Urban Romance

Chapter 279: It's a pen! It's a pen!

[The text of Chapter 1]

Section 280 Chapter 279 is a pen! It's a pen!

A battle that started due to Han Mei's assault on Zheng Mo's Shuangfeng quickly opened. Zheng Mo stopped and hugged Han Mei. As he sat in the seat behind the car, he all lay down quickly: "Su Ke Come on, I've wiped out Han Mei, let's play car shock! "

There is a way that is close to Zhu Zhe, but close to Mo Zhe, even Zheng Mo said that the two words of car shock are very natural. There is indeed the credit of Han Mei in it. I do n’t know how this woman is in the dormitory. Open-minded and daring.

Zheng Mo hugged Han Mei's small waist, freed one hand, and slammed Han Mei's upright ass. Fortunately, these two girls are wearing trousers today, otherwise it is an inevitable trend.

Su Ke sat in the driver's seat, turned his head, and saw Zheng Mo's palms rise and fall. Suddenly, Dazhu and Beads fell on the jade plate. Fortunately, the car had been parked on the side of the road. The tragic ending of the three lives.

The two were gazing at each other and getting on their hands. Rao was Zheng Mo calling on Su Ke for help and applying for two dozens, but Su Ke couldn't really think he could pass by! Resisting the urge to bleed nosebleeds, but saw the two girls' t-shirts continually rushing upwards.

The slender waistline, wrapped in silver, is gripped by Yingying. When twisted, it looks like a spirit snake swinging its tail, and it looks like a breeze blowing a willow. At first glance, it makes people feel troubled by their claws. To reach out and touch.

Suddenly, Su Ke saw Zheng Mo's waist and limbs curl up, exposing the rubber band of black panties. The black temptation and the white skin matched each other. The black and white were clear. The heart jumped up indiscriminately, grunting, and swallowed hard Drooling, involuntarily in my mind, I just thought that I was in the dark room.

At that time, the moon was dark and the fingers were out of reach. In a small space, the only sign of the safe passage was slowly exuding a faint light. However, in Su Ke's mind, Zheng Mo ’s body was like It is smeared with a layer of phosphor, and it has bumps.

The graceful curve is convex upwards and downwards, especially when Zheng Mo was hugging himself at the time, his two hands slipped down unconsciously, and his palms clasped two delicate small bowls, which were whiter and smoother than sheep fat jade. The porcelain should also be delicate and soft. Starting with cotton and soft, it is like a wave of waves, and it is even more surprising to Su Ke that there is no trace of cover from the waist to the double hips.

Tongtong's heartbeat is getting fiercer, but the battle between the two girls in front of it is changing rapidly. Just now Zheng Mo has the advantage on the field, using an old tree packing, followed by Han Mei's sudden outbreak. Moved, and ran to Zheng Mo's body, riding Zheng Mo's thigh on both legs, grabbing her wrist with both hands.

Han Mei fiercely turned around and gave Su Ke a wake-up call: "Su Ke, you are not ready yet! Aren't you saying you want to play ** Peak? Hurry up!" While talking, Zheng Mo's fierce undulating **** made Winking, two **** of soft flesh like bamboo shoots flickered up and down.

"Eh! It's not **, I said it wrong, it's a pen ---!" Su Ke suddenly blushed, as if thinking of something, but before he finished speaking, he saw these two girls suddenly Falling from the seat.

"What are you talking about?" Han Mei first straightened and stared at Su Ke, who looked bad and roared.

"Eh!" Su Ke was startled, watching Zheng Mo also sat up, and then he said, "I mean I said something wrong, not ** peak, but pen ---!"

"Stop!" This time Su Ke was interrupted directly by Han Mei. This girl opened her eyes and turned her head towards Zheng Mo: "Xiao Mo, Xiao Mo, look at the man you are looking for My friend, why is it getting more and more degrading? At first it looked quite honest. Now not only is Ruffong with a mouth shut, even the word is spoken! "

Su Ke was really stunned, and he was saying something that was outrageous. How could he be said to be so nasty? At first glance, Zheng Mo was also a little confused, and then he smirked with a black line. "I said, sister, what did I do? As you are so excited!"

"You're doing something! You're doing something!" Sure enough, Han Mei's anger was unresolved, with a sad look on her face: "You said what you said, what was your last word just now? Too bad! "

"I didn't say anything!" Su Ke muttered, thinking of his own words. "The last word I said was a pen!"

"Xiao Mo, Xiao Mo, look at him and say! Shameless! Disgusting! Hey!" Han Mei said as she spit.

"Su Ke is talking about pens, pens--" Zheng Mo mumbled, his mouth muttered, and suddenly his eyes brightened, his cheeks suddenly turned red, and his voice was lowered: "Did you say that character?" Zhao Han Mei drew a "B" in the air with her fingers.

"I'm going!" Su Ke stared at Zheng Mo's finger and watched the direction of the finger. When he reacted, a black blood clogged in his throat, and he almost sprayed out.

"Yeah! Xiaomo, you can see that Su Ke is pure outside. I didn't expect that there was a dirty embryo in my bones. You have to be careful and draw a line with him earlier!" Han Mei said to Zheng Mo while glancing at Su Ke. A glance.

"Sister! Can you say something to me?" Su Ke saw that Zheng Mo's eyes had changed a little. She even wanted to cry without tears. She pulled the corners of her mouth and revealed a bitter smile, but it was more ugly than crying.

Looking at the opportunity of his own defense, how could Su Ke still struggle and explain quickly: "First of all, I have to say hard to the imagination and ability of divergent thinking of Comrade Han Mei! Your thoughts have gone beyond Beyond national boundaries, beyond the constraints of the galaxy! Reached the highest state without a lower limit! "

"Oh! There is fart!" Han Mei didn't really have any opinions about Su Ke, but it meant a lot of fun, but it was also surprising that Su Ke became so open all of a sudden.

"Well! It's hard to say a word! First of all, ask you, do you know the ** peak?" Su Ke's face was full, fighting for his injustice.

"What do I don't know?" Han Mei said, straightening her breasts, without losing the name of lust, and even the nerves were too big to make people look straight: "Isn't that what you said!"

"Slap!" Su Ke patted his head: "I knew it when I guessed, neither of you knew!"

At this time, Su Ke had realized that these two girls were not locals. Even if they had come to Weihai Teachers College, they had not had a short time, but they still knew a few local sayings.

"** The peak is the nickname of a mountain on our side, do you know that nickname? It's called in private! Its real name is Bijia Mountain. Listen clearly, it's Bijia Mountain, it's a pen! Pen pencil ball-point pen ! "

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