
Long Yichen seemed to smile: "With so many bodyguards dead, why don't you plan to hold me accountable?" "

"Of course I have a way to put it in order."

Leonardo said proudly: "As long as you don't kill me." "

"It's a pity..."

Long Yichen said lightly: "You don't plan to hold me responsible for killing, but I plan to hold you accountable for killing!" "

"I didn't kill anyone!"

Leonardo lied without blinking.

Who knows, he was immediately pinched by a huge force that came out of thin air, and pulled him into the air!

That's Liu Guangyuan's ghost.


Professor Liu was killed by Leonardo, brutally abandoned to the crocodile pond, and divided by hundreds of saltwater crocodiles, and his inner depression can be imagined, and he can imagine that he wants to kill.


Leonardo was so red that he struggled like a chicken that was pinched by the neck, but after Liu Guangyuan turned into a powerful ghost, how powerful was it? Don't say any elite agents, even the Hulk may not be able to fight!

Liu Yuer was surprised, seeing Leonardo being carried into the air by the air, as if she had seen a ghost.

"This, what's going on?"


Long Yichen coughed and ordered Liu Guangyuan to leave Leonardo behind, not to appear in front of his daughter, and it was not good to introduce him.

Leonardo escaped death, terrified, and lay at Long Yichen's feet like a dead dog.

His pistol has long been smashed by Lu Zhenhua's kick!

Old scientists, just such a society, so domineering.

Lu Zhenhua even raised his eyebrows excitedly, and said to Long Yichen: "I have studied science all my life, and I have never believed in any ghosts and gods, but now that I am dead and killed, I can feel that I am a powerful ghost and kill happily!" Hahaha! I have been in the United States all my life, and I feel that I have always held back, and I have never raised my eyebrows so much! Dragon Forensics, thank you! "

Liu Guangyuan, who was on the side, was also full of emotion: "Strength, I finally feel the benefits of power!" When I killed those Blackwater company bodyguards and Leonardo's lackeys just now, I felt the surging power in my body! Extinguish! Slaughter! I love this power so much! Is this the power to control the life and death of others? "

Looking at the two old scientists who were intoxicated with power and killing, Long Yichen Waterfall sweated!


Thanks to the fact that you two were honest scientists before your deaths, humans and animals are harmless to the little white rabbit, and after turning into ghosts, you have transformed into such a society!

Killing people's bodyguards, chickens and dogs without staying, destroying people all over the door, the first time you did it666?

Looking at this Liu Guangyuan, who may be his old father-in-law, turned into a fierce ghost, muscle explosion, blue-faced fangs, excited shouting about the real fragrance of strength, the good social appearance of killing, Long Yichen sweated...

Forget it, when the revenge is over, hurry up and send this old man back to the prefecture. They also tasted the taste of strength, and they stayed in the world and did not leave, what should they do if they did wrong?

Can't afford to mess with it, science society!


Long Yichen stepped on Leonardo's chest and said lightly: "Now, you can say it, right?" Who is secretly instructing you to systematically kill Chinese scientists? Set off a counter-talk trend in the United States? "

Leonardo's eyes rolled around, it was clear that the elite backbone of the Skeleton Society, the deputy director of the FBI, did not want to tell the truth.

Long Yichen was not in a hurry, and said to Liu Yuer with a smile: "This person is your enemy, handed over to you?" "

Liu Yuer stared at Leonardo with a pair of beautiful eyes, barely stood up (her right leg was only injured, she could stand up), and walked towards Leonardo.

Leonardo felt for the first time that Liu Yuer's delicate Miss America was by no means a vase!

Once she is targeted, it is a terrible thing.

"I, I'm not, don't come here."

Leonardo exclaimed miserably.

Liu Yuer's hand flipped, and a dagger appeared in her hand!

Long Yichen thought that Liu Yuer had never killed anyone, and when she encountered this kind of thing, even if she killed the enemy in front of her, it was unlikely that she would blatantly attack.

Who knows, Long Yichen still underestimated this fierce girl!

Liu Yuer stabbed directly into Leonardo's abdomen with a knife!

Leonardo screamed, covering his abdomen, blood flowing.

Long Yichen sweated.


Don't forget, Liu Yuer is the daughter of old man Liu Guangyuan!

Old man Liu Guangyuan, that is after turning into a fierce ghost, he can run amok and directly destroy the social people who are full of people!

Liu Yuer has such fierce blood in her body, how can she not get her hands off?

After Long Yichen saw Liu Yuer stab the enemy, he was still unfinished, and he wanted to stab again, sweating!


What a social chick!

Long Yichen instead wanted to stop Liu Yuer: "Big sister, forget it." If you poke again, he will die! You don't want our trail to stop there, do you? "

Unexpectedly, I actually want to intercede for the villain?

Liu Yuer, really cruel and hot!

Liu Yuer originally wanted to stab two more times, but seeing that Leonardo really couldn't hold on, she didn't stop it: "If he doesn't say it, you will hand it over to me!" "


Long Yichen wiped his cold sweat, laughed dryly, and turned to Leonardo, who was in pain: "Did you see it?" She's happy to serve you." You still don't tell the truth? "

Maybe it was Liu Yuer, the ruthless vigor that just shot completely shattered Leonardo's illusions, maybe it was the Asura Field extinction incident full of dead bodies, which scared Leonardo's guts, under the gaze of social sister Liu Yuer, Leonardo's psychological defense collapsed and shouted: "I said!" I say them all! Don't do it again, please. "

"Say it quickly."

Long Yichen said lightly: "Who the hell instructed you to kill so many Chinese scientists?" "

"No one instructed."

Leonardo smiled bitterly and said, "I decided to kill it myself." "


Long Yichen was too lazy to talk nonsense, and directly turned his head and waved his hand: "Liu Yuer, go up!" "

Liu Yuer's eyes immediately lit up, and the society couldn't do it.

Leonardo suddenly broke into a cold sweat of fright and shouted: "I say, I say!" Actually... It is the collective meaning of the Skeleton Society! "

"What do you mean?"

Long Yichen said coldly, "What is the collective meaning of the Skeleton Society?" "


Leonardo knew that he couldn't hide, so he had to tell the truth: "The decision-making mechanism of the Skeleton Society is a collective voting decision-making. "

"As you may know, the Skeleton Society is the elite society of Yale University, an organization where white interests are paramount in the United States." _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collect,

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