The sudden sound surprised both Steven and Wallace. They stared at each other for a moment, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

There was someone next to him, how did this stranger come here? They didn't notice it at all!

The two turned their heads to look behind them, and saw not far behind them, a young man who looked younger than them was standing there.

The young man was wearing ordinary casual clothes and a baseball cap on his head. He was clean and fresh, and looked like an ordinary, vigorous young man in his early twenties.

The only thing that makes this young man look unusual is that he has a calmness that doesn't match his age, and he also has a temperament that seems to be superior.

Living in Yi Qi, raising Yi body, after becoming the Heavenly Power Star and holding the power, even if Luo Yuan is not very fond of it like the other Seven Stars.

However, with the power in hand and the self-confidence in his own strength, Luo Yuan naturally cultivated his temperament differently than ordinary people.

This is because Luo Yuan is too young after all. If he just stood there in the past few years, I am afraid that just relying on his aura will make people feel sincere pressure.

The appearance of Luo Yuan made Steven a little stunned. He actually didn't care about his appearance, whether it was his own or someone else's.

But Steven himself also knows that he is actually handsome and very attractive to Stephanie's wife. He and his good friend Wallace also have a large number of female fans in the Hoenn Region.

Even among the female fans, An 10 was given the title of CP, and some of them could write about the little emperor uncle of the two.

Although women are strong, they still look at their faces more, so we can know what Steven and Wallace look like.

In particular, although these two people are both handsome men, their styles are completely different.

Steven is the kind of reserved and elegant gentleman, while Wallace is the typical feminine and feminine style, which is the reason why many female fans will gather the two together in private

One is extravagant, one is very girly, one looks offensive, and the other looks shou, I'm sorry for their looks if they don't get together!

Regarding those female fans' private love, Yin Yu was helpless and noncommittal.

But seeing Luo Yuan now, Steven was amazed, this man is not inferior to me and Wallace!

Well, this idea just flashed in Steven's mind, mainly to criticize those female fans for writing and thinking, and he also had to read the small essays written by them.

Otherwise, if you criticize Solaceon, and you haven't even read the other party's sentence, what qualifications do you have to criticize? Steven will be speechless when the time comes.

Hey, it's just that he read too many blind-eyed articles, which made Steven feel that his psychology was a little twisted. Now when he looks at Wallace, he feels that he has a pretty face.

The messy thoughts in his mind flashed away, but with a gentle smile on Steven's face, he advised Luo Yuan:

...Mr. Trainer, although I don't know how you got here, but this place is really too dangerous, you should leave as soon as possible. "

There are countless Pokémon. Steven is an expert in ore research, but he is not an expert in Pokémon research.

Therefore, he only thought that Luo Yuan had some Pokémon, and those Pokémon happened to have some special abilities, which made him come here without anyone noticing.

But it was useless even if he came here, Steven still persuaded Luo Yuan to leave quickly.

The Pokémon world is not big or small, but it is just like the earth, and the masters of the major alliances are on the bright side.

Every strong person has a trace to follow, it is impossible for a master trainer to appear suddenly, that is simply unreasonable.

Therefore, the appearance of Cynthia's Trainer, who is above the champion level but not yet at the master level, was immediately discovered by the major alliances on the earth.

Because Cynthia has no past track at all, but has such strength, it is impossible.

Even Luo Yuan, who is known as the World's Mightiest, has almost no privacy at all about his life trajectory.

Steven thought about it carefully, but he didn't find any news about Luo Yuan in his memory.

It would be fine if Luo Yuan was an elderly person, and Steven could still use his ignorance of the previous generation or even the previous generation of Trainers as an excuse.

But looking at Luo Yuan's appearance, there is not much difference in age between him and him, he is a person of the same era.

And since he is who he is, it should just not be a famous and powerful Trainer.

Wallace also thought of the same point at this time, he supported his friend, and also persuaded: ......Yes, this Mr. Trainer.

"It's too dangerous here, and it won't be long before the forces of Groudon and Kyogre meet here."

"I'm afraid it will be an unimaginable natural disaster at that time, this gentleman might as well go back to accompany his family at this time.

Wallace deliberately emphasized the tone on Groudon and Kyogre, just to let Luo Yuan know the seriousness of the matter and retreat in spite of difficulties.

Luo Yuan cast a glance at the two of them, and said calmly: " family is not in this world, and I don't have family to accompany me."

After hearing Luo Yuan's words, both Steven and Wallace fell silent.

The two clenched their fists subconsciously, their expressions were ashamed and sad.

