Urban Pokemon: This Trainer Is Not Suitable

Chapter 55 Steven: Boss, Let's Stop Pretending!

After Groudon was directly knocked out by Latias' "Devastating Drake", Latias flew happily in the air.


Immediately, Latias turned the nose of the plane, looked fixed again, and rushed towards Kyogre in the opposite direction.

She knew that the life leap method used by Luo Yuan had greatly enhanced her strength, but it was also very stressful for Luo Yuan, a Trainer.

So she had to make a quick decision, and the sooner the battle was resolved, the easier it would be for Luo Yuan.

Kyogre itself is the same as Groudon, dismissing Latias, it only looks at its old enemy Groudon [it is lazy to take a look at other people and Pokémon.

But seeing his old enemy Groudon being beaten by that Latias, even Kyogre panicked.

The fathead fish, which was jumping between the sea surface and setting off a hundred-meter wave, sank directly and sank under the bottom of the sea, only revealing a huge shadow on the sea surface.

Unlike Groudon, it is a fat fish, no, it is Kyogre, although it is a water Pokémon, it can actually fly.

As a Legendary Pokémon, isn't flying a basic ability? What, you say Groudon can't fly? Oh, that's okay, that's - it's its own food!

Sinking below the surface of the sea, feeling the power of the sea washing over him, Kyogre's flustered heart calmed down a lot.

As the god of the sea, being at one with the sea gives Kyogre a sense of security.

Hey, as the god of the sea, Kyogre felt that he had to hide to feel at ease.

After sinking below the sea level, Kyogre's fierce eyes watched Latias flying above Soaring in the sky.

Groudon was knocked down by this little guy, which made Kyogre think, if he beat Latias himself, wouldn't it prove that I am stronger than Groudon?

Especially now that Groudon is still knocked out, I'll take a shit on Groudon's head when I finish this Latias!

Thinking of this, Kyogre looked excited. Just now Groudon underestimated the enemy, so he fell into this situation, but Kyogre will not underestimate the enemy!

The surface of the sea began to boil, but it was not the increase in temperature, but the sea was fluctuating under some mysterious energy.

The endless sea is trembling, all the energy gathered in one place, the power powerful enough to tear apart the earth and split the ocean is being awakened by Kyogre.

Groudon met Latias with ordinary skills, and was finally killed by Latias. It Kyogre will not underestimate the enemy, and will treat Latias as its own enemy.

So as soon as Kyogre came up, he used his exclusive skill "Orgin Pulse'!

The torrential rain poured down, the thunder exploded, and the anger of the sea was being gathered by the god of the sea.

When that anger was condensed into one point, a huge water column that could penetrate the sky exploded from Kyogre's back!

"Orgin Pulse!"

The pressure of the ocean was accumulated into this shattering wave of light. Under this blow, Kyogre is confident that any Pokémon will not dare to compete with it!

However, facing Kyogre, the God of the Sea's exclusive skills, Latias is not afraid, her dragon eyes are shining, and the power of the dragon suppresses everything.

The incomparable light was transformed into Psychic energy, completely enveloping Latias in it, becoming a giant sphere.

Facing the exclusive skills of Kyogre, the god of the ocean, Latias will not have any dodge, so he must be defeated from the front!

The power of the life transition is transmitted to Latias again, which makes Latias' life level surpass the Legendary Pokémon at this moment.

Although it is still not at the level of Arceus or Necrozma, it is not the level of Normal's Legendary Pokémon that can touch porcelain!

"Latias, let Kyogre's actions stop too!"

"Shattered Psyche!!"

Latias spread her wings and roared, and with her roar, the Psychic sphere that wrapped her fell suddenly.

As Psychic's sphere fell, it seemed that even the space was torn apart by it, and Kyogre's Orgin Pulse bombarded Shattered Psyche, and the power of the sea god was being consumed by it, visible to the naked eye.

At first, the draining power was slow, but as Latias poured out more power, the speed at which the Psychic sphere fell accelerated.

Orgin Pulse was completely devoured by the Z-movement of the head of the Psychic department. Kyogre under the ocean stared dumbfounded at the wave of destruction falling straight down.

In a panic, Kyogre wanted to lurk deeper into the ocean.

I can't do it on the surface of the sea, can I go deep in the sea?

But Kyogre's speed was too late after all, the falling sphere fell below the surface of the sea, and after being submerged for a tenth of a second, a huge Lucas rose up.


