Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 41 Diancie, The Key To My Harem!

Deeper underground, a Pokémon wearing a pure white dress with a big pink diamond on its head is worried.

This cute and beautiful Pokémon is Diancie, the Diamond Princess, the Legendary Pokémon that symbolizes minerals.

At the same time, it is also the queen of the Carbinks, elegant and noble.

Diancie is thinking about the survival of the ethnic group.

Carbink is a Pokémon that needs accompanying minerals to survive. Under normal circumstances, Carbink does not gather together in large numbers.

No matter how big the mine is, there is a limit to the number of carbinks gathered in that mine, and it will not exceed the upper limit of the environment. This is the natural selection of living beings.

However, the existence of Diancie made Carbink no longer follow this natural principle. Carbink would naturally gather beside Diancie to serve His Majesty the Queen.

As a result, more and more Carbinks are attracted to Diancie, and the underground deposits can no longer satisfy Carbink's survival.

Carbink does not live by eating mineral deposits. On the contrary, the existence of Carbink will breed more mineral deposits.

But no matter how it grows, the growth speed of the mineral deposits is not as fast as the expansion speed of the ethnic group, so that this territory belonging to Diancie is already bloated.

"April 20" In the past, the secret place where this mine is located has been hidden by Diancie, but facing the crisis of the survival of the ethnic group, Diancie has no choice but to let this secret place appear in Waisi.

"Just in this way, we are exposed to the eyes of human beings, which is likely to bring disaster to the ethnic group."

"Just like this time, some humans saw the clansmen, and even followed them into this underground pit."

"Minister Zhuan, do you think it's really right for me to do this?"

Diancie was worried, and asked a Carbink next to him.

The diamond color of that Carbink looks darker than other Carbinks. This is a Carbink that has lived for a long time. It can be said that it belongs to all the Carbinks here.

At the same time, it is also the adviser of the diamond princess Diancie.

Most of the Carbinks, their characters are as innocent as children, and only a few Carbinks who live long enough will produce human-like thinking and wisdom.

"Your Majesty, compared to other clansmen, I think you should be more worried about yourself.

"Your strength is not strong enough to ignore human beings, and human beings will definitely care about you more."

Minister Drill said slowly, as a Carbink that has lived for an unknown period of time, although it does not have much strength, it is also well-informed and understands human minds.

Minister Zhan's admonition did not make Diancie care. Compared with himself, it still cares more about the tribe.

"My existence will attract too many clansmen to gather together, which is not a good phenomenon."

Diancie said with a troubled look.

"Your Majesty, this just shows that the clansmen love you sincerely, and everyone loves you, so you shouldn't blame yourself for this matter."

"Well, that's what humans say, anyway, I don't really understand human thoughts."

The minister's speech seems to be very philosophical and wise, but in fact these words are just what it heard from human beings.

As a Pokémon, how can you understand human thinking and thoughts, but Pokémon is a Pokémon after all, not a human being.

Even Mewtwo can't do this, and Mewtwo always fights with him every day.

Diancie was worried about the survival of the group, and the minister was at a loss, trying to comfort his queen but didn't know what to say.

At this moment, several Carbinks stumbled in and shouted eagerly:


Hearing Carbink's words, both Diancie and Minister Zhuan were taken aback, and Diancie exclaimed even more: "You mean the clansmen were captured by humans?"

The escaped Carbink nodded quickly, and several Carbinks fiddled with their little hands, turning in circles:


They are describing how terrifying and terrifying the person who came was. Even if everyone is covered with a 'net' by that person, they will all be caught and unable to escape.

Diancie didn't take Carbink's words seriously. To Carbink, most Pokémon are terrible.

It's not that Carbink's strength is weak, but their personality makes them rarely fight, and they are even captured by Sableye and Gabite.

The powerful enemy in Carbink's mouth is not necessarily really powerful.

Diancie was furious at this time, it is also a Legendary Pokémon after all.

Although in Legendary Pokémon, its combat power is not high-end, but Legendary Pokémon is Legendary Pokémon, far stronger than Normal Pokémon.

Except for a very small number of Trainers who are called masters, there is no Trainer that is its Rival.

Seeing that humans dare to catch their own people, whether it is intolerable or unbearable, Diancie immediately said to those Carbinks:

...Take me there, let's save the people!"

Those Carbinks hurriedly led the way cheerfully. In their view, Her Majesty the Queen is the most powerful. As long as Her Majesty takes action, those two humans are definitely not Rivals, and the clansmen will definitely be rescued.

Seeing that Her Majesty the Queen followed the Carbinks and left the underground pit, the Minister Zhan hurriedly followed.

