Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 72 At That Moment, Luo Yuan Became A 'Light'!

Seeing the eyes of many heads, Luo Yuan's brain started to work quickly, and the wisdom of Ember bloomed, and he had an idea in an instant.

At the same time, he was secretly happy, and suddenly felt that Necrozma's appearance at this time was simply a godsend.

This time, I can even use the power of others to solve my own crisis.

After Luo Yuan had an idea, he said concisely: "... I went to the Ultimate World to save people before."

"The Ultra World is the world where those strange Pokémon live. Those Pokémon are obviously different from the Pokémon in our common sense, so I named them Ultra Beasts."

Luo Yuan's words made all the heads except the four heads of Unova secretly nod.

At that time, Luo Yuan rescued Lusamine in the Ultimate World, and the leaders from all over the world also arrived in Hawaii one after another at that time.

And when Luo Yuan rescued Lusamine, all the masters happened to be there.

Therefore, everyone knew that Luo Yuan said that he had gone to the Ultimate World, so they naturally believed in what he said next.

As for names like Ultra World and Ultra Beast, the leaders present didn't care.

"The Ultimate World is a strange time and space, somewhat similar to the round sky in the Xia Kingdom's mythology."

"But the Ultra World was destroyed, and the Ultra Beasts living in the Ultra World lost the resources to survive, so they desperately wanted to invade our world.

Luo Yuan took out Lusamine and Aether Foundation in a few words, so that people would no longer associate this matter with Aether Foundation.

If Luo Yuan in the past didn't really care about Lusamine, he was willing to help her only for Lillie's sake.

So now that Luo Yuan has confirmed that Lusamine is his wife, of course he has to help his relatives or not.

My own waist proves my closeness to Lusamine!

The heads of the sects looked stunned, no wonder those extreme beasts are so crazy and brutal, if they are looking for survival resources, it is very reasonable.

Only the heads of the Unova country looked ugly. Why did those ultra beasts choose the Unova country? The Unova country must be too unlucky.

At this time, Luo Yuan pointed to Necrozma who was chasing the Sun and Moon Gods and said: "I have communicated with the Ultra Beast in the Ultimate World, and I know the root of the existence of the Ultimate World."

"The ultimate world was created by Pokémon named Lucas, but for unknown reasons, Lucas lost his own 'light', so the ultimate world became ruins

Lost vitality. "

In order to increase his credibility, Luo Yuan also released Pheromosa. Seeing Pheromosa, the ultimate beast, the masters were a little surprised. Unexpectedly, Luo Liu even subdued the Japanese ultra beast.

But because of this, Luo Yuan's words made people more trustworthy. Anyway, no one else has been to the Ultimate World, so Luo Yuan can fool as much as he wants.

Especially Luo Yuan's psychological quality is very strong, even if he is the strongest trainer in the world, he has no psychological pressure.

"You mean that Pokémon can create a world? A creator god like Arceus?"

The tramp-like head of the Unova country asked solemnly.

Because the main habitat of Opelucid in time and space is in the European continent, so Europe had the legend of Arceus a long time ago, and it was believed by countless people.

The country of Unova is originally a country composed of descendants of European prisoners and so on, and naturally believes in Arceus.

Arceus is probably similar to 'God' in Western countries.

The expressions of many heads are incredible, and they are even more horrified.

If that monstrous Black Pokémon is an Arceus-level Pokémon, they're going to hit it off!

But seeing the Black Pokémon chasing the sun and moon gods, the other four Legendary Pokémon dared not approach, Mew beside Luo Yuan trembled, and the masters also believed the identity of that Pokémon.

But believing that Necrozma is an Arceus-level Pokémon, they were even more at a loss.

Although human history has fought various Legendary Pokémon hard steel, it has never fought Arceus.

And Arceus has always been a legend, without any sightings.

"Yes, the great god Lucas has the ability to create the world, and the reason why he became so violent and crazy is because he lost his 'light'

"As for the 'light' of Lucas, I think all disciples have seen or even used it.

Luo Yuan didn't understand what he said, but the people present were not fools, and immediately the old British gentleman's expression changed drastically: "...Power!"

The other leaders also immediately thought of what Lucas' "light" is.

Headmasters have existed since ancient times.

And the strongest ability of the master-level Pokémon is to use the fetters with the Trainer to transform the "light" into various Attribute energies, creating a power that can compete with the Legendary Pokémon

In the past, this kind of ability was called "the manpower field of the master", but recently it got the official name "Z move".

No wonder the masters all had a familiar feeling after meeting the great god Lucas. It turned out that the strongest power they used came from this creation-level god.

At the same time, the biggest mystery of mankind since ancient times has finally been solved. The root of the master-level Pokémon's ability to fight against the Legendary Pokémon turned out to be the power of a creation-level god!

"Since the 'Light' is lost by Lucas, doesn't that mean..."

Some masters showed a horrified look, and the other masters also had ugly faces, and they immediately guessed something.

That is, will the Great God Lucas want to recycle these 'lights', and if it recycles, wouldn't the masters lose their strongest power?

