for Luo Yuan to get it.

After eating the energy cube that Luo Yuan handed to her mouth, Magearna's eyes suddenly lit up, and the whole robot became excited.

"Da da duo~!!!"

It happily turned around in a circle, like a dancing girl, hugged Luoyuan vigorously.

Immediately, it ran to the kitchen at a very fast pace. Not long after, Luo Yuan heard the sound of a fire coming from the kitchen.

No, I have to make it clear to Magearna next time that she can do other jobs, but the kitchen is my kingdom of God.

In my kingdom of God, even if you are Magearna, you can only be a helper, not a chef!

Besides, if I stop cooking, neither Pokémon nor my family will quit.

Cynthia didn't have time to pay attention to Magearna at this point.

She just watched Garchomp sip the energy cube with a happy expression on his face.

Cynthia couldn't help taking a piece from the energy cube, and took a sip. It tasted delicious, after all, this is Pokémon's food.

But in the past, in order to know what her Pokémon likes to eat, Cynthia would also take the initiative to taste energy cubes.

Cynthia judged from her own experience as a trainer that the energy cube made by Luo Yuan is indeed top-notch, but it doesn’t seem to be so addictive, right?

It's just inexplicable, and there is indeed a desire to continue eating.

Or, give it another try?

Cynthia was about to buckle another energy cube to taste, but she felt someone staring at her, and when she looked up, she saw Garchomp looking at her with a tearful look.

Cynthia stood up in embarrassment, coughed and said, "...don't worry, I won't fight with you."

She now feels that she is fighting for dog food with a puppy!.

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