Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 221 On Ntr, I Am A Professional!

"Wave... Volcanion?"

When Luo Yuan and the others mentioned this Legendary Pokémon, the chairman of the Spanish Alliance panicked.

Of course he knows Volcanion, isn't that the Legendary Pokémon who is playing hide and seek with the master in Germany?

Why did the god of steam come to Spain?

What is the virtue and ability of my big Spain to make so many Legendary Pokémon linger.

The chairman wants to cry, but if possible, he hopes that these Legendary Pokémon will be as far away from Spain as possible, even if they are passing by, it is best not to come here.

But judging from the gradually thickening water vapor all around, this god of steam came prepared, and definitely wasn't just passing by.

"Is it really Volcanion? It should be in Germany, why did it travel so far to Spain?"

The chairman of the Spanish Alliance wiped the cold sweat from his brow. Although he knew that the matter was close, he still asked subconsciously.

What if Luo Yuan and the others got it wrong.

Just looking at the dignified expressions of Luo Yuan, Cynthia and the two champions, he knew that this matter could not be a misunderstanding.

"But why is Volcanion coming to Spain? What is it about here that attracts it?"

Seeing that there is nothing to do, the chairman of the Spanish Alliance murmured.

"Who knows, I think you, the chairman of the "770", should check the inside of your Alliance, what else has been done besides the zero zone."

"Otherwise Volcanion would not have come to Spain with such a purpose."

Luo Yuan said without blushing.

In fact, he already guessed why Volcanion came here, it is probably for Magearna!

I remember that in the anime, there was a deep friendship between Volcanion and Magearna. '

‘Volcanion should have awakened not long ago, and has been wandering around in Germany.

‘It seems to others that Volcanion is hiding from the master, but in fact Volcanion is looking for Magearna?’

‘That is to say, Magearna and Volcanion should have been in a secret realm in the past, and a Spanish Trainer broke into that secret realm hundreds of years ago [and found Magearna who turned into a ball. "

'Because I didn't know what it was, I brought Magearna out and dedicated it to the King of Spain.

'The Spanish royal family couldn't recognize what it was, so they put Magearna in the collection room, even though the Spanish Alliance was established more than two hundred years ago and seized the royal family's property. '

'But also because it doesn't recognize Magearna, so it has always been dusty.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Luo Yuan's mind in an instant, and he had a rough guess about the cause and effect.

He dare not say that his guess is absolutely accurate, but it must be about the same.

'And I restored Magearna's mobility, and Volcanion sensed it, so he ran all the way from Germany to Spain, just to see Magearna.

For a moment, Luo Yuan had some concerns. Could it be that Magearna and Volcanion would leave? No, how could such a good maid be let go.

Especially when he found Magearna, he wanted Magearna to take care of Lillie's life.

Thinking like this, Luo Yuan looked at Magearna, he thought Magearna could recognize Volcanion, the water vapor was too obvious.

But Magearna's behavior made the courtyard a little astonished.

I saw that Magearna was not happy to see her old friend at all. Instead, she stood vigilantly in front of Luo Yuan, protecting him as Luo Yuan Pokémon, fearing that the 'unknown' Pokémon would hurt him.

This, this is not right, Magearna can't recognize Volcanion? My previous guess was wrong?

Just when Luo Yuan was thinking, the chairman of the Spanish Alliance approached Luo and said with a smile: "...Mr. Luo Yuan, the next step is up to you.

"If that Volcanion is really malicious, Madrid can no longer withstand the blow of a Legendary Pokémon."

"For the people of Madrid, please!"

The chairman lowered his posture and said to Luo Yuan in a flattering tone.

In his mind, although Volcanion is a Legendary Pokémon, it is a recorded Legendary Pokémon.

The shot of this Pokémon has been recorded in history, but from the records, its strength is not as strong as imagined.

Of course, this is compared to Pokémon similar to the Gods of Time and Space. For ordinary people, this is also a Legendary Pokémon that only the real master can defeat.

And judging from the records, Volcanion's strength is not even as good as the old god Luton, let alone Mew.

Luo Yuan not only has Mew, but also has Millerton, the god of the future, who is as powerful as the god of the past.

With these two Pokémon on board, wouldn't it be easy to suppress Volcanion? This game is stable!

Although the chairman of the board has a sense of moral kidnapping, he wants to use the lives of millions of people in Madrid to make Luo Yuan feel sympathetic and able to help.

But Luo Yuan didn't care too much, this was the chairman's job.

Luo Yuan's principle is one, if you are poor, you will take care of yourself alone, and if you are poor, you will sleep and help the world.

If it's Palkya or Dialga that comes, Luo Yuan will run as far as he can, and never try his best!

But if it is Volcanion, Luo Yuan decided to play the spirit of internationalism and help Spain tide over the difficulties.

The main reason is that the Volcanion may have been attracted by him, and he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

Luo Yuan felt a little guilty.

