Urban Romance

Chapter 188: A gunshot

[The text of Chapter 1]

189 Chapter 188 A Gunshot

What surprised Su Ke was that the policewoman who came in was not someone else. It turned out that she was the policewoman who wanted to take her back after chasing the perpetrator of the accident last time. She also received a task to eliminate her anger. , The name is Yang Peier.

"Second, third, come all!" The thin, tall robber with a gun, slowly backed away, standing behind Su Ke, the soil gun in his hand remained motionless, straight against Su Ke's temple.

The two associates had a lot of gains. The two big backpacks were full and filled with valuable gold and silver and jade articles. They slowly backed up, holding the axe in their hands. It seemed that there was no sense of fear at all. Hostage in hand.

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, Yang Peier kneeling on one knee, holding a gun, blinking without blinking, the steady movement was not like a woman at all.

At this time, the phone on one of the robbers rang, and spoke a few words next to the taller and taller person.

"Ha! Just a little girl you dare to run in! Drop the gun on the ground and throw it over me!" Slim tall chuckled and shouted at Yang Peier.

Due to Su Ke's location, the voice on the phone was clearly heard in the ear. A man told them that there was only a police car outside, and only this policewoman ran in alone, and it looks like there should be their eyeliner companions outside. .

Yang Peier now began to regret it. I never expected that the person inside would have a gun. According to the knowledge learned by the police academy, it can be determined that the person in his hand should be a pistol in the style of the ninety five, and there are so many hostages In the future, I can't ride a tiger now. Don't look calm in appearance, but my heart is already tense.

"Throw me the gun, or I'll kill him!"

Su Ke felt the strong tip of the muzzle on his temple, his body involuntarily tilted slightly, and the light of his eyes glanced to the side. Although he had been waiting for the opportunity, he found that it was getting slimmer and thinner.

Until this time, Yang Peier realized that Su Ke in front of him was familiar, but now he was not thinking about the timing of this, his breathing slowly increased, and the gun in his hand was slowly put on the ground. According to the robber's request, the action was very light.

Yang Peier's brain was running at the same speed, and she pushed gently, and the pistol on the ground slowly slid towards Su Ke's feet, but she just slid halfway and stopped abruptly.

"Damn, I've been playing bandit guns, now I also try the police gun! Second child, bring it to me!" The tall and tall man often played CS, and saw the standard pistol on the ground, his interest increased greatly.

"You must not move! Stand by!"

Yang Peier's pistol was picked up and handed over to the tall and tall hand, and his imitation soil gun was given to another accomplice. The situation is not good now. The robber has two guns, and he still has a hostage. But although Yang Peier was a police officer, she was too impulsive. Instead of being able to resolve the crisis, she sent herself to the door.

"Let's go!"

Changed the gun, but still faced his temple, Su Ke acted as a shield, pushing forward step by step, every step, my heart sank, there must be a vehicle to meet them, and himself As hostages, they will definitely be pulled into the car. After getting on the car, they should be in a state of death.

Su Keding is at the front, with a tall robber behind, holding Yang Peier's police gun in his hand, light and windy, confident, two accomplices behind him, each carrying a backpack full of jewelry Jewelry, the soil gun is now in the hands of one of them, but because Su Ke is hostage in front, it seems more relaxed. Although he holds the gun in his right hand, the muzzle is up and the shape is very prestigious.

Yang Peier was standing on the right side of the shop door, with helpless expression, his hands stretched out flat, watching the three men wrapped around Su Ke toward the door.

Su Ke felt like his legs were heavy with lead. The closer he got to the door, the more uneasy he felt. He had to get rid of them before going out, and his eyes turned to the side of Yang Peier. Obediently standing at the door, like a welcome lady.

Yang Peier clenched her teeth and stared closely at the three robbers that were getting closer, but it was amazing that her eyes were always aimed at the hand near her holding a soil gun. Man.

Adjusting his breathing, the body muscles became highly tense, and at the moment these people passed by themselves, Yang Peier suddenly moved.

It was just that the target of her shot was not the tall and thin man. Instead, she went straight to the robber holding the soil gun behind him, clasped his arms with both hands, and suddenly pulled back. The bandit stepped back involuntarily.

Su Ke suddenly felt that there was a movement behind him. At the same time, the tall man who was the leader looked backwards, and the muzzle that had been resting on Su Ke's temple again deviated from his position.

The muscles that were always on the lookout burst into powerful power and speed. Su Ke was short, first avoided the muzzle, then looked up with both hands, and also caught the man's arm.

The pistol is by far the most dangerous thing. Be sure to take it down. This is Sucker's first reaction.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Peier and Su Ke have already launched an attack, but after all, the other three people, at the moment Su Ke grabbed his thin and tall wrist, and wanted to grab the gun in one fell swoop, their companions finally followed. The axe in his hand was chopped at Sukh.

"Kill him!" The tall man was caught by Su Ke in his right hand, shouting, raising his knees, and leaning directly on Su Ke's waist, while the axe on the other side came with the sound of wind, and he arrived at Su Ke in a blink of an eye. shoulder.

In desperation, Su Ke suddenly rushed out to the right two meters, finally managed to avoid the axe, only to see Yang Peier struggling for the soil gun in the hands of the robbers.

Yang Peier clasped the man's wrist with one hand, and quickly grabbed the gun with the other hand, but things were far from going as smoothly as expected. I saw that the robber was attacked by Yang Peier unexpectedly, and his body took a half step back, tightening. Follow your right hand and go to **** your pistol.

Between the sparks of calcium carbide, from the start of Yang Pei'er to Su Ke's oblique two meters out of the muzzle, the whole change was in a few seconds. It was surprising. Su Ke had no idea that Yang Peier would make such a move, and suddenly there was light in his eyes. Seeing the tall man turned his muzzle at once, let off Su Ke, but aimed at Yang Peier, who was the most threatening.

"Be careful!" Su Ke screamed in anxiety, and her feet seemed to be fitted with springs, all of a sudden rushed to Yang Peier's side, stretched her hands over her shoulders, and both of them flew out obliquely. The soil gun that has been struggling to seize, also came out at this moment.

The soil gun also flew obliquely, and rushed to Su Ke's presence, as if it was a natural reaction. Su Ke grabbed it firmly with his right hand, and aimed at the tall and thin robber.

With a bang, the two pulled the trigger at the same time.

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