In another pothole, Poppy was leaning against Luo Yuan's body bored. She looked at a group of trembling Carbinks trapped by Millerton's 'Parabolic Charge', and couldn't help but say:

"...Why haven't you seen Diancie come over? Could it be that those Carbinks actually ran away?"

Luo Yuan also hesitated at this time.

After all, the thinking of Pokémon is different from that of human beings. Maybe the few Carbinks that I let go on purpose did not report the news at all, but ran away because of fear?

However, Luo Yuan couldn't say that his calculations were wrong, he just said calmly, with a sure-fire attitude:... Believe me, Diancie will be there soon. "

"Pokémon is different from humans in many ways of thinking, and the perception of time is also different. The lifespan of these Carbink is far longer than that of normal Pokémon."

"So it may seem like a long wait to us, but to Diancie and Carbink, this time is actually nothing."

Millerton watched Luo Yuan talking nonsense, and let out a sleepy breath.

Fart humans have a different concept of time from Pokémon, even those ultra-ancient Pokémon who have lived for more than 100 million years, they spend it by sleeping.

Master, just fool people!

Millerton also hoped that Diancie would come over quickly, solve it by himself, and then he could rest.

Wouldn't it be more comfortable to go back home and eat the meals carefully prepared by the master than to sleep in the open air here?

Just as Millerton was thinking this way, the future dragon's expression suddenly froze, and his ferocious dragon eyes looked in one direction.

In the corridor of the pit, Carbinks are coming here one after another, and in the middle of the group of Carbinks is a big pink diamond!

Luo Yuan and Yu Meiren also noticed the situation here, and they both looked at the group of Pokémon guarded by Carbink at the same time: 0

When seeing the big pink diamond, not to mention poppies, even Luo Yuan was almost blinded.

"This big diamond is not much more beautiful than the one on the crown of the British king when he ascended the throne."

"It's no wonder that Diancie came so slowly, it turned out that he was gone."

Luo Yuan sighed with emotion.

Diamond Princess is not stupid. Just in case, she called her own "Guards", which are actually the ten groups that are relatively capable of fighting in the Carbink group.

"It's Diancie, it's really Diancie!"

Poppy looked very excited, and she looked at Diancie's eyes, which seemed to be shining.

"Yeah, it's Diancie."

Luo Yuan rubbed his chin, thinking that such a big pink diamond would make him want to cheat home.

It is not used as combat power, but looking at such beautiful jewelry every day will make people feel happy.

In particular, Diancie is not only a big pink diamond, but also has the ability to make gemstones. Let’s not talk about diamonds. Those things are artificially coaxed, and the value is actually not high.

But those Ruby, Sapphire, or emeralds are rare items.

It is absolutely beneficial to get some of this thing as a gift for a girl.

Just like the Lan I saw in the Pokémon world before, the earrings she wears are all street stalls. Is it because Lan doesn’t want to buy real gemstone earrings? Of course not.

Women can't refuse jewelry, it's just that Lan has no money, plus she has a good nature and is unwilling to do illegal things, so she can only use the land to spread the goods.

And the gemstones made by Diancie are definitely rare goods, the best that even money can't buy.

At that time, I will get some gemstones myself, find a master to make all kinds of jewelry, and then I will give them to the girls one by one.

Luo Yuan has started fantasizing about her harem life!

Diancie, you are one of the keys to my harem, you have to come with me today, and even Arceus can't stop me!

For the harmony and stability of the harem, Luo Yuan immediately made up his mind to abduct Diancie.

Diancie didn't know that Luo Yuan was thinking about 1.5 so much at this time.

Seeing the many Carbinks trapped by the 'Electro Web', it looked shocked and yelled at Luo Yuan and Poppy:

...Humans, let go of my people quickly!"

I'm Diancie, not Suicune, not something you can catch with a net!

The Carbinks who were trapped together by the Electro Web were all chattering and shouting excitedly when they saw that their Majesty the Queen had arrived.

And the Carbink guards beside Diancie are also fighting against each other at this time. They rub against each other, polishing their own diamonds, ready to launch their strongest abilities

- High energy rays!

"Diancie, my friend was trapped in this underground pit by you. If I hadn't arrived here, she would probably die because she couldn't find a way out."

"I didn't intend to arrest your people, I came here to seek justice!"

Luo Yuan's face darkened, and the villain complained first.

Yu Meiren couldn't help but looked at Luo Yuan, dumbfounded.

This man is too doggy, an absolute dog man!

But Yu Meiren thought about this, but she was secretly happy in her heart, because he came to trouble Diancie for his own sake, and used such despicable means.

At this time, Poppy has completely turned into a love brain.

Once a woman is on top, it is irrational to speak of. .

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