It's just that Volcanion came at the wrong time.

Now that Mew has returned to the tree of the world Earl Dervish, he has no Mew at hand.

Millerton is in a weak Contest Condition again, and cannot change Ultraman for the time being.

The only Pokémon that Luo Yuan can fight with Volcanion is Latias, and Latiasmega must be evolved,

But in this case, Luo Yuan doesn't know how long he can withstand the backlash brought by the mega evolution.

Why is Volcanion also a Legendary Pokémon? If there is no absolute strength to crush this battle, it will probably take a long time to plow.

Luo Yuan didn't think he could mega-evolve for that long.

Magearna and Volcanion know each other again, and it may persuade the fight at that time, even if it will fight for itself, it may not exert its full strength.

It's a headache, as long as it has to do with Legendary Pokémon, it's all trouble.

At this moment, Luo Yuan's heart moved, and he said to Cynthia, Ekaterina, and Owen expressionlessly: "... Volcanion is not particularly strong, it is a Legendary Pokémon of Suicune level."

"However, Volcanion may be stronger than Suicune, but its strength is limited. I think this is an opportunity, a good opportunity for Laser Focus's strength."

"If Volcanion is really malicious, then I will be in charge, and we will fight against it together.'

"Even so, the Pokémon to be used must be the champion level at worst, and the Elite level Pokémon should not be used, it will be dangerous."

"There are not many opportunities to fight against Legendary Pokémon, you must seize it."

Luo Yuan can't say that Mew is not here, Millerton is weak, I am not strong enough now, I urgently need the help of thugs. 0

The main reason is that Millerton’s weak period cannot be known to others, because Mew sometimes wants to return to the world Earl Dervish tree, so he can’t always be by his side.

Therefore, Millerton is the Pokémon that Luo Yuan uses to scare people. If people know that Millerton has a weak period, it will be very bad for Luo Yuan.

The so-called intention of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of guarding against others is indispensable. Luo Yuan is well versed in the principles of his ancestors.

And Cynthia has a master-level Garchomp that can mega-evolve, and five champion-level Pokémon, and two champions can also make seven champion-level Pokémon.

If Latiasmega evolves, she can also become a Legendary Pokémon for a period of time. Although this strength comparison is different from that of the real master who releases Z power continuously, there is a gap in destructive power.

But holding off Volcanion for now is enough.

Of course, this is not safe, it is just delaying time.

Luo Yuan touched the three crystal-like stones in his pocket, which were tokens left by the three holy beasts.

Luo Yuan shouted in the group: Brothers, whoever is close is fine for the time being, come and help!

Heh, even if Lao Tzu is not strong enough now, he can shake people!

The two champions are very excited. With Luo Yuan in the lineup, they feel that their safety is guaranteed.

As Luo Yuan said, there are too few chances to fight against Legendary Pokémon.

As for Cynthia, she is Luo Yuan's 'subordinate' now, and she listens to whatever Luo Yuan says.

Besides, as a Trainer, she is also eager to fight the Legendary Pokémon.

Seeing this, the chairman of the Spanish Alliance sighed in his heart, he deserves to be the great god Luo Yuan, that is, he has the temperament of a leader.

Look at Luo Yuan's words, let the champions of Russia and Unova play, and let this knight from different time and space obey orders!

This is the real leader!

During the conversation, the water vapor became more and more intense.

Just when the water vapor turned into a deep mist, Volcanion finally appeared!

Huge water vapor instantly enveloped half of the city of Madrid, which is exactly the legendary vision of Volcanion.

The water vapor is like the fog in the mountains, even with the ability to make people lose their sense of direction and get lost.

I can only see that the range of sight is only a few meters, beyond this distance, I can't see anything, it's like coming to a ghost in 5.2.

Volcanion used this ability before, making it impossible for the master to catch up to it.

The whole city of Madrid was noisy again, and everyone was trembling with fear, not knowing what happened again.

Just when Luo Yuan and the others were vigilant about their surroundings, a Pokémon with two thick arms converged into an arch, connected to his burning body like true red, and the four thick Pokémon landed on the ground, walked out from the deepest part of the dense fog .

Every step it takes, it moves forward like an Oreburgh behemoth, bringing people a strong sense of oppression.

Volcanion appeared in front of Luo Yuan and others, but it ignored the others, just looked at Magearna, and said telepathically:

... Magearna, I finally found you, come back with me quickly!"

"Da da duo~!"

But unlike what Luo Yuan and Volcanion imagined, Magearna didn't seem to know Volcanion at all. It stood in front of Luo Yuan and made an electronic sound.

And Luo Yuan understood Magearna's words.

What it says is: Be careful, master, I will protect you from letting it hurt you!

Volcanion looked at Magearna in disbelief.

Magearna, it's me, I'm Volcanion!

Luo Yuan suddenly realized that the yellow hair was actually me, and I am a professional in NTR!.

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