At this time, Luo Yuan comforted: "...Don't worry, everyone, I was also curious about the great god Lucas in the ultimate world, and I did some research on it."

"The 'light' of the great god Lucas is almost infinite, and the 'light' we use is nothing compared to the 'light' that can create a world

Luo Yuan's words made the heads look a little better.

That's true, regardless of their masters, each of them has the power to destroy cities and countries when they use Z moves.

But the gap between that level of destruction and the creation of a world is really too big, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a drop in the bucket.

Especially after the Z move is used, those energies will turn back into 'light', thus forming a perpetual internal cycle.

"Actually, God Lucas still has 'light' in his current body, but to ignite those 'lights', he needs a very strong 'igniter'."

"I learned from Pheromosa that the Great God Lucas has a gentle temper and is a kind god. He will never be so violent. He just lost his 'light'.

"Therefore, I think that as long as God Lucas restores the 'light', it will also restore its sanity."

At this time, Luo Yuan had no idea, and after a series of inducements and prefixes, he finally revealed his purpose.

When Luo Yuan saw Little Nebula for the first time, he was already wary of Necrozma.

It's just that what Luo Yuan thought at the time was that it doesn't matter whether the little nebula evolves into Solgaleo or Lunala.

If you really meet Necrozma, then throw out the other Pokémon corresponding to the small nebula to let Necrozma absorb it, anyway, it is not your own Pokémon.

It's just that who would have thought that the sun and moon gods are both Xiao Xingyun and their own Pokémon, which makes it impossible for anyone to abandon Luo Yuan.

Before when the sun and moon gods appeared at the same time, he didn't see Necrozma, and Lu Yuan was lucky.

But now that Necrozma appeared suddenly, Luo Yuan also had an urgent thought. After all, whether it was Solgaleo or Lunala, or even both were swallowed by Necrozma, Luo Yuan would never accept it.

Therefore, Luo Yuan thought of the method to restore the "light" to Lucas in the animation, that is, to return the "light" to Lucas, ignite its light again, and restore his sanity.

It's just that in the animation, all the people of Alola return the light together. The Z pure crystal has just appeared on the earth, but not so many people have mastered the Z power.

But although there are very few people on the earth who have mastered the Z power, the quality is ridiculously high, and that is this group of masters!

Which of the Z moves used by the Pokémon of these masters is not ten or a hundred times more powerful than the Z pure crystal.

If all the Pokémon of more than a dozen masters are allowed to use Z-moves together, and let the sun and moon gods also give the 'light' to Necrozma, the 'light power' will definitely far exceed the so-called ordinary people of Alola.

If you compare the 'light' grasped by ordinary people with the head of the sect, that is Tail Glow competing with the bright moon.

This time is really a godsend opportunity, because it happens that more than 90% of the world's masters are here.

If he met Necrozma at other times, even Luo Yuan would not be able to gather all the masters from all over the world here in a short time.

At that time, I was afraid that I would lose Solgaleo and Lunala.

At most, the sun and moon gods have been weak for a while after handing over the 'light' to Necrozma.

After they recover, it is equivalent to having the sun and moon gods, and you can use them at will without worrying about the appearance of the great god Lucas.

Especially these masters don't know yet, the purpose of the great god Lucas is to capture the sun and moon gods.

And I can borrow the power of the world's masters to solve this big trouble, and let myself completely own the sun and moon gods!

Luo Yuan's words made the leaders very excited. After knowing the true identity of the Black Pokémon, no one is sure to defeat it.

And if the great god Lucas is really crazy, none of them can escape, and the masters can't accept that Necrozma takes away their "light"

If they lose the power of the head, are they still the head?

".`Xiao Yuan, are you sure?"

Principal Gu said cautiously at this time. (Qian Zhao) "I'm not absolutely sure, but it's worth a try.

Luo Yuan told the truth.

He didn't know if the method in this anime was really useful.

Instead, the head of the Unova country said impatiently: "...Luo Yuan is right, this thing is worth trying!"

There is no way, this place is too close to the Unova country, if the great god Lucas is violent, it will definitely be the Unova country that will end first.

So the four heads of the Unova country, even if they are forced, they have to force all the heads to try with them.

Luo Yuan thinks that this homeless person in charge is really a good person, so he can't wait to help him solve the problem!

"Okay, then let's try!"

Principal Gu is also a person who should be judged when he is judged, and he immediately responded.

The other masters can become masters, and they are definitely not indecisive people. Quickly, everyone released all the master-level Pokémon.

The weakest leader has three leader-level Pokémon, and the strongest headmaster Gu and the leader of the Unova country even have versions!

And their Pokémon have reached level 90 or close to level 90, which made Luo Yuan feel that the strongest power on earth cannot be underestimated.

In an instant, the heads of the whole world held their breaths, united as one, and an unimaginably huge "light" was gathered, and even Necrozma no longer chased the sun and moon gods.

Instead, he looked over here.

The light gathered by these dozens of masters is stronger than the sun and moon gods!

At this moment, Luo Yuan felt that he had become a 'light' and just wanted to shout out 'Gaia'!!!.

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