Regardless of whether Steven or Wallace, although the two seem to be incongruous in appearance and some actions, they are actually very responsible men.

It is precisely because of this that the two became friends.

Luo Yuan's words made them misunderstand, and they only thought that Luo Yuan's family members were killed in the war between Kyogre and Groudon.

It was the young trainer who saw through life and death and ran to this dangerous place.

As for the two champions with a strong sense of responsibility, they even blamed themselves for this incident.

If they are strong enough, if they find a way to solve the problem, then such a tragedy will not happen.

Luo Yuan glanced at the two with some doubts, suddenly the two wanted to have a divorce.

I'm telling the truth, my family is not in this world at all, they are on earth!

But since the two have misunderstood, let's misunderstand, and it will save trouble to explain.

Luo Yuan stood on this isolated island, and he looked in two directions. Although Kyogre and Groudon could not be seen here, even ordinary people could clearly perceive their power.

On the left is a surging ocean atmosphere, which seems to be about to set off thunder and storms at any time.

On the right hand side was the scorching sun, the sea water was evaporated and filled with mist.

Luo Yuan asked at this time: "...Has the leader of the Water Fleet and Fire Rock Fleet been captured? Has anyone gone to look for Rayquaza?"

Not long after Luo Yuan arrived in this world, what he saw was the ravages of Groudon and Kyogre, and Steven was using the Three Gods Pillar to stop those two gods desperately.

For what happened now, Luo Yuan didn't think there was any problem at all, because this was the plot of the original book.

According to the normal plot direction, Steven will die in this battle to block Kyogre and Groudon, but he also delayed enough time.

The time he procrastinated not only saved more people in the Hoenn Region, but also gave enough time for Norman, the Gym Leader of Petalburg City, and others to go to the Sky Pillar to find Rayquaza.

Afterwards, the plot is almost the same whether it is a game or a comic. Once Rayquaza arrives, Soaring in the sky, the earth and the ocean are three pillars, and the triangle has formed enough stability.

In addition, Kyogre and Groudon are not Rayquaza's Rival, and eventually the two Legendary Pokémon separate and go back to sleep again.

Just looking at the direction of the real world, it seems that everything is proceeding according to the original script "Luo Yuan doesn't know how this world became a world of wrong classes.

Steven and Wallace were not surprised that Luo Yuan knew about the Water Fleet and Fire Rock Fleet.

There is such a big natural disaster in Hoenn Region, someone has to take the blame, Kyogre and Groudon alone are not enough.

Why do these two ultra-ancient Legendary Pokémon wake up at this time, without warning, after sleeping all the time, there must be an explanation?

In order to find a scapegoat, the Alliance completely exposed the existence of the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Fleet to the public, and told all the people in the Hoenn Region that these two organizations are terrorist organizations and they caused the Hoenn crisis.

The only thing that surprised Steven and Wallace was that Luo Yuan knew about Rayquaza, and that the existence of Rayquaza could stop Kyogre and Groudon.

The two champions looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the Trainer in front of them seemed not simple.

Steven thought for a while, and decided to tell the truth: "...the leaders of the Water Fleet and the Fire Rock Fleet woke up Groudon and Kyogre, and the two disappeared.

"The Hoenn Alliance is also looking for their traces, but the biggest difficulty facing the Alliance now is how to stop the war between these two super ancient Legendary Pokémon and carry out public rescue work."

"Therefore the matter can only be delayed a little."

"As for Rayquaza..."

Steven opened his mouth and said bitterly: "...The unfortunate news is that the people who went to the Sky Pillar did not see Rayquaza.

"Even if we used the method of summoning Rayquaza in ancient legends, it still didn't respond."

"According to the legend itself, when Kyogre and Groudon wake up, Rayquaza should fulfill his priestly duties and resolve the dispute between the two."

"But now it seems that this may be just a legend after all. Rayquaza did not come as promised. It may also be that the awakening of Kyogre and Groudon is unusual this time. Rayquaza does not need to abide by the agreement."

When Luo Yuan heard Steven's words, he nodded slightly, knowing where there was a problem with the trend of the world.

Since Rayquaza did not come, the destruction of the Hoenn Region is almost a certainty.

After the Hoenn Region is finished, as long as the war between Groudon and Kyogre does not stop, the other Regions will also be finished.

Even if Kyogre and Groudon stopped the war in the end, or were stopped by other Legendary Pokémon, under the ravages of the gods of the earth and the sea, the world is almost completely over.

Judging from the results, it is indeed in line with the world where the Water Fleet and Fire Rock Fleet have completed their ambitions. .

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