The water column-like mushroom cloud exploded thousands of meters in an instant, the ocean trembled, the dark clouds were torn apart, the thunder was wiped away, and the gentle sunlight shone into the sea at this moment.

The terrifying wind blows in all directions, directly blowing away the small islands, like the end of the world.

When everything was calm and the sea level returned, I saw a fat-headed fish lying on the sea surface with its belly turned upside down.

Although Kyogre did not underestimate the enemy like Groudon, he directly used his own exclusive skills.

However, the gap in strength was still insurmountable, and it was directly knocked out by Latias.


After killing Kyogre and Groudon, Latias let out a joyful cry, quickly canceled the mega evolution and life transition, and flew over to the small island where Luo Yuan was.

Seeing the flying Latias, Steven and Wallace swallowed subconsciously.

Steven stretched out his hand and squeezed hard to the side, Wallace immediately grinned.

"Does it hurt?"

Steven asked with blank eyes.

Wallace nodded: "...it hurts, why don't you pinch yourself?"

Steven said seriously: "...Because I'm afraid of pain."

Wallace's words made Steven understand that he was not dreaming, and everything he saw was real!

Family members, who would believe that a Latias defeated Kyogre and Groudon with just two moves!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, if someone said that to Steven, he would have laughed at him.

Wallace rubbed his inner thigh, he glanced at Steven, a little embarrassed, Steven's hand was moving to the side just now, and it was about to touch...

Oh no, no, no, I can’t think wildly.

0 looking for flowers......

Wallace hurriedly stopped his own thoughts. Like Steven, he had a complex expression, and looked at the Latias who flew back in shock and saw that Latias landed beside his Trainer.

The two Hoenn Region champions looked at each other, and the excitement and emotion in their eyes could be seen amidst the shock.

Although Latias is a Legendary Pokémon, it is not a very strong type in Legendary Pokémon.

But it was this Latias, who defeated Groudon and Kyogre effortlessly.

What does this mean? It means that the upper limit of Pokémon is not only that, under the powerful Breeder of Trainer, even the first-level god of Legendary Pokémon can be defeated by other Pokémon!

And that powerful Trainer is the mysterious Mr. T!

Both Steven and Wallace looked at Luo Yuan with burning eyes.

If it is Mr. L, he, he may really be able to save the Hoenn Region, he is the savior of the Hoenn Region!

Luo Yuan gently stroked Latias's soft feathers with his hands. To be honest, he is quite tired now. Whether it is mega evolution or the technique of life leap, that is the only way to drain the Trainer.

From Luo Yuan's point of view, in that short battle time, the exhaustion in it was no less than that of fighting Latias at night.

However, although the body is exhausted, the man wants to save face and must not expose it.

Luo Yuan's expression was calm, and he sighed: "... Groudon and Kyogre should have been awakened suddenly, not their original posture.

"If they appear here in the form of Primal Reversion, it will not be so easy to end the battle. At least they will have to fight Latias for a few rounds."

"As for the normal posture now, it's a bit too weak."

The life leap technique consumes Luo Yuan's vitality, and it is also a special ability that only Latias can use temporarily.

That's a 'hang' that exceeds the level cap, except for Arceus and Necrozma, no Pokémon can fight Latias with that Contest Condition.

Unless it's another Pokémon that also has similar abilities, such as Swinub and Delibird from Guliu.

But at that time, it was the trainer's ability to fight. It was not easy for Luo Yuan, a young man, to beat an elderly man in his sixties.

Steven and Wallace laughed a little fake.

Boss, don't pretend to be aggressive in this Vail apartment.

It is the Kyogre and Groudon who you say are not strong enough and lack strength. Our entire Hoenn Region was almost wiped out by them.

I tried my best to stop them from moving forward, you just give them two moves, don't hit them anymore, okay!

Luo Yuan ignored the numb Steven and Wallace, and continued:

.. Kyogre and Groudon will not be completely killed in this way, as Legendary Pokémon, they cannot die. "

"Although they have been knocked out now, it won't take long for them to wake up again."

"As long as they wake up, the imbalance between the sea and the land will keep them fighting forever.

"So, if we want to do it once and for all, we still need to find Rayquaza, so that Soaring in the sky, the land and the sea can complete the balance."

"You two champions, who will tell me where the Sky Pillar is?"

Luo Yuan's eyes fell on Steven and Wallace. .

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